How To Get Insurance For Your Ambulance Conversion... Let's Find Out | Watch Newer UPDATE Video

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what are you doing oh that's my boy hi everyone before we get into today's video thank you all so much for being viewers of the channel commenting giving us thumbs up i really appreciate that i love seeing all the comments and i've gotten some great ideas from you out there there's a lot of people out there that are a lot smarter than me so keep giving me your ideas in the comments if you've purchased a sticker thank you all of you that have purchased a sticker we still have some left so if you'd like to get one look in the description below click the link go over to paypal shoot us 10 bucks and my daughter will mail you out a sticker with a little note in it from us from both lefty and me so thank you all very much let's get into the video [Music] hi everybody uh if you're watching this video you might already be someone that's bought an ambulance or you're thinking about buying an ambulance and joining the fleet of us out here that are that are living in our rigs and you might have stumbled across a topic that concerns you and that is getting insurance for your truck when i was doing my planning i remember um you know watching a lot of videos doing a lot of reading about what it's like to set up and convert an ambulance and so i i had that in my mind um as i was doing my my planning to to purchase a truck and am i going to be able to to get over that hurdle well obviously i got insurance because i'm legally driving this truck around there's a lot of ambulances on the road that i'm sure are also legal so can you get insurance for an ambulance yes can you run into trouble trying to get insurance for an ambulance yes i know this because i've received messages from some of you that you're having trouble and a recent message that i received really alarmed me because this this person's inability to get insurance has now made them think that maybe they've made a mistake in purchasing an ambulance and when i when i read that that it really uh it really concerns me because i do know that you can get insurance and you can get it pretty easily that's what we're going to talk about today so i have received i'm going to guess 50 messages from people with this exact question how'd you get insurance where do you got insurance what you do to get insurance getting insurance for your ex ambulance is it a problem listen to this question getting insurance for your truck is it a problem do you hear the difference between those two questions i've had insurance on my truck for over a year and a half and i've had no issues i actually had to file a small claim when i was at a when i was at a a local trailer hitch install company and i shared this in a video way back when i was in their parking lot and i went to back up to get out of the way of a truck that was pulling in and boom i hit something now this was before i had my backup camera so i was backing up blind but i was in an area where there wasn't anybody parked when i pulled in while five minutes later i didn't notice 2018 cadillac something some kind of suv had pulled up cozied right up behind me and when i put it into reverse and and idled backwards to get out of the way of this truck that was pulling in boom i backed into this cadillac long story short contacted my insurance carrier they paid for the damage to the other car because there was no one in the car when i hit it i didn't even have to pay my deductible which was awesome that's some some claws they have uh it was property damage and not an automobile accident so anyways so i have a legitimate auto insurance policy on my truck and it's been about a year and a half so what is your truck is it an ambulance is it a work truck is it a van uh as you know my truck is based on a ford e450 and on my title for this vehicle it shows the vehicle as an ec04 van so that's an econoline 450 van that's what it says on the title nowhere on the title or in the description of the vehicle on the title does it say anything about being an ambulance because when this vehicle was manufactured and sold by the ford motor company it was a van uh it's what's called a cutaway van so it has the the front cab of a van and then the remainder of it is cut away so they're called cutaway vans that's not even on the title it just says van now when you add a vehicle to your insurance policy and everybody knows this you add it by the vin number the vehicle identification number it's all done by that vin number so they're not gonna know anything about more than what the the vin number identifies it as like in my case a van an econoline 450 van not a cutaway nothing more than a van so sounds easy right you get insurance for a van sounds easy so when i was planning uh the purchase of this truck and and you guys know if you watch my early videos i drove from new york down to arkansas to buy this truck i'd done a bunch of research like i said i was apprehensive about getting the insurance didn't need to be but i was so i decided on this truck i made my down payment and then i asked the seller a guy named jason if i could get the vin number so that i could get insurance on it for the drive from arkansas back to new york i got the vin number from him uh at the time i already had uh an auto policy i had my my daily driver car and then my ktm motorcycle so both of those were on a policy from this same insurance major insurance carrier so i got the vin number from him i sat down at their website i put in the information to add a new vehicle and i got a response back from their website that says i wasn't able to add it and that i would need to call to be able to add it i wasn't able to do it on the website so i was like uh oh right because i had heard the rumors what happened i'm sure was that their automated system that runs in the back end of their website it didn't know what to do with the vehicle i was trying to add because it's considered i think a heavy-duty type vehicle um commercial type vehicle so what did i do i immediately picked up the phone and i called him hello and thank you for calling what can i help you with today hi yeah i was just trying to add a new vehicle to my policy and your site is telling me that i needed to call to be able to do it okay let me get some information from you and i'll see if i can take care of this for you can i get the vin number of the vehicle you want to add yeah it's one two okay thank you so this is a 2002 ford econo line yes yeah it's uh it's an o2 ford uh e450 advanced econoline um so this is a van or this is a van truck of some kind yeah it's uh it's like an old work truck box talk box truck kind of thing i'm gonna use it for camping yeah okay i see okay all right i've added the 2002 ford e450 to your policy with today is the effective date is that okay yes yeah today is perfect is there anything else that i can assist you with no i'm i'm all set you've been super helpful thank you so much well thank you and thank you for choosing for your insurance needs if you have two minutes to complete a brief search okay so from that didn't sound very difficult did it but you could tell um and i could tell when i was speaking with