How to Get Rid from Your Spotted Lanternflies? EXPLAINED!! #1

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waffle gardener it's a sunny day why are you wearing a rain jacket and have your umbrella it's a super disgusting reason stay tuned [Music] hey guys from the thoughtful gardener yep it's that time of year here in central pennsylvania spotted lanternfly season you can see several different instars or stages of the spotted lanternfly stuck to this tape what in the world well they're attracted to this tree right here and that's a walnut tree and that's really bad news for the state of pennsylvania you want to know why we're number one in hardwood exports this insect is going to cost us about 500 jobs and 50 million dollars this year and for pennsylvania it's a super difficult problem because we're a major fruit exporter as well as we are a grape vine grower and these guys love all of those so let's talk about several ways you can help get rid of these pests without hurting the rest of your garden i have on this hood for one reason only it's raining and i'm not talking about the water kind i'm talking about honeydew honeydew is a really nice term for insect urine oh that is so disgusting you're absolutely right it's completely disgusting and it's bad news for the plants that are underneath this walnut tree so what i have done is i have banded the tree with this sticky tape that comes from the store and you can see that it's already getting to work and getting these lanternflies stuck so if you have walnut trees and you're in pennsylvania you definitely want to ban them but we want to make sure that we cover it with this cover and that is going to keep all of our birds from getting accidentally stuck in the tape this is super sticky tape and the big call for wildlife centers this time of year is for birds stuck to the sticky tape so i am wrapping this tree with a product i have also seen it done with window screen tacked to the tree and that allows the insects to climb up because these guys climb and hop that they don't fly so you want to definitely get them stuck on the tape and then we'll remove the tape and throw these guys in the trash where they belong let me show you what this honeydew looks like it's so disgusting so you can see what the honeydew is doing to my oak tree that is beneath this walnut tree see that sticky looking substance yep that's honeydew that is the urine from these uh insects as they excrete the sap that they are sucking from this walnut tree and it is causing what is called black city mold you can see it here on the edges it looks like motor oil has been dripped on this oak tree it's totally disgusting so not only are they killing my walnut tree here and before you give up we can definitely do a few things to prevent them from even being here the first is we're going to remove their favorite plant which is the host tree called the tree of heaven tree of heaven is found in all 50 states yikes so if you are not an affected state and you've got tree of heaven you probably want to get rid of it i find tree of heaven seedlings in this yard all the time here's a tree of heaven seedling you can see these red stems here and it smells very distinctly of peanut butter if you see these pull them that's definitely what you want to do with tree of heaven the other thing that they're attracted to is of course walnut seedlings and i have cut down multiple walnut seedlings that my squirrels have planted these walnut seeds this is a black walnut the other thing you want to pull wild grapevine they love grapes so yep pull these out too and make sure that you're throwing them away or putting them in your compost pile that way they're concentrated in an area nymphs go through multiple stages and right now they are in stage three and four which means they're one stage away from being adults so what we're doing at this point is trying to catch as many ninths as possible and banding trees is a really good way to do that but there's a right way and there's a wrong way the wrong way is to just put the tape around your trees the problem with that is by just taping the tree you might catch things you didn't mean to especially wildlife our wildlife centers are overrun right now with trying to untangle birds that are sticking to the tape and so to prevent that you can see that i've got what's called a guard on the tree now typically these plastic guards are used to put around new trees so that our deer don't eat them but i'm repurposing them right now to put them over the tape so let me show you how i've attached them so here's the tree guard and there's a couple of ways you can attach the tree guard to your tree one is to use zip ties now zip ties are harder to get off so what i have done is tied that then with some twine another way that i'm using it on another tree that i actually like a little better is to use twist ties twist ties are easy to get on and off because this tape sadly has to be replaced very often so where i'm finding these right now is on my maple trees and on my walnut trees they're heavily infested on the walnut trees i actually have two bands of the sticky tape on the walnut tree but again both of them are covered with this now it is possible that the spotted lanternflies are gonna walk around the tape that is happening but we're catching hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them what i am seeing though are pictures of social media of tape covered in bird feathers or in birds themselves and they're very very difficult to remove from the tape once they are attached in many cases they will struggle and die and i don't think that's your intention here but sadly a lot of birds that climb trunks like woodpeckers might get entangled in the tape so here's a couple of things you can do to prevent that one cover your tape two by the tape that's a little bit less wide it seems that the birds can get off that tape a little easier than the wider bands so definitely use smaller bands but do multiple ones the other thing that i would say is that you can also try a window screen technique now i don't have any window screen that's not being occupied at the moment but i did take some of my shade cloth and i'll show you the technique so you can see how to do that so what i've got here is the shade cloth and some tacks now i used matte pens because that's what i had available and what you're going to do is pleat the shade cloth or the window screen and that will allow the lanternflies to climb up but then they're going to be trapped by the window screen and hopefully they'll get caught onto the tape it will tell you that i am changing the tape right now about every 36 to 48 hours the ones around my maple tree are completely full so it's really important if you can to make sure that you or somebody in your household is constantly going out now we take a trash can outside throw that tape away and tie that tape up that's what's going to be important for you to make sure that these guys don't accidentally make it off the tape and then on to their next phase of life this is really important these bugs are seriously devastating to our hardwood industry our grape industry and you will find them on everything we talked about earlier about how the honeydew is coming down out of our walnut trees you basically have to wear a raincoat it is disgusting how many are on there a friend came from visit from florida and she's like why are we getting rained on as the adults start to lay eggs they'll lay eggs on surfaces so make sure if you're in the quarantine zone that you check your car as well as any of your equipment for anything that looks like mud on it mud is that dirt dauber looking patch that they leave behind with about 50 eggs so any of those that you see make sure you scrape them into a ziploc bag ideally with alcohol and throw them away don't just scrape them on the ground because unfortunately they can still hatch so i hope this tip is helpful i hope that you will go out and get some supplies i bought an entire box of tape every roll they had because i have clients with them and i'm trying as hard as i can to help my clients prepare but there's a right way and there's a wrong way make sure that you're on the right side of this equation don't create new problems garden thoughtfully and take care [Music] you
Channel: Garden Thoughtfully
Views: 35,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: You have SPOTTED Lantern Flies? What to DO and NOT TO DO right NOW, Prevent the Lantern Flies 2023, Prevent the Lantern Fly 2023, Garden Lantern Flies Prevent, Spotted lantern flies with Heather andrews, how to prevent spotted lantern flies to your garden, great ways to prevent spotted lantern flies, spotted lantern flies 2023, Spotted lanternflies, spotted lanternfly, spotted lanternflies, lantern flies, get rid of lantern flies, tutorial getting rid lantern flies, getting rid
Id: ny4g-PabWl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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