How To Get More Video (Videography) Clients In 2020 - 5 Life Hacks For Videographers

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hi guys Ross here and I'm gonna show you the five things you need to be doing to get more clients despite the current situation now quick introduction because some of you will be thinking who's this guy on my screen what does he know so I'm Russ watch and I own a video production business we regularly turnover six figures I employ a team of people internal and external I own a studio and just within a couple of years I went from working at a desk in my parents bedroom to having everything I've just mentioned but what's more relevant is that in the last two weeks we've been able to sign over fifteen thousand dollars worth of new projects and that's using the exact methods that I'm going to show you today despite everything that's happening in the world so that you know that it works now you're probably thinking but anyone can just say a figure out of the sky it doesn't mean anything okay so here's a couple of invoices that we've raised in the last two weeks so you look things are changing rapidly you know we've gone from living our normal lives to being completely turned upside down and what's happening at the moment is killing the industry so how have we managed to do so well out of it how in the last two weeks have we managed to have so much success and it's as a complete result of following this simple structure but why would you want to help us yeah good question well really it doesn't make any difference to me our clients are loyal and they will continue to use us so it doesn't really matter if you use these same processes to get business in your area and also for the sake of the industry you know like you've got to be pretty cold-hearted to see the amount of people who are struggling on all of these groups and then have a winning formula and still not want to help people so it makes no sense so that's exactly why I'm leaving this video and I hope that a lot of you can find these tips useful so let's get right into it so tip number one is going to drastically increase your response rate and instead of just reaching out to loads and loads of businesses we're just going to focus on your local businesses because they're the ones that we've seen the best response with and the ones that are most keen to have the videos because you can actually deliver so much more value to those smaller businesses so what you want to do is you want to head over to Google and just quite simply either search your niche the thing that you specialize in so that it could be cars or products or anything like that or if you're doing something quite broad you might think about businesses that just local in your in your town or your local area that you could help support don't forget everyone can benefit from video I'm going to talk to you a bit more about this in the further tips that I'm going to give you as well so first of all let's just say for us we're just going to look at local let's go to a garden center because garden centers are just starting to open again so and I'll talk to you about kind of video types in a second so we're gonna go to local garden centers and then we're just going to go straight into Maps and we're gonna see what's around here obviously we are in Bedford okay so we have loads and loads of options so there's so many businesses that we can already help support and we can send out an email to all of these people and you can just click on them and you've got your details and you've got the contact there so local businesses will really increase your response rate and there's a really simple method you can all do that but another method which is really good for anyone looking at products so let's say I'm gonna do this off the top of my head so let's say we want headphones let's let's say wireless headphones don't know you might be really keen about wireless headphones and you want to do so do some work for a business so what you do is you are now gonna go to page five or later of Google pages one to four enormous stacked with bigger businesses and they normally are a lot hard as a pitch to it doesn't mean that you can't that they're just often swept up by loads of other issues so if you go to page five or later again it's gonna traumatically increase your response rate so that's just by going to the bottom of Google clicking on page five and then searching from there now my search here is very broad wireless headphones so yes no doubt in the back of my mind it was gonna be people doing tech reviews and things like that but you might want to look for a skateboard manufacturer or a headphone manufacturer or you know something a bit more specific than just wireless headphones and that's just narrowing it down let's just take in what you've got there and as your broad kind of market and then making that market more and more tailored but you still want to apply the same principle of going to page five or later and the people that I've worked with and I've done this with as well have seen massive results and have able to secure jobs on the back of that like I said that's how we get a lot of our business it's just by doing this process because the response rates are so much haier they will either say no or they'll say yes and they'll be interested in your services so that's tip number one firstly is the outreach who you should be outreach into and how to increase your chances of making a sale so you've got your client lined up so next thing to look at and that's really key there is only one type of video that you should be selling right now because of everything that's going on there is only one video that you need to think about when you're out reaching to clients and I've I will come on to this again in a minute but I've heard people like oh you know we just create videos well would you create videos on would just everything not you need to narrow this down okay you need to be very specific on