How To Get More Shopify Reviews (Judge.Me Shopify App Tutorial 2023)

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did you know that the fastest way to increase your conversion rate has nothing to do with your site design it's got nothing to do with the color of your button it's got nothing to do with how many credit card icons you have on there it's got nothing to do with the way the site looks it's got to do with how many product reviews that you have on your store the more product reviews the more trust the more credibility and the more likeliness your customers are to buy from you take Amazon as an example their site doesn't look all that crash hot does it it's actually pretty boring but where they focus on is product reviews and it's one of the ways that different sellers can compete against other sellers by giving a great product and great service and making sure that they review the product if we take a look at this example here if I was looking for a ring light as an example I can see this one here has 10 000 reviews these lights have 615 reviews uh what else have we got we look at all these different reviews this one has 38 I'm not going to click this I'm going to click the one that has the most reviews and I'm going to look in there and I'm going to read the reviews to find out what customers think about product at the end of the day people buy from people and they also buy when other people are buying the same product so if we're getting reviews on our product pages then it shows our potential customers that we're selling the product and it's a great product it means that they're not the one trying and testing the product first that other people have been there and done it before them so they can be super confident in making a decision to buy that product so in today's video I want to take you behind the scenes of one of my stores and give you the exact method that we use right down to the exact text that we use to increase the amount of reviews that we get from every sale that we put out there these reviews are coming in thick and thin and we're able to put them on our product pages so that we increase the conversion rates and there's been a direct correlation with the amount of reviews that we've got and the increase in the conversion rate that we have on our store which in turn turns into more sales this is an example of my store here this is one of the products we sell and as you can see it's got 44 reviews and these stars are super powerful if we scroll down a little bit we can also see that we summarize all the reviews here with the amount of stars and we can see the majority of the stars that we get are over 4.95 so we're almost getting a whole heap of five star reviews plus we're getting all the comments about the product as well so having reviews on our store has been an absolute game changer for our business my name is Brendan Gillen and I've been working in e-commerce for over 15 years I work as an e-commerce coach and I run a number of my own very successful online stores like the one I just showed you I work directly with e-commerce entrepreneurs just like you to teach them the tips and the tricks that I put in my stores they can apply it to theirs so they can grow their store to ten thousand dollars a month or more now to capture reviews on your store we're going to need to use an app a lot of stores do come out of the box with the product reviews app I know woocommerce has one and Shopify has one the only problem with these is they're really limited and the strategy that I'm going to teach you today we need a little bit more flexibility so that we can make sure we're really hammering down and getting as many reviews as possible now the app we use is called judgment it's a really cool app it works on both woocommerce and Shopify and many other e-commerce platforms and it's relatively cheap in fact they've even got a free version we're going to need to use the paid version to do some of the things we're doing today but if you just want to do a really basic version of capturing reviews judge me is great now just to let you know I don't get any money from judge me I just think it's an amazing tool and it's a fantastic value for money for capturing reviews but before we get into the tool I'm going to take you through the process and the strategy that we use and the psychology that we use to get more and more reviews now typically when eCommerce stores ask for reviews they just send out an email and they say please review our product now what is in it for the customer to leave that review there's really not anything in particular so it's just a little bit of work for them and they get nothing in return so what we need to do is we want to incentivize them to leave a review with us now what a lot of stores do that are incentivizing is they might just give a voucher for someone that leaves the review and in my opinion that's a little bit boring and it means that it's a very transactional exchange we want to make sure that when we ask a review that we get a really authentic detailed and positive review we can use it on our store to increase our conversion rates so the method that we use is we use the prize method and what that means is that anyone that leaves a review throughout a certain month goes into the draw to win a prize this is different from giving away a voucher because what happens is they're not guaranteed to win the incentive which means they're actually going to put a little bit more effort to leave the review because they think if they leave a more detailed review they've got a better chance of winning even though it's just a lucky draw so we're going to take you through the exact wording that we use in our emails to get those reviews how we incentivize them and then how we do the draw so that you can put it directly into your store so let's now jump into judge me and I'll show you how it's set up in my store once you're in judge me I want you to go over to the left and click settings now there's a couple of settings that we need to set up here the first one is the timing of the review that we send out now this is really important because if we send the review out before the person has received the product they're going to be a little bit upset and I have done this in the past and I've send them the review and they have said well I'd love to review the product but I haven't received it yet so what we need to do is make sure they've received the product before we send the review and luckily Judge Me shows us how to do this so within judge me there's a section here which is called timing and format we want to click that and it's going to bring us to this page here as we scroll down we're going to see something called request timing and this is where we