How To get Rich in the Stock Market using the GVD 123 Strategy

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well howdy there guys and welcome in look at this this is one of those rare videos i do in which i'm gonna go super in depth on a subject with you guys and today i'm gonna teach you how to get rich using what i call the gvd one two three strategy okay i'm gonna go exactly into this i'm gonna show you exactly how i've implemented this strategy in the past it has worked out tremendously for me and since i went to this philosophy it has been a game changer i went to this philosophy more around 2018 and moving forward over the last few years i can just tell you it's taken my returns to whole different levels than they've ever been at i was implementing some of the strategy in the past and kind of like my first you know nine or ten years in the market but since i implemented this over the past few years game changing okay and uh let me just tell you okay let me explain something to you guys real quick here okay once you watch this video i'm going to give you a tremendous amount of value okay tremendous amount of value this is not the type of thing that's going to make you rich tomorrow and make you rich next next month okay if you want to get rich really quick i don't know maybe learn how to shoot a three-pointer or something like that and try to make it to the nba because it's not how this works but if this strategy is implemented well you can absolutely get rich over a 5 10 15 year span i mean it's life-changing people tend to way overestimate what they can accomplish in a matter of weeks in a matter of months and they tend to way underestimate what they can accomplish over a five ten year span okay for instance for instance okay if we go back 10 years ago today i was worth 5 000 total okay total 5 000 total if we go back 10 years ago okay versus you know i think all you guys pretty much know you know uh what i'm worth today it's just crazy like how much can change in a five to ten year span and if you focus on the strategy that i'm gonna teach you here today you're gonna you're gonna change your life for the better and you're gonna be able to ultimately you know achieve the dreams you want to in life which is you know why why are we doing this why are we watching this video why are we going to try to invest in stocks why are we going to try to build our wealth well it's to achieve your dreams whether it's a house you know you know a certain house you want to have a area you want to live in a state you want to live in a city you want to live in uh right you know a car you want to drive uh you know how when you want to retire what type of health care you want to have how much you want a vacation all those things okay all those things are dictated by if you can have financial success out there so uh like i said i'm gonna give away a ton of value in this video hope you guys really enjoy it and uh you know if you don't mind smash the thumbs up button that lets me know that you guys enjoy a super in-depth valuable video like this it also helps out the youtube channel in a massive way so i do appreciate you and also check out the description area i got a ton of resources linked for you guys down there in the description as well and like i said i think the last time i did one of these videos was i think um when i did like you know i'm probably showing you it here it's like when i did that video on like uh how to find the next million dollar stock and that was probably four or five weeks ago so it's been a while i brought a bottle of water because this is gonna be a very in-depth video we're not gonna do a lot of cuts sometimes these videos don't get the most views as like the news related videos but that's okay because i know a lot of you guys are gonna make a lot of money from the strategy okay so what we're looking at here and i'll go through all this i'll break it down i'm going to show you guys real life examples on how i've made this work and things like that is first gvd what does this stand for and how do we use this okay so the g stands for growth the v stands for value okay and the d stands for dividend okay and these are essentially the three type of stocks you can buy in the stock market okay and what i've learned is in order to be a truly great great investor okay not a good investor i'm talking about a great investor i'm talking about the one percent of investors okay in order to be in there you really have to implement all three of these strategies i found okay which is essentially you're looking for a growth stock you're looking for a value stock and you're looking for a dividend stock but you're looking for the best the best that you can possibly find in each of those categories like i said i'll go through you know full examples now growth stock what is a growth stock that's a stock that's you know ideally growing at least 10 revenues plus per year and they're expected to for years and years to go in the future okay and if you're thinking like how do i know if a company is growing 10 plus per year that's you got to really re you research these companies you got to you got to listen to conference calls okay this is all available on the investor relations page this is all about you putting in the work okay none of this information is like hidden behind a glass door or something you can't get to it this is all free information okay so let's say you wanted to look into some company okay and you wanted to find if this was a great growth stock in the future you can go right on you can type in their investor relations page okay so you know whatever company it is let's say you were