the type of video you're doing so when you outreach to the people the one video that you're going to give them is going to be a is going to be a business overview video that shows the measures they are taking to ensure they keep their clients safe okay does that make sense so effectively it's a customer journey so you're going to go to their premises and you're going to show their customers everything that they've done to ensure they're keeping them safe because these businesses need people back through their doors right they need people to come to them so firstly they need to build up trust within their clients and their customers because if those clients and customers firstly don't know that they've reopened or they know that they've reopened but they don't really know what measures they're taking you know if anyone who suffers with a slight bit of anxiety will know exactly what that feels like you know not being able to read want to go to a new place because you don't know what it's going to be like and and everything that's happened at the moment really has amplified that I know I've certainly felt the same thing so it's really important that businesses understand that and understand that a video can show their customers what they're doing to keep them safe it will build trust in that business it will it'll enable them to come back through the front door to start to shop with them and work with them again so that's why that's a really powerful tool you don't need to worry about anything else you can upsell from that point onwards or if they decline that type of video you could you could potentially pitch any other suggestions but that's the only video that you need to be worried about at this moment and time now when we actually outreach to our clients this next tip tip number three is really really important you need to sell without selling no one wants to be sold to at the moment in time with everything that's going on it's the last thing they want so you're probably thinking hold on you said we'll get more clients how can we sell if we don't sell okay so I kind of lied you do need to sell but it's in a slightly different way it's how you position yourself okay so your opening email your opening phone call message Instagram whatever it is that you're reaching out on and again we're living in the 21st century so you can use social media platforms to reach out to local businesses you need to position yourself as their best friend so are open and email is something along the lines of hey you know we're in the local area we're just getting back to work etc I wondered if there's anything we can help you with whether that's ideas or any videos that you need doing or is there anything that you have in place at the moment we don't charge for having a chat to see how we can help your business so let me know if we can help you of anything something to that effect you're not selling your services you're vaguely saying what it is that you do you might even mention the fact that you've actually booked in a lot of projects recently which have been these customer journey type videos but you're really your primary goal is to work out one do they want video because there's no time selling to someone who doesn't want video and your secondary target is just to offer a helping hand let them know that you know hey look me and you we're in the same situation we both probably haven't got much work on let's use this time to collaborate and let's try and build something up so it's really important that you position yourself as their best friend opposed to using any old-fashioned sales tactics that you might have used up until this point now tip number four I'm gonna kind of combine two together so you get a double whammy here and I love that word don't top allow me I'm gonna bring out my whiteboard so I'm just gonna show you here so firstly and this is this is important you need to really be confident okay I hear people all the time when and this is apply to any setting it might be with friends and family and people say what is it letting you do oh you know I just um I just make I make videos for people you know that doesn't sound very convincing that doesn't fill you with conviction that doesn't tell me you're the right person for the job also it's very broad what kind of videos so you produce in Hollywood blockbusters or you just like you're small-time filmmaker and just do little clips are you established where are you at in that journey so this is a really easy tip when you're speaking to someone particularly on the phone this really helps with and they say okay cool so what is it that you do and you'll be surprised I outlined in our emails what we do all the time and then they'll still go so what is it that you do and we're okay cool right we do this and it's mainly because people don't read their emails properly it's so much easier to jump on a call so if you're more confident pick up the phone you can easily outreach to like 50 people a day and if you're out region 250 people a day you should be at least getting a couple of jobs out of that so you can use this little method here so it's I help X to X by X it should be XYZ but nonetheless you get the point so I help X to X by X right sounds like a tongue twister I help fitness businesses to get more clients by providing regular video content or by filming YouTube tutorials or I help local businesses to get more customers by providing customer journeys or all current walkthroughs or things like that okay so you can already see how that's so much more powerful than just saying yeah I just take photos and I just do videos so we use this method especially when talking on the phone now the second one that I'm going to link this into and this is all about to do like kind of belief and conviction and that's belief systems so belief systems work like this and this is really really simple so you've got four boxes okay so firstly is the potential what potential does your pitch have so if you're