How to Get Out Of Yellow Ranks - Tekken 8

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got out of yellow rank I've been hard stuck for a bit now yeah so am I in yellow ranks technically where am I are these brown people said Brown ranks what rank am I you guys like and my advice is uh depending it depends so it depends how serious you are at the game right like I'm assuming if you say hard stuck that you really really like you're trying pretty hard so you have to learn your punishment and your frames and if you play by punishment frames and defense that will get you pretty far so like most like yes I have Legacy experience so I'm a bit biased but most of my game play like I'm not kidding like all of my ranked gameplay uh has been playing plus frames and frame traps so like I'm on Victor right let me just set them to standing block I do running one plus two and I'm plus five and then my 1 plus two the counter hit launcher is 15 frames so I'll be able to beat everything unless they rage art right so I've just been doing that and people will mash and die and then you get your defense a little better get some string familiarity learn how to wake up properly learn the systems and once you learn all that it gets a bit easier you going to make a rain of vid I need to play her first I can't make a video if I haven't played her I'm doing running two running two and I'm not going to play the frame Advantage every time he mashed there so I'll try this time yeah there we go and that's all I'm doing I'm playing Just frames and then this time he chilled out so maybe next time I won't do it he's ducking again you don't have to attack every time because you don't want to get obvious frame trap this time yep what do I like about azua it's not that I don't like her I just get a little bored cuz she's kind of onedimensional he's mashing again bro he's sliding as long as I don't die to a combo starter or something I'm okay I don't know what his heat does he mashed again oops that was a shitty combo but a worked you you guys can see right like I'm not really doing a lot few Jab ABS down two I like down two down two is a good move oh so frame trap right here he didn't Mash so I'm not going to do the frame tap again like frame tap frame trap again next time I'm just going to chill although he's kind of just dying to the move he might whiff because he's tired of me doing this so he might try to swing oh he died that was crazy uh yeah so my plan was very simple there and it worked it's not always going to work like that but uh yeah okay let's try it again so right now he hasn't been able to deal with my plus frames into frame trap sometimes or my plus frames into not frame trap all the time so let's just keep doing this he blocked he mashed like he is uh just not able to handle this yet so I don't need to really play many other Mind Games I just need to chill and not die to him and just just run this when I can my combos are horrible as you can see doesn't seem to matter too much he might go into heat here I didn't have to go low there I could have been a bit more patient but what would you do against frame traps well yeah he can s side step this one but he also you see how there's so much downtime here he has to start doing his game plan that's a good question what would you do against this in this downtime he needs to seize control he's giving me too much control in a game where offense is really strong so like see how he's mixing me up here this is a bit like scary for me right I need to not die to this that's he's sliding he's going mid so like this is good I could have launched that but my punishment is not very good on this character so now he's chilling out a little too much cuz now I can just do this so I stopped acting and in this game oh jeez that was a horrible combo in this game you want to be the one driving ah oh now he's the a really good whiff punish I'm dead oh he messed up to continue your talk and playing your gameplay I feel I'm way too defensive in playing Tekken 7 yeah exactly a lot of people are playing this game like it's Tekken 7 and it's not what counter hit launcher is going to kill you well this one but your movement is better the counter hit launchers are worse you can attack the low Parry is worse you're welcome to attack and you should you got to make reads and it's funny because I'm his in my friend group I'm the one they make fun of for playing every game like Tekken 7 so I feel like like uh I understand the struggle but I'm just here I if I'm wrong it's okay block my low you know you don't have to be stupid like I was but you know just take some risks play the game there we go so like I hit red ranks but I haven't really changed my game plan like yes my defense is a bit more trained because I've played the game longer I've seen the characters longer so that's probably my main advantage I'm comfortable with my inputs so if you're just hitting yellow rank like you might get stuck but that's because there's so many skills you have to build up to get to a proficient level you got to get comfortable with your controller comfortable with your character comfortable moving around and then you got to be able to defend and you know not get killed by strings right away so for me I think learning your frames is a priority I think learning uh to not die on wake up as a priority that's what I've been seeing consistently across the people I've been working with recently learning this game it's easy to do things that kill you as soon as you stop doing that you get a lot farther and then playing the frames is again really powerful like this guy's whiffing for example and he's mashing so I have two things I can exploit already can I do a cool combo here oh my God I meant to block so he's still going in so I'll just chill out a bit I don't want to mash buttons necessarily oh I can't punch that all right and now I'm going to play my attack running two he died oh my God why did that happen I'm dead no the highest rank in Tekken s was Tekken God Omega I'm going to toe kick he healed whiff punish and then that's the next thing you can add when you have a good understanding of frames and