How to get more LinkedIn profile views | LinkedIn profile optimisation tricks 🪄

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so badass how do you get more LinkedIn profile views we want more LinkedIn profile views because we want more decision makers and recruiters finding us and reaching out to us with opportunities even if we're not job hunting right now it's really important to have these conversations know your market value and just stay up to play with what's happening in your industry and where your talent might be appreciated but obviously these DMS from recruiters and this job offers flowing just can't happen unless your LinkedIn profile is doing the work for you while you're asleep now I would hope by now that I do not have to convince you about how important LinkedIn is for your career the networking on there is incredible the job opportunities are incredible of course but there are over 800 million monthly users you could find your next Mentor your next career best friend your next role opportunity you could be referred you could just meet interesting people that inspire you to do better in your world in your industry but obviously one of the main reasons to to be on LinkedIn let's be honest is that there are people being paid right now to look for Talent on LinkedIn maybe the company doesn't want to open up a big intense recruitment campaign and so the recruiters just going on to LinkedIn recruiter and finding talented people in their city in their target area and contacting them directly about incredible opportunities the hidden job market is so real my friends and it really is common to have amazing jobs being filled without ever being advertised so you definitely want to be part of this conversation now I've got three game changing pieces of advice for you today and definitely stick around for the last one because it's a hack that I've seen no one else talking about and it can really help to see your profile show up more often in search results for recruiters but just before we jump into all of the juicy goodness I have to know that you know that I have got a free workshop on personal branding resume cover letter LinkedIn elevating your whole sense of self-marketing and being able to really pitch yourself for outstanding opportunities I'm giving away so much gold in this master class replay I really want you to get your hands on it so make sure that you click the link below it's called dream job magnet and is absolutely designed to do just that turn you into a magnet for dream jobs so if you are working on your brand right now looks like you are you absolutely want to go further and watch this Workshop it will save you hours hours of trying to figure it all out by yourself so the first thing we want to do with your LinkedIn is make sure that your profile is feeling really clickable I'm talking about your name your headline and your photo it's exactly the same concept as logging into YouTube and choosing which video to click on there's the thumbnail so the the image that you see right you've got the title as well and you've got the channel name all of those things work together to make you want to click to make you want to learn more and and so many people aren't optimizing these areas of their profile I'm going to give you an example here of someone who's absolutely nailed the brace this is one of my clients kahul so she has got a wonderful photo super clear she's actually used and leveraged her name feel to add more detail more key words so she's showing up and search more often for terms like insights and project management her headline shares with us her exact value ad connecting teams facilitating cooperation and translating data for better informed decisions and then she gives us a little bit of Personality as well by telling us she's a self-confessed Eco Warrior and then when you click through and you see her Banner you do not get a generic empty LinkedIn placeholder Banner like most people still have she's leveraged that to the maximum to create a sense of marketing real estate here she shares with us her zones of Genius so connecting teams driving projects delivering data and insights to regenerate our planet so all the things that she's good at and then the big why her driver her purpose now in just these three things boom boom boom Triple Threat you've got someone that you want to get to know you've got someone who's piqued your curiosity you've got someone who's coming across as a top talent as a high value hire because while there are a lot of people on the market looking for jobs right now I can promise you from a recruiter standpoint the percentage of good people talented people people who go above and beyond isn't as high as you might imagine and so we see this and we're like okay if they've put that much effort into being able to Market themselves imagine the quality of work they do as well so let's break this down a little bit step by step let's talk about the name field your name field doesn't just have to have your name in it you can put your name and your first name box so for example my first name says Rosa McCarthy and then in your last name box give some more details give some more words I have career fulfillment coach that's my job title you can put some keywords in there your name is a searchable text field on LinkedIn and so it's really powerful in terms of SEO search engine optimization that means if you're a recruiter and Cairo city and you put in project management her profile is much more likely now to jump to the top of those search results so you could put your job title in the surname field you could add a middle initial as well if you've got a common name so for example Sarah E Jones it just makes it a little bit more intriguing and then strategically if you think it makes sense you can also add an emoji I have a lightning bolt in my name for obvious reasons that's the logo of badass careers but some people would put a pencil if they're a copywriter a little lipstick if they're working in cosmetics and so on and so forth obviously you still want it to look sleek and fun and professional you know don't over Emoji however that can be a really nice touch as well it's very eye-catching when you're commenting on other people's things when it comes to the photo any modern cell phone can take a good photo these days what I recommend is standing in front of a really plain background just like this one actually use a tripod use a stack of books as someone else to take it and take a few photos standing in front of a window ideally that's leading a lot of nice natural light in and then what you can do is you can actually cut out that photo so you can go to remove the background and then upload it to and then on canva you can actually play with different colors and textures in the background and create one of those really cool profile photos on LinkedIn that pop when it comes to your LinkedIn headline this is where you want to give us a little bit more detail a little bit more insight into what makes you you because the default it's just job title at company social media manager at Westpac Bank it is boring okay and when you're a recruiter and you're looking people up that's what it says over and over again you'll put in social media manager and it's just social media manager company a company a company a company and what you want to do is actually tell us what do you do but also how do you add value give us a little bit of sense of who you are give us some personality if you can and all of these things can make you stand out instantly just make sure that you're weaving in lots of keywords again for that search engine optimization here are some examples for you data analysts using my analytical talents to turn confusing numbers into tangible insights that can 2x your company's bottom line not your average HR manager helping companies have employees so engaged they Rave about work at the dinner table social media manager I show startups how to manage their social media presence and build communities of Raving fans and for a student economics major and aspiring financial analyst eats