need to fill in the days and times so this is going to be different for every store because different stores have different timings of shipping so as an example we're shipping mainly within Australia and our shipping times aren't that great not like the US not like the UK it can take a week sometimes to get things delivered because we're such a big country so what we do is we send a review request out 10 days after the order has been fulfilled so it's not when the order is being placed it's when it's been fulfilled so it gives it time to leave the warehouse and get to the customer's address so we would fill that out just here 10 days now if we're shipping internationally for us because International is just the same sort of speed we will also do 10 days there the other part of this is when we send a reminder so we're going to send a first review request asking for a review and then if they haven't filled that request out we're going to send a reminder about five days later so we want to give them time to actually use the product now we set ours at 10 days sometimes our deliveries take between five and seven and setting it at 10 means they've got a couple of days to actually use the product if we send it at 20 or 30 days sometimes actually forget about it and they won't get a chance to use it so we want to get it when they're really hot and really happy that they've received that product so go ahead now and fill this into the days that you want it to be so once that's done we now want to go into the email templates and change the language and the way we're going to ask for these reviews so we're going to go up again we're going to click email templates I'm going to click the emails dashboard now in here it's going to bring you the default email templates that we see in Judge Me Now I want you to go into active ones and click this little edit template now if you're using the free version of judge me you're going to get very limited editing in here we're using the paid plan I think it's called the awesome plan and it just gives you full flexibility of the things we're going to do today so now that we're in here I'm going to show you the most important parts of this review request to get the most reviews possible the first one is the subject line as you can see it's completely different to a normal review subject line no more of your subjects lines saying I hope you like X product you know leave a review for Xbox that's really boring and it just doesn't cut through in emails people get so many emails throughout the day we want to be able to cut through these emails so that they do actually leave a review so the subject line is exceptionally important so in here we've written win a 50 gift card okay so that is the hook that's what's going to get people in just for letting us know what you think alright so that's what it's going to be it's going to increase the open rates of the email and people are going to be curious about how they're going to win this 50 gift card now this is the second most important part and it's the content of the email now I'm going to read you exactly what we've got here and you can copy and paste this and put it directly in your email we've tested it and tried it and it works so well so this is it it says hey John thanks for shopping with us recently so we're acknowledging that you shop with us we hope you are loving your product okay so in this case it is some Muay Thai shorts that you purchased from us recently and could you spare a minute to tell us what you think as a way of saying thank you after you submit your review you'll be automatically entered into the drawer to win a 50 gift card to spend at fight here direct and a winner is drawn every month so what we're doing there is we're acknowledging that they bought from us we have recognized the product they've bought and we've said we just want to say thanks for leaving a review for us and we're going to put you in the draw to win this prize so that sort of wording has worked really really well for us and we're getting a great submission rate on our reviews now the third most important thing and this is why we love judge me is this one has the review stars and the submission within the email what this means is the customer doesn't need to go to your store find those Stars click the Stars fill out the form they can just do it all within the email and it's super quick we've reduced the friction of placing a review really really important now the fourth important thing here is our follow-ups so let's just say they get this email they don't leave a review we want to remind them that there is still a prize waiting so in judgment we can see here is another subject line so this is the first reminder that they get if they haven't to review and we've kept it super simple last chance to win now I don't know about you but if I got a last chance to win in my inbox I'd open it up straight away so this is one of those subject lines that increases your open rate now with this the body content doesn't change and it really doesn't need to because we talk about exactly what the competition is in there with the last chance to win so all they're doing here is they're just changing the subject line and we're sending the exact same email now if they don't place a review right now uh we're going to send another email five days later and this will be the last one and this one is one of those more boring simple subject lines so if the competition doesn't attract them with the subject lines this is the old school version but what we've done a little bit differently is we've personalized it so now what we say is buyer first names this will say hey John have you tried your product so this is a little bit more personal and hopefully it helps them open their subject line so by using this exact strategy we've been able to increase the amount of reviews we get and we've been able to increase the conversion rates and we better increase the amount of orders we have on our store we've also made sure that the views that we get a much more authentic customers trust us our stores much more credible and customers are super super happy I hope that you found this video really useful I want to see you put it in your store set up reviews and get those review stars on your product pages
Channel: Brendan Gillen
Views: 7,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify, shopify tutorial, shopify reviews, reviews app, how to add reviews to shopify, shopify review, shopify 5 star reviews, how to get reviews on your shopify website, judgeme,,, shopify judge me, shopify judge me app, judgeme shopify app, shopify reviews app, branden gillen
Id: 1MaX-Uip8XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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