block punishment Whi punishment is also huge is that not launch anymore oh that duck was fire oh I'm ass so I'm here I'm attacking cuz I don't want to give him the ability to Freestyle on me I'm picking l o I'm ass I'm picking lows that will go under his back one cuz I don't want to get launched and then I'm just frame trapping he grabbed me I have to guess that that's insane ow it used all his heat gauge though so that's fine frame trap see like I'm not playing a lot of Mind Games and not playing a lot of mixups I'm just playing the frames and staying solid I'm just going mid blocking he Mass so I know I need to play a little more chill middle I'm going to frame trap with the 15 frame thing and he mashed do it again like odds are the people you're fighting don't understand what's going on so if you can play solid uh if you can play solid you will develop your fundamentals and they will die into you now it's kind of dependent on you again developing the defense and it might get frustrating because you'll be you'll be losing to a lot of people that you feel like aren't putting in the effort that you're putting in but uh it's part of the process hope that's helpful let's finish this up so this we know this guy's mashing on my plus frames so why would I change what I'm doing I'm going to just stay in that pocket he didn't Mash this time he didn't Mash that time so maybe I just won't do the plus frames but I also won't like try to hit him too hard now frame tra him this time so he's just blocking and he's chilling so I'm chilling oh I messed up I was going to say hello so like he's obviously looking for this move now right so maybe I just won't give it to him right now I'll chill he whipped right like you do nothing for while if they're respecting your power move and they might just mess up like that he's conditioned you can go in for grabs or lows so that's I think a mistake here that you can make is trying to mind game him I'm not going to mind game him I want him to prove that I have to stop doing the safe option right like why would I stop doing what's working shitty ass combo like look I don't have to go low why would I go low and risk like him blocking it why would I mix up up and grab and like change my timing and have him counter hit me I'm just going to play he whiffed I didn't do anything and he messed up and this is not to throw shade at him this is just to show that if you can play solid and they make mistakes on their own then don't uh don't do anything just chill you don't have to kill him you have a 60 seconds in a game that's a lot of time my combos are horrible okay he armored me and now look what he's going to do the grab probably like the clinch oh he did the uppercut heat smash now he's out of heat he tried to do the M now I can play my game again he mashed like you see what I mean I don't have to go low I messed up the combo it's different play style I was used to aggressive Rush down yes so that's a different thing that's a different thing entirely however actually no it's about the same thing the ranked is the first to two I think in a in a first to two setting having been to many tournaments and M messed up so many times trying to change my plan in advance I feel pretty good about my statement that you can play solid and not have to change it if you're winning let me demonstrate what I'm talking about on Jin maybe cuz I'm I'm spamming this running move with whoa what the oh my mouse is on the screen I'm spamming this running move with Victor and like what would you do if you didn't have that move right how would you do this on another character and I can't pick oisa cuz she does the same thing running 32 so how would I do this if I were playing like um I mean I could play Steve I could play Steve you guys want to see Jin or Steve Steve cuz it's running two can be stepped easily okay so I play Tekken seven Steve so we're not sure how good this is going to be but we're going to try so when I think of Steve what do I think of as his strongest moves back one down forward two and uh one 21 right and then up back two is pretty good cuz he goes into stance so when I'm playing Steve I'm probably just going to do a lot of Jabs and one two ones maybe do some of this because I don't want to just sit there looking for the back one that can get a little obvious so I'm going to stay a little active and uh not force mixups too much that's probably what I'm going to do I'm going to honestly I'm going to play him like Tekken seven Steve and see where it doesn't work so Devil Jin right Devil Jin I want to jab a lot because he's got a hell sweep and I don't want to deal with that so I'm not jabbing to get damage necessarily but to stop him from just doing whatever he wants so I tried to back one out of frame there and I died okay and clearly he's not like playing in my jab he's looking for big hits so if he's doing this and not moving I can do running too so I'm mashing a lot and he's frame trapping me so I got to chill nice punish oh my God that was clean so my understanding so far nice block bro I got to play more down forward one because he's doing like medium speed moves so I'm not really at risk of dying but I don't want to eat the lows do a few lows in there just so he doesn't stand block all day and if he decides to start attacking I can back one but I don't need to back one because he's not requiring me to he's respecting it he's respecting the one which means I don't have to use it I guess I got lucky can you explain frame trap uh a frame trap is where you have so many plus frames that your next move is basically guaranteed if your opponent presses a button oh I M which means press pressing a button is generally risky in those situations so devil gen's not doing a lot so I'm going to play more running two to apply some pressure I don't need to hit him with it oh my God I don't need to hit him with it I don't need to use anything out of the frames I just want to see if it gets him to do something maybe it'll get him to whiff like that although I wasn't in position to punish it maybe it'll get him to run in at a good timing for me how does the clinch work work oh my God he