looking into google okay google investor relations page right there you have the conference calls the 10k the 10q all the reports you could ever want to know so you can know this company inside and out i mean absolutely inside now and have such a high like in a matter of a day or two you can go from knowing very little about a company to having actually very high level knowledge like you know somebody that worked high up from that company would actually understand because everything's right there okay and so you're looking for a company that you understand on a high level and you believe that company will grow 10 percent plus per year for years to go in the future but really if we're really looking at a great growth stock we want 20 plus revenue growth for years and years ago in the future okay 10 plus is okay but we're really looking for that company that we believe is going to grow 20 plus per year year after year after year after year into the future like as far as i can see and as far as i can see when i when in my opinion when it comes to investing is about five years okay that's really as far as i can see 10 years out it's really hard to see what's going on 10 years from now because so much can change but five years you know once you've read all those reports list conference calls you know basically what looked at those investor presentations you should be able to get a good grasp on this business and look in the industry and be like i can see how this company is going to grow 20 plus top line meaning revenues for years to go in the future okay so that's really what i'm looking for in a growth stock that company that's 20 plus grower for years go in the future okay value okay value what is a value stock a value stock it's all about valuation okay when you think value stock and finding a value stock think i need to find a stock that has such a compelling valuation on the stock okay value stocks you have to be much more picky with price okay growth stocks it's a little different growth stocks you don't have to be as picky with the price okay because growth stocks just have so much upside potential that you know sometimes even if you pay a really high p or 4 p or price of sales sometimes it doesn't even matter just because that company's going to grow so tremendously over the next five ten years that it's all it's all okay in the end okay value stocks you need to be much more careful with what you're finding okay and when it comes to these type of stocks whether we're talking growth value dividend it is all about risk versus reward and what i'm always thinking of but my mindset's going is going you know two essentially when i'm implementing the strategy and i'll go into this i'll give you examples is i need to find stocks that if i hold this stock over the next five years it's almost impossible for me to see that stock not being higher in five years from now than it is today based upon my judgments and understanding that company if there's even a decent probability in my mind that i think i'm going to lose money in that stock over the next five years i'm talking even like a 15 probability then it does not fit into this strategy doesn't mean it's a stock i i can't own could be potentially still a stock i own but it can't be in this strategy i'm showing you guys here today okay that's really really big like like i have to be it like i have to be willing to almost bet my life okay in you know a like a figure of speech way on this stock not going down over the next five years because it's just so unrealistic to imagine this stock being lower in five years than it is today okay that's a really big thing and also especially if i'm thinking about you know growth stock but all three of these it has to be a stock that i am extremely confident i will double up my money or more than double up my money over the next five years and if it doesn't fit in that criteria it doesn't fit into the strategy okay it doesn't mean i can't own that stock but it doesn't fit into this particular strategy okay keep this in mind remember what i just told you okay very important a dividend stock this i mean you know a lot of you guys probably know dividend investing this is a stock that pays dividends every single quarter okay so you make that cash flow money and you can go ahead and invest that money into more stocks or that same stock okay now basically i'm looking for a stock in each of these categories to buy okay and if you're wondering where the one two three comes in this is what i call the big uh we'll call them the big guys okay we'll call them the big guys okay these are the big guy positions so when i build a portfolio out this is where the majority of my money is going to be okay between 50 and roughly all the way up to 70 percent of my portfolio is gonna be in these three stocks you might see me hold 10 stocks maybe even 15 stocks in a portfolio for instance in my private group i have what's called a public account okay and in this public account i hold 15 stocks in that account but still anywhere between you know 50 to 70 percent of the money in those stocks is held in these three categories essentially now i understand this might not be the right strategy if you're watching this and you're 63 years old and you want you're already retired or you want to retire or something like that because it might be a little too risky for you but i can tell you somebody like myself has been in the stock market for over a decade now is 30 years old this is a perfect strategy for me okay i absolutely love implementing this strategy and when i'm looking at one two three all i'm thinking is i've got to find one of these stocks has to