small and you look into the local businesses what potential does it have often it can be life-changing or it might just be small-time it could be you know might not have much potential and that's how you can work out how valuable and then really before you decide your potential you need to understand what your belief is because if you believe it has loads of potential then you're going to put in more potential and if you put in more potential you're gonna get and you're gonna well you're going to put in more action because you believe it's gonna really change your business so you're gonna give it more time to make sure you get those emails right those emails are personalized you're reaching out to 50 plus people a day and then on your action your results have a highest success rate because you've put in you believed it was good so you put in a lot of potential which converted to a lot of action which gets you a lot of results which fuels your belief system so it all just does this now can you believe when you are reaching out to loads of clients and you get no after no after no often no often no after no often no okay what does that do to your belief that drives it downwards right so then your belief is very very low so and the next time you pick up the phone you think you know and this is that this is what all of you will be doing at the moment you you will not be putting in the full potential because you will believe the fact that you're at home and no one wants your services you've seen on all these Facebook groups that you know our people are struggling to get work so therefore that's normal and because it's normal you're just not going to do anything about it because you believe that people don't want your services that's why we stand out so much because we've gone completely against the grain and we're having huge successes because we believe this is the perfect time we know that people need our help to get customers through their doors so our belief is really high so we put in a lot of potential view if you've heard of the 80/20 rule it's almost the fact that you need to put an 80% effort for 20% reward so if you've reached out to a hundred people eighty four that generally will say no but 20 of those will and the new needs are put in that same amount of effort and this applies to so many things it's really interesting but anyway just think about your belief system every time you pick up the phone or do an email you just need to have real belief that it's going to change and that they need your services because they do and again we've been proof of that so tip number five that we found really really useful and this has helped grow our business so much from the start to where we are now is retainers because we've been able to have a regular income and even everything that's happened in the world at the moment we still get a regular income from our clients because we've got them when these retain the packages and on these systems now I won't go into too much depth about that because I could be here all day just explaining all the ins and outs there's so much to it but it's something that you really should think about is there any client that you've got at the moment where you can deliver more and put them on some kind of retainer package in that that provides you with complete security that's why we've managed to have such successful months because we know that we have this income coming in every single month and it doesn't affect us the fact that there hasn't been that much work on because we're still getting paid by our clients and then obviously we're doing the ad hoc work on top of that as well so that's a really really powerful tip that I'm gonna kind of leave you with to think about and and look I really hope that you found this all helpful like I said like I see so many people posting on these groups and they're really really struggling so I just figured you know we haven't really good success at the moment so I really just wanted to share that with you and I know there'll be people out there who are just starting their businesses and starting out in this venture and there will be other people who are established but still struggling to get clients or just want more clients you know I'm sure we can always do with more and more clients so look I'm not going to do any kind of cool to action I don't want to break any group rules I just want to provide the maximum amount of value to you that I possibly can and I just think this would be really really helpful you know there's so many talented people in this group that I'm sure that can back this stuff up or come with your own ideas you know post in the comments maybe about the kind of things that you're doing that you've noticed success from like this is only my personal story this is only what I've found really useful I'm sure someone else will have five other tips that can really help you so look yeah I really really hope this helps and I really wish you all the best at this current time it seems that things are starting to pick up so just make sure you catch that make sure you're on the ball and I have no doubt that you'll make lots and lots of sales and do really really well out of this so I wish you all the success and you know I look forward to hearing your comments if you've enjoyed this video
Channel: Ross Welch
Views: 9,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get more video clients, how to get more videography clients, how to get video clients, how to get videography clients, how to get videography clients in 2020, get video clients in 2020, get videography clients in 2020, life hacks, lifehacks for videographers, life hacks for videographers, videographer, videographers, filmmaker, beginner videographer, video production, videography work, videography clients, videography hacks, videography business, video production company
Id: HyuQQ44acM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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