How to get rid of floating rocks in ARK Survival Ascended!

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[Applause] hey everybody run the gaming dad from the arc Trade Federation and today we're on Ark survival ascended and we're going to go over something that's been bothering me when I've been playing on my PC and I hope maybe it helps you guys out too so as I go along and I've been messing with setting after setting after setting in video trying to get things the way I want them trying to get them to work exactly as I see fit but one of the things that I could trying to reduce crashes the whole bit so I I turn off certain things I turn off motion blur the light Bloom the light shafts and the enhancement just to try to get the performance a little bit better but one of the things that's been happening and you can see it over off in the distance there we'll go over there and look at it is we got these goofy dang rocks that just kind of sit there and clear clearly not what the game's supposed to look like when we got floaty floaty rocks so how do we get rid of it without destabilizing the game and and keeping your FPS at a decent level so what you actually have to do is when you go into the settings and into the video settings you got to enable foliage and fluid interaction so when we turn that on and we hit save it's going to ask you to reload so that's what we're going to do we're going to reload and we'll go back in So once we do that the Rocks should be oh they're not so it's not enough to turn off turn on the foliage and fluid interaction what you actually have to do is go in here go into the settings into video and change these limits up to one so if you just go through and hit one enter go to down to that one change to one enter and hit enter and then hit save it doesn't ask you to reload at this time but it fixs your floating rocks so I found in in me playing when I have the foliage and the fluid interaction on that it does make me crash actually a little bit more so you have to be careful but it does fix the floating Rock problem which has been super annoying now obviously it makes getting into the water look a little different cuz it has that fluid interaction and when you have that off it obviously makes getting into the water and getting out of it look a little easier and a little better but it does take away kind of those floating rocks so unfortunately you just got to kind of mess with your settings a little bit to get it exactly where you want from a frames per second scenario you can do a lot of things turn off the particles and the decals and all that other stuff and change it and try to get to the best FPS that you want to play with but it did help me out a whole lot cuz those floating rocks were driving me absolutely insane so just wanted to throw a quick video out there something I hope will help you guys out to make the game aesthetically a little bit better for you so just wanted to say thanks for watching if you found the video helpful please give it a like and consider subscribing to the channel and we'll see you all on the next video
Channel: Ark Trade Federation
Views: 14,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark ascended, ark survival ascended, ark video settings, ark ascended video settings, ark ascended floating rocks, ark fluid interaction, ark foliage
Id: slaak2ixJNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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