be a massive growth company okay one of these stocks has to be a phenomenal valuation candidate and one of these stocks has to be a beautiful dividend stock okay and i need to implement all three of these okay now remember like i said if in order to be a great investor in the market you have to implement all three of these in my opinion you could be a good investor and just focus on growth stocks you could be a good investor and just focus on value stocks you could be a good investor and just focus on dividend stocks and collecting that dividend cash flow and plugging it back in but to be a truly great investor in 2020 and beyond in my opinion you've got to be able to implement all three of these strategies simultaneously okay dividend it's it's a little bit different okay dividends you're looking for a consistent business model you're looking for a company that's going to consistently pay dividends regardless of what's going on in the economy right we've seen how many how many companies have we seen cut their dividends during this whole roaning running situation i mean i feel like half you know maybe it's not accurate but i feel like half the companies have either partially cut or fully cut their dividends oh you know since ronnie rona took off right and meanwhile there's been that other let's say half of companies that are still keeping their dividends those are the prime time companies those are the beautiful companies to invest in if you're looking for a dividend stock okay remember value is all about evaluation if i'm looking for growth i'm looking for a 20 plus grower okay let me give you an example of basically three stocks that i did around this strategy when i started to build out the public account okay so the public account i got that up and rolling in my private stock group in in 2018 everybody can see every single move i'm making that account okay and what i wanted to do is i wanted to build that account essentially right around this strategy okay so what i did is i bought three stocks and i made these three stocks into my biggest positions okay and what these three stocks ended up being one was uh facebook okay i'm sure a lot of you guys know facebook company the second stock was sky works solutions okay and and all three of these stocks were all positions i started building in 2018 and continue to build into 2019 until they were really big positions and since then they've absolutely taken off okay and the third was tesla okay now what do all these stocks represent okay these are the three core stocks i really want to build that portfolio around because when i looked at these three stocks i said it's almost impossible for me and by the way i'll probably show you my gains here as i talk somewhere somewhere on the screen okay the way i looked at this is it's almost impossible for me to imagine investing in any of these three companies and losing money over the next five years i looked at all of them and where their valuations were at where their market caps were at versus you know what i expect their profits to be in five years from now and it just it looked like it's just it's just such a good deal i have to take advantage of all three of these and they all represent different things okay so if we start at the bottom tesla which one did this represent obviously in the portfolio this represented that growth stock that company is going to grow revenues 20 plus for years and years and years to go in the future right we've heard elon musk go on record he's talking about 50 revenue growth for like the next decade each and every year we'll see what happens but regardless whichever way you slice it okay tesla's gonna be a beast grower for years to go in the future okay so i looked at this talk and i looked at where the valuation was at which when i was buying in that i think the market cap might have been you know 400 billion or excuse me 40 billion that's probably 400 billion now i think it was like 40 billion 50 billion and probably you know show you the gains there and you know obviously it's been working out tremendous for us i think we're up 260 000 or some insane number in the public account on this particular stock okay so that represented that growth stock for me skyworks solutions what did this represent for me this represented the dividend stock okay this represented the dividend stock will kind of do one of these deals okay that represented the dividend stock so skyward solutions when i was buying in that stock the valuation was so low on it it actually had a valuation uh or excuse me a dividend yield where it was actually paying like a two percent plus dividend yield on the stock and the beautiful thing i found in skyworks solutions by the way skyward solutions make semiconductors um that go into a ton of different smartphones tablets a ton of different electronics devices what i found was a perfect scenario in skyward solutions is this a stock that paid me over two percent dividend yield when i was buying it okay but not just that this was a stock that had a super compelling valuation because when i was buying in and i think it was trading at a 12 to 15 forward p extremely low okay that's an extremely low but then i looked at the 5g opportunity this company had and how they're going to be in my opinion one of the most important semiconductor companies when it comes to 5g technology and so it kind of represented a growth stock a stock that's going to grow 10 plus revenues as soon as 5g started to take off and so when i looked at all this skyworks is just that perfect stock i mean absolutely perfect stock it obviously represents the dividend stock of the bunch but it honestly it also