How to Get Stremio on Firestick - Easy Method

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hey how's it going today I'll show you an easy way how you can install streamio application to your forti or Android TV so first of all you have to get an app code and loader you can get it for free from the official Amazon app store or a Google Play Store depending on what device you are using to do so we'll go to search on your device and here in the search bar we just need to start typing the loader and usually there's even no need to enter the whole name of the app because as you can see the load has already popped out for us at the bottom so we click on down loader and that's the app which we need to get to your device however after get the loader it's not over yet we still have to set it up and to set up the loader we got to go to settings so let's go here click on that button with the gear icon then scroll down until you see my Fire TV let's click on that button and there we'll have to enable developer options on your device however on some fire sticks and especially on the new ones the developer options might be hidden by default so if that's the case don't worry it's really easy to make them appear just go to about select fire stick and now you have to click on the middle button on your remote for seven times and do it fast so let's do it as you can see now the bottom for me says No need you are already developer that's in my case in your case it's going to say that you have become a developer now and if you go back a bit you will finally see developer options which have appeared right here so open them make sure to enable ADB debugging then go to install unknown apps and here turn that option on for downloader so what it does is going to allow us to install other applications from the internet and not necessarily only from official Amazon app store and that's exactly what we're going to do right now so now let's go to the list of apps on your device here it is let's click on it and open the list and here we have down loader which is set up and ready to use however before actually using the down loader there's one more thing which I really recommend doing it's of course connecting to a VPN in my case I mostly use npn because they're super fast they got a great application for fire sticks or Android TVs and pretty much any other device that you may have on hand be a laptop a tablet your PC Mobile phone they have an application for each of your devices which is great and they are not expensive for such a premium service in fact they cost less than a cup of coffee per month which is amazing for us in the VPN app you just need to connect to any location and from the moment you connect all your traffic is going to be totally encrypted it means nobody can track you or Snoop on you online and that's extremely important if you wish to stay out of trouble and if you don't have a VPN yet but you'd like to try it out I do have a great offer for you if you use my link which will be in the pin comment below the video you'll get four months of npn totally for free which is an amazing offer so go get those four months for free and then use the loader safely then we can finally open the loader application and here on the left side menu make sure to click on home that's important after that click on that search bar and in the search bar we'll have to type a link which is going to be don't worry you'll see the link on your screen in a moment so here's the link once again it is make sure to enter the link exactly as you see on the screen and do not make any mistakes because if you make a mistake the link obviously is not going to work for you after that feel free to click on go and now in a couple of seconds we website is going to open yep here it is already here now just click on that sandwich button right here click on got it and then click on downloads then let's scow down a little bit and what we're looking for here is the Android TV versions it does not matter if you have a for stick Android TV chomecast the only thing you need is Android TV version because all those devices are based on Android TV and here we'll see different application versions in fact it totally depends on what device you are using when choosing which option to download since everyone is using a different device I cannot recommend you one or another option it's totally UPS your device so your case just try downloading any of the versions if it doesn't work then just unload the following one usually if the version does not fit your device it just won't install so for example you can start loading from the upper version and then just go down until you see the version which is suitable for your device so let's see how it works as you can see it is downloading right now you need to click on install and as you can see we did not get any error message and the app was installed it means the app version is suitable for our device in my case I was using a fire stick 4K Max the newest version so if you have the same device or just the fire stick 4K you can go with the same version as I did after that we have to click on done don't click on open yet because here we'll have an option to delete the installation file as we do not need it anymore so we click on delete and then delete once again and this way we erased the unnecessary installation file from our device because our fire stick does not have too much free space anyway now you can click on the home button on your remote so let's do it and let's go to the list of apps on our device here it is now you have to scroll down a little bit and there's the stream application which we just downloaded now I would recommend you to click on the options button on your remote that's the button with three horizontal lines click on it and then press on move to front this way stre application is always going to be at the very top of your app list and it's going to be really easy for you to access the app every time you need it then of course don't forget to keep your VPN connected to stay out of trouble and once again you can get four months of npn for free if you use my link in the pin comment below the video then let's safely open the stream application and from here there are a couple of options what you can do you can either scan the QR code with your mobile phone which is the easiest option probably or otherwise go to the link which you see on the screen in your application and log via this link it's totally up to you which option to choose they are both pretty easy this way you just log in into your account and mind your business from there and since streo is pretty versatile app and a live tv player there is quite a bunch of stuff that you can do we will not go into much detail here in the video because YouTube may not accept it but you can find exact instructions what to do next on the internet and then if at some point you decide to uninstall streamio it's pretty easy to do as well you just select the app then once again click on the options button on your remote click on uninstall click uninstall once again and then just press okay this way we are deleting skia from your fire stick
Channel: Streamann
Views: 820
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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