How to get faster speed on ps5 (Lower ping) Updated version

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hey YouTube I'm making a video today um as y'all can see by the title it's a internet video how to get faster internet speed so I'm going skip to the point not going to do too much talking so basically um what I'm doing right now I have a static static IP address um don't copy my DNS code cu the DNS this is my router DNS so you guys using a DNS I prefer you guys to use your router DNS could be a faster speed instead of using like one point um cloudfire DNS or Google to use your router DNS um I did the testing it's 100% faster than CL um what's name DS again cloudfire or on Google I think I pronounce that right but you guys know what I mean so yeah um pretty much you got just push your router DNS code in and you find in your router settings I don't know how you guys router work but U for my router I can download the app all my stuff on the app or you guys could you know um put your IP address put your IP address in online on Google and um that should log you guys into your router find all your information but uh for the ip4 for the ipv4 address you find that on the PS5 I'm going show you guys how you do that U you go to view connection status and as you guys see you see it right there everybody IP address will be different so um your IP address for your PS5 won't be the same as mine got different IP address so just copy the um IP V4 address and um you know go back right here and just put it in so basically I'm going to do a test I'm going show you guys how fast my internet is without without the static IP address I'm do too testing and another thing I'm not going to lie to you guys it's um it's really not a way you can make your internet speed really really faster it's all at the end of the day it come down to you like your internet provider you guys got to upgrade your internet plan like right now I got um one G so I got 1,000 um my phone about to die I got 1,000 down download and um I actually had 100 upload upload pretty suck but of course on this ass PS5 I don't get my full speed if I connect to my PC I get my full speed it just the PS5 this PS5 is kind of so don't really trip like right now my upload speed 19 um it'll really depend on the time of day you know around afternoon the traffic be bad so um that's that's another thing you guys could do you guys you guys could log into your um log into your router and change the channels and you guys change the channels they actually give you like faster internet too if you know um what's the best channel for you um it's a lot of apps you can download for that me personally I don't do it but I have friends that did it but I don't do it I don't really care about that I have my channel automatic um change for me on my router but this the internet speed with the um St IP address the download speed sometime my download speed drop and sometimes go it go up but basically what that IP address do it give you lower ping like I'm I'mma start my game up and I'm let you guys see my ping cuz sometime be on s pin or 11 and 12 P I'm let you guys see um normally people say you post the reset your um not reset but restart your PS5 I don't do that really don't got to restart it let let you guys see real quick I'm just load in a match let you guys see my p don't mind the at the bottom cuz that's not accurate and you guys don't mind that fam guy in the back my son love watching fam guying this game take forever to load okay let's see see normally um on Modern Warfare I be on like 7 P or 12 p and um it also depend on the lobbies like right now my say 28 P which that's not accurate cuz like I said it it be the service on this game that that like this not accurate but um you guys pretty much get it um just copy what I did in the video I promise you you'll get a low opinion you will get a low opinion on the game but like like sub Share my video just try to help you guys out peace
Channel: Nadeix
Views: 1,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J6V2A7ftUhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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