represented some value and it represents some amazing growth and in this company you'll see over the next several years as 5g starts to get rolled out you're going to see this company's revenues more than likely go up and up and up and you're going to see their bottom line net income continue to go up and so that's just a beautiful beautiful thing with skyward solutions okay and then obviously the last one facebook okay facebook uh they're amazingly enough facebook representative a value stock okay which is absolutely ridiculous okay facebook should not trade as a value stock coca-cola and pepsi and procter gamble and kimberly clark and toilet paper companies and paper towel companies they should trade as value stocks not facebook facebook i looked at this company and i said there's a company that when i was buying in it i think the forward p was under 20 okay under 20. okay and you guys could see the gains we've obviously gotten on this stock and the other stocks okay and i looked at this stock and i said the valuation is ridiculous on this company this is this is priced like it is a value stock and a 19 or 24p when all along this company is going to grow like pretty much a growth stock to go in the future and here we are several years later now and facebook just reported a quarter where they grew revenues 20 something percent and i expect this company to grow revenues at at least 10 plus as far out as i could see and so when i looked at this business model it's just like it's literally almost impossible almost impossible for me to imagine losing money in this stock over the next five years and the chances i make money at least a double up on my money over the next five years very very high and so for that account at that time you know i invested quite a bit of money those are like the three biggest positions and all they've done is continue to build into the biggest and the biggest and the biggest positions and here we are today i think our gains are like i want to say like 350 000 or some insane number okay in a matter of like what has it been two years two years uh a 350 000 gain on three stocks you know this is a strategy absolutely love okay but it but it's so key and we're going to a little more in depth on this in just a moment but it is so key to really think about that that risk versus reward okay that risk going in versus what is the reward potential for you out there okay because i if it's not a super attractive risk reward it doesn't belong in your top three like i said you can own other stocks you can ow i don't like i said i i own like 15 stocks on public count but at the end of the day i'm riding with these three these are going to be the three that really dictate where the rest of my portfolio goes but you might be wondering like why own even some of these other stocks okay why not just have uh all your money and let's say these three stocks only or something like that okay let me kind of explain that now because i think that's an important subject because it's like well if you got 50 to 70 why not just go to 100 on these three stocks and yeah and the gains have been amazing for you on these three stocks so why not have just gone all in these three stocks okay i'm going to explain that because i think that's you know really an important thing but what i find is is you know from people that get in the stock market they hold too many dang stocks okay just flat out you know we'll have some people join the the private group sometimes and you know they'll show me their portfolio i do you know portfolio reviews and give my opinion on their portfolios and things like that and um you know sometimes some of these portfolios i'm like you know somebody's like 26 years old and they own like 26 different stocks it's like what the heck is going on here man like how are you going to keep up with 26 different companies i can tell you for me if i own 15 stocks it's hard to keep up with all them and the news coming out and the quarterly reports and everything how the heck are you going to do it with you if you have 26 different stocks also how in the world are you going to believe as much in as stock number 24 as stock number three like it just doesn't make sense like that's just you know that's too diversified in the end okay by the way if you're interested in possibly joining my private group apply we take a very limited amount of people in the private group now each and every month uh but you can go ahead and apply down there if you're accepted you might actually be able to get on a phone call with somebody high up for my team that's actually the first link in the description down there okay so why own more than three stocks okay uh because obviously you saw the gains you saw the strategy works why own more than three okay so why i think it's important to own more than three stocks is one it always puts you in a position where you feel like you need to research more stocks okay you need to research more stocks if you only own three stocks and that's all you hold okay you're going to get lazy and then maybe not lazy and in regards to like keeping up with that company but you're going to get lazier in in regards to like looking for the next great stock if you hold 10 stocks you know 12 stocks 15 stocks let's say somewhere in there and by the way 15 stocks you should only hold that many stocks in my opinion if you're getting close to retirement age or if you're in a situation where you just have a really large account like it's a you know account approaching a million dollars or maybe more than a million dollars or something like that then then i can kind of give you a pass and if you know you got