data for breakfast on a mission to help who to do what right what's your purpose so that's tip number one making sure you've got that triple threat that your profile is nice and clickable name photo headline the next thing you want to leverage to get more views on your LinkedIn profile is inbound marketing when we think of LinkedIn we often think of outbound marketing using your profile to message people and contact people and all of that kind of thing but what if the people were finding you now one of the ways that we can increase this significantly is by actually using it as a social media aka the way it was intended to be used what do I mean by this I mean liking I mean commenting I mean sharing right getting involved in the conversation joining groups because when people see your name and your Ultra clickable profile that's when you're going to start getting more and more views but you have to put yourself out there as well not just rely on one strategy which is the search engine optimization strategy by leaving thoughtful keyword thoughtful comments on key players in your industry or thought leaders or people at your target company who are sharing things talking about initiatives talking about projects leave something reflective share an article they wrote and put your two cents in the comment area before you share it right just a generic sheer won't catch their eye but actually reflecting and giving some insights into that goes a huge way now the LinkedIn algorithm is also super generous so if you comment on someone's post all of their connections in their feed who see that post are gonna see that as well so you've got an opportunity here to really reach a lot of people and get a lot of views if you're leaving interesting remarks on different people's content you can of course also create your own content now I know that this might feel like a massive step but I believe everyone should have a Capstone article so with some key points of you know Trends in the industry or some Reflections musings things that are going on in your mind some expertise that you hold it could be absolutely anything but also just short form content go on your feed get inspired see how people are just talking about their day-to-day a lesson learned a training they went to a book they've read it can it even be a personal story and how that relates back to your works I've seen some people share you know I just started taking Judo lessons and this is how it relates back to my world of sales it could be anything but get inspired us to the kind of content that people are sharing and the content that you like to consume because honestly creating and posting even from time to time is absolutely gonna 10x the results that you get from your LinkedIn profile who knows who might stumble across your post who knows it could be the biggest decision maker recruiter like game changer for your career I remember when I was working at L'Oreal I mean this is the power of showing up I wrote an article on an application that I had developed I developed a mobile application for the company culture to help newcomers to really understand those codes and Unwritten rules of the L'Oreal culture and get them up to speed really quickly in this new work environment so they could really Thrive and it was a world first and so I asked permission from the comms team but I essentially wrote an article about my experience doing that first article I had ever ever written on LinkedIn it got over 28 000 views over 500 shares over 160 different comments and it did really really well but the exciting thing is that my DMs exploded I had so many messages from it is I was contacted about speaking engagements I was offered interviews and I was invited to some really exclusive conferences I actually landed a gig where I took my boss with me to go to the HR digital Summit in London and present the project that we had been working on all thanks to this article so it's not just about changing jobs it's just really great for your career as well one of my clients Katie she wanted to get into the tourism industry and the peak of covets it was one of the most difficult Industries you could ever break into at that time and so she started sharing her perspective things that she was reading and She interviewed a couple of people in the tourism industry to see how they were surviving she shared those musings and she really started showing up on LinkedIn at least once a week and five months into showing up she got a knock on her digital door from a CEO of an incredible agency that does digital marketing for tourism and they actually said look I've been looking at your content for the last few months it's been a really tricky period to be able to hire we've just had budget camp her and I know that I want you on my team and she instantly got hired you just never know who might be watching now the third tip I want to share with you and I told you it was the juiciest because no one knows about this but this LinkedIn hack can literally increase your profile views by hundreds you want to go to your profile homepage and you want to click on the more button and from here you want to select build a resume then you click build from profile and then you put in your target job title now what's going to happen is that LinkedIn is going to populate your profile into the form of a resume we do not want to use this resume that is not the point the goal is that LinkedIn is actually in doing this going to assess your profile against the most common and desirable keywords for that particular role so on the right hand side you're going to see little green check marks for all of the skills that you tick off and that you've mentioned in your profile and then it's going to tell you the gaps and the keywords that you don't have that LinkedIn has deemed most important over analyzing thousands of job ads for that specific role what you're going to do is find the skills that I'm missing and integrate them into your profile into the skills section into the About Me section into a headline if you can and in doing so you are going to be optimizing your profile to the absolute maximum for recruiters because these are the skills that they're putting in onto their recruiter version of LinkedIn and saying I want someone who has this skill the skill the skill and it's going to improve the chances of your profile showing up again in their search results this way you're going to have so many more people reaching out to you about job openings and it's going to feel pretty good for the ego you have to admit alright friends I hope that that has helped you to take a few key steps forward in optimizing your LinkedIn profile for Success now remember I have a full length personal branding workshop for free at the moment you do not want to miss out on that click the link below go sign up for dream job magnet it is so so worth your time you know it can genuinely save you hours days even weeks and trying to elevate your personal brand to be a really competitive candidate on the market just go and watch the workshop you'll learn everything you need to know I'd love to hear from you as well let me know which of these tips you will be implementing first on your LinkedIn and otherwise if you're excited about updating your LinkedIn profile right now I definitely recommend binging these two videos as well next so until I catch you next time stay badass and we'll talk soon bye
Channel: Badass Careers
Views: 10,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how can i stand out on linkedin in 2022, how to increase post views on linkedin 2022, how to use linkedin for networking 2022, how to use linkedin for personal branding 2022, how to make the most of linkedin, linkedin profile hacks video 2022, linkedin profile tips video 2022, linkedin tricks to make your profile perfect, make your linkedin stand out 2022, personal branding for linkedin 2022, linkedin profile optimisation tricks, how to get more linkedin profile views, linkedin 101
Id: HUfU0UkB35E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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