keeps trying to kill me with sweeps yeah I guess I'll probably play more qcf one this move seems really good I'll just keep doing this and then I have like a mid threat that's more than just down forward one I mashed there a little scary to do oh he mashed too it's not a combo it worked though punch him in the ass punch him in the ass one two one heat smash yeah the devil gen seem pretty solid he was like he was playing a lot of like Tekken s style devil genin so like you could tell he had some experience but uh yeah I my adjustment I was playing pretty slow too but he was kind of getting more big hits on me right so I wanted to apply some pressure and make sure he can't just block all day and then I need to not eat the electric I blocked a few key hell sweeps he was trying to end the game with hell sweep so that's why I decided to duck he's not doing it like right now so oh my God it's kind of laggy nice I mashed your mouse is on the screen oh sorry oh my god do you see the roll back oh my God I can't see his movements that's insane oh I didn't mean to do that might be dead oh I had him I didn't believe nice okay I have a big life lead to make back nice nice round yep if he's wave dashing at me I have one two one ow oh I tried to down forward one plus two I got the wrong Sonic Fang input okay rocket launcher up back two oh he stepped it nice why I didn't mean to do that I wanted Sonic fang man oh my God we running two whiffs on Sonic Fang heat Dash so I have to hit him a bit more oh my God because he's just doing nothing but I don't want to kill him with the load I just want to get him to play the game again with me cuz right now he's just back dashing and doing like big moves oh I missed okay oops oh boy oh I'm dead got him no what is it again peekabooo down two you think best of three ranked makes this game harder to learn yeah but it keeps the rank like Q alive the rank q and Tekken 7 would die because people would just Deathmatch ow that's fine he doesn't get a lot of oh he does oh ow I didn't know he gets that this guy is very aware of Steve which is kind of cool it's kind of cool to fight nice step bro oh my God uhoh a little greedy oh that didn't work no I did the wrong thing I would have killed him that was cool so we got it so does every character have plus frames on block like Rob rning 2 for Victor no but every character has key moves that you can use and like not necessarily A abuse but kind of like lean into so for Steve I'm leaning into the strength of back one and once he starts playing around the back one that's when I can do running two that's when I do lows but I don't obsess over hitting the running two or the lows I keep in mind that my back one is my best move and then running two is used to supplement that right running two is used to get them to run into my next back one and it didn't pay off against that guy until the very very end so it's cool stuff hopefully that video made sense something I heard a lot when I pitched this method was oh what if I'm it looks like I'm just knowledge checking them like I'm just gimmick them I'm just abusing my character and news flash that's how you play fighting games you're supposed to use what's strong and overpowered about your character and use that to make your opponent adjust and then counter their adjustment so when you're using this method to climb ranks it's not just a gimmick frame traps are a core fundamental of the game that will never go away they'll Teach You How Your kit interacts with other characters kits and it will teach you how to start making adjustments if they stop dying to those frame traps what makes it beneficial at these ranks is as you saw in the video I was able to climb really far against multiple opponents by just doing the same frame trap I sometimes wouldn't do it I sometimes would do it there was no need for Mix-Ups there was no need for Mind Games it was just playing the system of the game solidly on the defensive side of things you need to take every action you can to not die I know that sounds really really really obvious okay but I'm talking about don't hit buttons in between people's strings like like if you if you see them do two punches and then a kick resist the urge to hit a button between those kicks okay remember your goal is to just hit your frame trap so that means you don't have to mash anything in between you don't have to counter hit them you just block all of their attacks reset to neutral and then do your frame trap again additionally you'll have to get up off the ground without mashing or ducking into mids my beginner guide has a quick uh rundown on how to get up off the ground so be sure to check that out as well so run your frame trap on defense don't die and eventually I I promise as you saw in the video it will work you got to get familiar with the attacks coming at you so you don't die but once you develop that familiarity and just run this solid game plan people will fall apart to it they haven't done the they haven't done the work to understand the Frame data and because of that you will Thrive you won't win every game but over the course of multiple multiple games and you continuing to learn you'll get there if you have any questions or if you enjoy the video please leave a comment and let me know leaving a like is also great helps me out a ton And subscribe if you want to see some more I'll catch you in the next one peace [Music] BX BX [Music] bxx
Channel: PhiDX
Views: 93,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekken 7, tekken, bandai namco, tutorial, guide, entertainment, stream, commentary, arcade, controller, help, news, update, explained, ranked, online, backdash, korean, kbd, sanwa, knee, lever, fightstick, tournament, training, practice, season, twt, world, tour, mainmanswe, tier, list, tierlist, pad, playstation, jdcr, king jae, anakin, themainmanswe, combo, mishima, history, classic, ewgf, player, dlc, bandai, namco, harada, murray, battle, character, boss, unlock, throw, break, rage, art, bandai namco entertainment, tekken world tour, fgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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