a lot of time to spend on investing obviously right but this always allows you to research because here's the thing okay although those gains are amazing on those three stocks okay none of those three stocks are the best gainers in the stock market over the last two years i can guarantee that there's some stocks that have absolutely destroyed those stocks and and i've done amazing on the stocks right and that's a beautiful thing about the stock market by the way there's so many different stocks that are doing so amazing at different times you know that's why stock market is beautiful but those aren't the best performing stocks over the last you know two years there's been some stocks that are up way more than those stocks okay and so i always think it's important to always be researching new companies to find that next stock that is a massive opportunity let me check time on this because the time i'll work timer usually shuts off at 30 minutes but it allows you to always research find the next stock and the next stock and the next opportunity in the market which is absolutely huge if like like i said if you only own three stocks you're going to get lazy in the end you're not going to look for that next beautiful stock also it allows you to start putting a little bits amounts of money in some of these other stocks okay so for instance let's say there's another stock out there okay and this other stock which is your position number let's say it's number nine okay it's your number nine stock you're putting a little bit of money in this you know a few thousand dollars here and there it's not a big position for you or anything and it it's stock number nine it's your ninth biggest position this might be a stock that ends up falling in price considerably okay maybe something goes wrong maybe uh you know wall street got too excited about it the valuation comes down massively well if you like the stock at you know let's say this stock was trading at uh let's say it was trading at twenty dollars and let's say it falls to you know fifteen dollars for for example okay so it fell it felt huge i don't know i put a minus sign not minus fifteen it just fell to fifteen the minus fifteen that would be that'd be rough man down to five dollar stock so it falls down to you know 15 a share this allows you to dollar cost average okay dca allows you to dollar cost average or just bring your cost basis down on the stock okay let's say you bought 100 shares at 20 a share what i like to do if i still love this company just as much if not more and i've got the valuation got a lot cheaper i'm going to say let me go buy another 100 shares oh heck maybe let me go and buy 200 shares okay because if i was willing to buy 100 at 20 and i like this business just as much but now the valuation just came down would that be uh 25 uh maybe i want to buy 200 shares now because it's just so dang attractive and so maybe this wasn't the type of position at first that you could really look at and say this is going to be a top three position for me because maybe the valuation wasn't right maybe your understanding of the business just wasn't there at that time maybe the business model needed to play out a little bit more there could be a lot of different factors at play okay but something prevented you from making that a huge position if the price comes down you can take advantage this happens to me all the time in the stock market okay so my biggest gainers ever guess what happened to them they went down i bought more okay i bought more and more whether it had been weeks after i bought the initial shares months or even years okay for instance we we talked about my three big dogs right which was facebook right and tesla and skyworks solutions okay guess what every single one of those stocks i was able to buy cheaper than when i initially started buying that stock that is beautiful okay every single one of those because it's very rare that you will buy into a stock and immediately it starts going up okay unless you're you know let's say you're buying stocks in march and april right right when the market had taken that huge massive you know let's let's call it what it was it was a crash right market falls 35 in a matter of 22 trading days or some insane number like that like it's never been done in stock market history like you know that was my second crash i've been through the first was i started in 2008 2009 that was obviously the financial crisis and then this situation i've been through a lot of like you know dips in the market and you know pullbacks and things like that and even corrections but that was only my second you know actual stock market crash i went through that was incredible like the amount of value that was lost in the market and stocks in general was it was incredible okay and if you bought any stocks prior to that more than likely guess what you got to buy those positions heavier and heavier at extremely steep discounts and those discounts are what allow you to get monstrous gains like way better than you ever thought okay i remember after i bought into the fb i think that you know there was more like cambridge analytica stuff going on and just a lot more negativity around facebook stock in general okay skyworks solutions after i had bought in that one there was a lot of negativity around the huawei situation remember huawei got banned in the united states and whatnot that hurt you know skyward solutions got 12 to 15 of their business from huawei very important customer there was all that negativity all it was was it allowed me to buy in for cheaper okay facebook same exact situation i looked at the i looked at what was going