the young lady that there was something on her end that was making her a little unclear or unsure on how to proceed at some points so my guess is that she and and people in her position they don't see that type of vehicle day in and day out being added to policies that's my theory so it was just something a little different for her you did hear that she was questioning me on you know what is this what is this thing and you didn't hear me call it an ambulance nowhere in that conversation that i used the word ambulance because at that point the truck wasn't an ambulance anymore it had been decommissioned it wasn't going to be used in a a life-saving fashion you know emt type vehicle at the point when i was getting ready to insure it it was just a van with a box on the back with some cabinets in it not not really dissimilar to a lot of different work trucks out there you heard me uh refer to it as it's an old work truck box truck kind of thing that's exactly what i said because that's what it was at the time and that's what it still is it's an old work truck box truck kind of thing with cabinets so i wasn't lying you know i hate to use that word but i was uh describing the truck as best i could for what it was when i was adding insurance to it now that's not the end of of the story you know that phone call pretty cut and dry i received my my insurance cards for the truck uh right away by email and when i went down to get my rig down in arkansas i had valid insurance on it and i had a printed uh insurance card in my hand when i took that drive about 10 days later about 10 days after adding the truck to my policy i got a form in the mail i got a letter from my insurance carrier and it said that i needed to complete this form sign it and mail it back to them so when i first when i first read the form i said oh geez this is um you know becoming involved but once i read through the form i saw that it was a it was a standard declaration form that i needed to fill out and sign you know verifying these things are true by signing it and what the form wanted to know was do i use my vehicle for business purposes and if so what percentage of its overall use is for business so that section i filled out it is not used for business and zero percent of its usage is for business the other information that it wanted to know was does it have any signage on it you know phone numbers business name that kind of stuff for that section i filled out it has no signage on it these things were all true so i completed that form i signed it and i mailed it back to them this was in march of 2019 i've never heard another thing from them about the vehicle vehicle type anything like that so i know there's a lot of you out there that are already in the fleet and you're driving and living in an ambulance and if you have a story that you want to share or if you have a piece of information that you want to share with others that are out watching this video please put it down in the comments below or shoot me an email and i can share it with everyone if you have insider information like if you ever worked in the insurance industry or you you know someone that does and you have some tidbits of info that would be helpful to people out there definitely share that with us again either in the comments or send me an email my email address is always down below in the video description anyone can send me an email anytime please do the goal of this informational video is to make insurance a non-issue for those of you that are thinking about getting an ambulance it's not an issue you can get insurance you just have to remember to accurately describe the truck when you're seeking insurance it's not an ambulance anymore it's a truck it's a work truck with cabinets on it now i don't feel like not mentioning that it was an x ambulance i don't feel like that's being dishonest or untruthful what does it matter what the truck used to be it's just what it is now and when you're in possession of this ambulance it's not it's not an ambulance anymore it's a truck it's a van or it's a pickup truck with boxes on the back tool boxes utility boxes equipment boxes whatever you want to call them because that's what they were when these things were in service these cabinets held equipment and the tools of the trade those just happened to be in the medical trade but those were cabinets that held tools and equipment if you've run into trouble trying to get insurance for your truck and you want to share what has happened to you put it down in the comments or you you ran into a problem that you were able able to overcome please share that with everyone i don't want there to be kind of a a misconception that getting insurance for the for these old trucks is is a problem because it's just not i know in the video i've kind of skated around who my carrier is i just didn't want to put that out there it is a major carrier and some of you that have emailed me privately i've shared that information with you i don't know that uh the major carriers will be very different on this just the key to remember is that you're not insuring an ambulance you're insuring a work truck and with that basic i think piece of information right there you're gonna have success again i'm not the i'm not the expert know it all but i i do know what i went through and i have had conversations with a lot of ambulance owners and a lot of people planning to buy ambulances and people that have just bought ambulances so i've gathered up quite a bit of knowledge in the time that i've been sharing all these videos with everyone so do i know everything about this no but i think i have a pretty good sense of what's going on just from all the information that i've gathered and and then what i went through myself in my case as that call kind of showed it wasn't really difficult i wasn't able to do it on their their like automated website system and i don't think that's really surprising because the truck is not your normal you know honda civic uh ford taurus kind of vehicle it's a heavy-duty work truck kind of vehicle as the vin identified it as so i'm not surprised that the website wasn't able to handle it but via the phone call a simple simple process i was in and out of the phone call within two or three minutes and if i had to do it all over again i would do it the exact same way uh describing the truck not as it was but as it currently is thank you everyone everybody be safe and be good upcoming holidays i hope everyone has a great great christmas we'll see everybody real soon take care be safe bye
Channel: The Campulance Man
Views: 3,472
Rating: 4.9250937 out of 5
Keywords: van life, rv life, nomad, living in a van, rv living, full time, tiny house, full time rving, rv living full time, travel, rv travel, campervan, overland, minimalism, rv camping, camper, living in an rv, van, winter, living, lifestyle, camper van, KTM, stress reduction, fulltime, truck camper, vanlife, tiny camper, nomadic fanatic, boondocking, budget, free camping, cheaprvliving, ultimate MX hauler, cheap rv living, ambulance conversion, ambulance rv, adventure ktm, kawasaki, insurance
Id: DMhB0VpEKo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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