how to get mods in gorilla tag steam vr

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hello um so what's up guys this is a tutorial on how to mod I have to use my headset as my um I just brain farted yeah um steam I'm I swear to God I'm gonna hurt you what the okay whatever anyways so let me just um hold on let me just delete my files and wait first let me take my my menu out I will um all right there we go uh delete Yahoo delete girl tag and now I'm just gonna uninstall I probably should have thought about this before doing the video install next but you have no space like actually though how do you freaking move your mouse I hate that you have no space like you gotta allow your mouse to breathe bro oh that's better three hours of play time so if I can band I can't return it um it was fine because my mom and you has anti-band so yeah I'll link them on menu um oh what I could just do is like you know maybe like put my Discord into the description you know join my Discord and I'll I already have it in there so yeah but guess who's not in there you are not okay so what you're gonna do is you're gonna download monkey mod manager um literally just go search on Google monkey mod manager and um yeah so then you're gonna click plugins so once you open up monkey mod manager you can click plugins gorilla cosmetics haunts and mod menu I would also recommend um getting monkey map loader and then uh get TMP loader and then do not get banana hook but get the all these right here click install slash update give the second it's installing it um finally sorry my PC is a little slow so then you're gonna maybe I should um so then you're gonna so once you've done that utilities bepnex folder plugins then just minus that minus that then you're gonna go you're gonna join my Discord then you're gonna open up Discord real quick we love how fast my thing is so then you're gonna go to my Discord server then in mods we have this uh funny skin GMAT just don't download this this is broken um here let me delete it I haven't tested that out because I have no clue what my mom and he's not in here oh well looks like I'm adding it all right my mom and she's in here now this is not mine it's just the one I use but also the GoPro mods in here um I don't really use that right now because why not so you're gonna um click on that and then click continue to download and then this is gonna pop up just click here and keep if you're on Windows 10 just keep it and then you just click and hold and then just drag it to your desktop all right so now you can just exit out of your web browser or you can just go into your downloads and grab it so now you're gonna click on your files so you can go back to like the plugins folder you're just gonna grab it when you on your desktop drag it in here I'm gonna put it in there and then you can get that and go to that and you open up this and now where's my controller this is my controller sorry let me grab both my controllers now my PC likes to be a little bit faster um um as you can see so uh don't open it up from your PC because then everything just kind of breaks um give me one second the you'll be launched you'll launched then open up same VR and then go in your headset and then um launch gorilla tag because then it breaks but then um give me like a couple seconds my PC is being extremely slow no clue why um yeah don't exit out of CVR though that's not good okay aha it worked okay then here's the mom menu it's an or is called bambo organized V2 look at all the Flies there you go um bye guys peace out subscribe because subscribe
Channel: Blackout
Views: 21,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y9-m_xjY30I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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