on and i was like you know it's it's a negative for facebook in the short term long term it's actually a very bullish thing because it's going to make the company a lot better and understand their their importance in the world and and you know just the company's gonna be run on a much better level than it was in the past by going through this kind of you know short-term negativity and with tesla my essa you know that was a stock that it had several dips after i had initially bought that stock because it was like oh they're going to go bankrupt and you know they can never be profitable and a lot of just a lot of negative things around tesla i got several dips you know massive dips in tesla stock after i bought in that stock it allowed me to buy in cheaper and cheaper and so this is why a lot of people um you know a lot of people are scared let's be honest okay when it comes to stock market investing what keeps people away is either they're scared or they just they don't want to work okay uh no work let's call it that way let's put it that way okay this is what honestly i think you know other than the knowledge which the knowledge is out there guys i mean i teach i i give away so much free value in my videos all the time on youtube on both my different channels i have an insane amount of value there's obviously my private group which is even another level up of knowledge out there there's so many like the knowledge is out there you just have to go like learn all this stuff right and put it put all the puzzle pieces together but at the end of the day most people i feel like don't get in because they're scared or they don't want to put in the work okay work that that's what you have to decide but scared there's no reason to be scared even if you build a position to a really big position the stock market right because why do i have to fear if facebook stock goes down it literally doesn't make any sense why would i have to fear if tesla stock goes down why what i was going to do is give me a better opportunity to buy more and more shares it doesn't make sense for me to walk around and scared and be like oh shoot if the stock goes down no because i'm always trying to keep some cash on the sideline i always keep 10 to 30 percent of my wealth and cash essentially so i always have money ready to go i always put myself in that financial position by the way for any of you guys that aren't in that financial possession put yourself in that financial position over the next several months in the next year focus on this okay get yourself to 10 to 30 cash so you always have money ready to deploy in the market because look at man there were a lot of people that would have loved to buy a lot of stocks in march and april but they weren't ready for that because they had no money around okay they had no money i mean if that's on that's not that's not a good situation okay if you have no money around and and you know there are all these crazy deals and you can't take advantage of it like like what good is it man that you know you just you just missed a big opportunity and it's not like just you have to wait for a crash scenario like that stocks go down all the time it's a beautiful thing like our bad earnings report comes out something wall street didn't like and analyst comes out and downgrades a stock by the way that used to be something that was tesla shocked used to be involved with all the time so much negativity from wall street and analysts would put down this note and next thing you know tesla stock would be down 10 in that next day and it's like really 10 down for tesla because some analysts just lowered their price target again it's like it was just ridiculous right all this stuff allows you is to dollar cost average to get your cost basis down uh to go ahead and get yourself in a scenario where your original cost basis was 20 and now it's 17. because i mean imagine this imagine you think this stock is going to 40 over time that's why you bought it right you think it's gonna double up in price over the next let's say five years and so you're like i can definitely see the stock doubling over the next five years based upon my research in this company i would much rather have a cost basis of 17 versus a cost base of 20 right i just got to get take advantage of a massive massive deal the gvd-123 strategy is something that just works so phenomenally for me and it can for you guys as well i mean like i said unless you're retired or something like that this might not be a right strategy for you or if you don't want to put in any of the work it might not be the right strategy for you but you know the growth value dividend as long as you know what to look for in growth stocks value stocks dividend stocks and you can build those big positions out like the gains you can get in these stocks is absolutely you know extreme like i said those three stocks that i've gotten the big gains on tesla oh tesla's probably one of the better gainers in the stock market but i can i would almost guarantee you it's not the number one over the last two or three years okay uh but facebook skywars those are those aren't the biggest gainers but they flat out made me a ton of money and what i always like to think about is this not member it's not just about the upside okay this is this is the last piece i'll leave you with here okay it's not just about that upside that's just not about that that 2x opportunity or that 3x plus opportunity okay it's about what are the chances that i'm gonna lose money on the stock over the next five years because the last thing you want to be in the last well not the last thing last thing you want to be in is a bankrupt company that goes to zero okay the second worst thing to be in in this talk is a situation where you invest your money for five years and you lose money on that that is that's in my opinion the worst thing you do because you just lost a massive amount of time all to not gain any money okay that's that's like the worst thing like that's what we call you know you might as well put your your money under a mattress or something like that because your dollars are losing money each and every day right inflation's happening the dollar becomes worth less and less and that's pretty much all currencies out there i just use a dollar because i obviously live in the united states of america but it's not just about that upside it's like what are the chances i lose money in the stock over the next five years like i said when it came to facebook tesla skyworks it was almost impossible for me to imagine losing money in those stocks for the next five years based upon the the massive growth tesla had ahead how far away you know how far ahead they were of any other automaker out there skyward solutions it was like this is a ridiculous value and this is going to be one of the most important companies in the world my opinion when it came to 5g technology based upon my understanding of the company and when they came to fb i'm like this is a joke ford p under 20 for a company that's going to grow revenue top line for you know 15 20 plus for years and years to go in the future i'm like give me a break you know that's just that's just absolutely ridiculous i'm like they're not gonna get broken up because if they get broken up then they're gonna have to start breaking up all these big tech dogs because then it's gonna be like well while you break up them and not them it's just it would be a mess they can't do that type of stuff in the end so this is the gbd one two three strategy i hope you guys really enjoyed this as always i hope you got a lot of value out of this there's a strategy that if you implement this over the next several years you should likely see a huge increase in your stock market portfolio in your wealth in general and this is absolutely a way that if you focus on this over a five 10 15 year span you can get quote unquote rich which by the way it's better to be wealthy than rich okay wealthy just feels better than rich in the end and the great thing is when as the numbers get bigger and bigger it like look at the compounding effect is just extreme like all of a sudden you start building like if you build a 50 you know a thousand dollar position and you get a 5x on that well that's awesome but imagine you had a quarter mil and you get a 5x on that imagine you have a million dollars in the market and you double up that money you're also not two mil right versus you got a hundred thousand in the market you double it you get to 200k right as the numbers start compounding getting bigger and bigger that's when you really start to see these huge differences and also you start having gains of five thousand dollars i still remember the first time i ever had a gain of ten thousand dollars plus on stock i think it was cabela's that was like an amazing feeling like i'm up over ten thousand dollars on this stock oh my gosh i still remember my first time i had a stock that i had over a hundred thousand dollar gain in okay tesla is the first time i've ever had over a quarter of a million dollar gain on the stock that's a new level for me okay and there will be days in the future when i have a million dollar gain on stock a two million dollar gain a 10 million dollar gain okay there's levels to keep climbing and just as you climb the levels it's more and more fun and you can you can you can you know obviously do whatever you want uh you want to as far as your dreams and those things go obviously my big goal at the end of the pie after i create massive amounts of wealth i hope to start a massive charity and give away the money and uh you know help out a lot of people that maybe aren't in that best position like uh someone like myself that grew up in the united states of america and had access to all the different resources out there and could learn from warren buffett on youtube and knew about the compounding effect of money and got a decent job and then started and built you know a youtube channel and things like that not everybody has that same opportunity so i love to be able to give back to the world massive amounts of money and hopefully change some different things and think on on a different level and maybe some charities have in the past and those sorts of things so i hope you guys enjoyed this video as always once again if you want to try to apply to get in my stock group check out first link down there in the description we only allow a very limited amount of people nowadays in there uh very limited amount every month so you know if you don't get in it's fine but you know if you apply you might be obviously able to get on a phone call with somebody high up for my team if you're interested in that first link down there in the description thank you for watching and have a great [Music] day [Music] you
Channel: Financial Education
Views: 103,367
Rating: 4.9389052 out of 5
Keywords: stock market, stocks, how to get rich, how to get rich from the stock market, stock, market, investing, investing for beginners, stock market for beginners, stocks for beginners, invest, financial education, financial education 2, get rich, millionaire
Id: xexqXNxQ5fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 39sec (2019 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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