How To Get FASTER with DRILLS | Noah Lyles

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what's up everybody Noah Lyles here and today we're going to be going over my drills I've been getting a lot of comments and a lot of questions about what I do and since my videos Don't Touch Too Much on it we're going to be going into detail right here what are some of the angles I look for where the the positions that I need to hit and how do I know when I'm having a good drill day okay let's get into it so the first drill is walking high knees this is a warm up into the drills per se this is when you're going to touch bases with everything this is what you're going to work on making sure that you get a 90 degree angle with your hips to your knee and your knee to your shin you're going to be dorsiflexing your toes and you're going to be making sure that you're engaging the rest of your body you're also this is also when you're going to start practicing how to get up on your toes or sprinters we run on our toes or on the balls of our feet and you want to make sure that you're also getting your arms engaged you want to just have the same front side as you are on the back side so I don't want to see a lot of bending right here that's not how it works when you start bending your elbows you start bending your shins which means that they're going to land behind you and you want it all to be in front of you [Music] all right next drill is going to be a skip now we're adding a paste to it a Tempo a lot of people already know this is a very popular drill you're really just going to be doing the same angles as you would be in Walking high knees but you're going to have a bit of a bounce to it so if you start getting a little jump here just going to be raising your legs and arms at the same pace [Music] all right now the thing with this drill is you want to make sure that those legs are coming directly underneath your hips you don't want them behind you you don't want them in front of your hips our next drill is going to be B skips now there's a lot of controversy around bee Skips a lot of people think that you should be having a long leg extended out and landing in front of you and dragging behind you truthfully you want to do this just like your a skip you're going to come up except you're going to strike down and pull it underneath you so instead of landing and dragging it's a coming straight down underneath and ripping you know you want to be active with you don't want to expose your leg out here because after that now you're exposing the back side of your leg which can be prone to injury so again you want to make sure it's coming up Landing underneath you ripping it [Music] [Music] all right we did a Skip and we did B skip so that means it's time for sea skip um I think that this is where the most confusion comes from just from Rhythm and sea skip a lot of people don't know what to do with their arms and they get thrown off by moving to a lateral movement so sea skips are going to come up like an a skip you're going to come out that's the C Skip and when you come out I want you to throw your arms just a little to the side to give yourself counterbalance then you're going to bring it back and you're going to do a b skip again bringing it down ripping it making sure it's underneath your hips everything needs to be coming underneath your hips because that's where you're going to get the most powerful a straight leg once you land stiff firm it's going to shoot the power through your body so it'll Propel you into the next step all right foreign [Music] high knees again a very basic drill but can sometimes get a little complicated based on who teaches you the main thing that you need to know is that your legs need to be coming directly underneath you this is the closest drill to actually running so you want to get that feeling of power into the truck and moving down the track you don't want to be jumping up and down you want to be forcing power into the track so before we do that we're going to activate our calf so we're going to do 10 Pokeball hops all right now we can start the drill [Music] well we lost the mic and that shows how much power we're putting into the track so that's a good thing okay this is normally where I take a break so go take a break go get some water I'll wait all right you back cool cool let's go next drill is going to be karaoke uh to be honest there's not much I can actually teach on karaoke it's a lateral movement it's really supposed to open up your hips this might take a lot of practice some people are really good at it some people aren't again just keep practicing at it you will get better you can't get better at something if you don't try to repeat it multiple times so karaoke and then you go back all right now it's time for fast legs now originally when I started doing this I became a professional but I've seen a lot of people do this drill even when they're not so this is a good drill to learn how to control your nervous system and get it firing as you're trying to get up to top speed so the first thing is you're going to choose the foot that you want so we're going to do fast leg right that means that our right leg will be cycling the left leg will stay straight and it will only move in a straight leg motion the other leg is what's going to be producing the power to make you go forward just like in a skips you're going to be coming up down underneath your hips and it'll Propel you forward as you put in power so if you need a beginning motion to get you started easier I would just advise make straight legs and start tapping and then again with your right leg you're going to be bringing up and down into the track [Music] now that we've done with the right we're going to switch over and do it with the left so fast leg left again we're going to start our little toe Taps here straight legs and we're going to move the left leg since this is left leg [Music] again it's important to remember that it's the leg that is moving up and down that's going to produce the power to move you down the track not the straight leg also remember that this is not a cycling drill you're not just picking it up and putting it down as fast as you can you're trying to produce power that will send you down the track as well with coming up and striking back down into the track underneath your hip okay alternating fast legs now that we've done it on our right and on our left we're going to put them together so every other step will switch thank you again starting with our straight leg toe taps [Music] and after we've done alternating now it's time for double alternating so you're going to hit or we're going to start with the right side you'll do fast leg right two times switch to your left side and do two times and do that until you've reached the end of your marker [Music] okay we are now at the end of the normal warm-up so that is a warm-up that I will do anytime that I'll have a race or anytime I'm getting ready for practice but sometimes in the very early parts of the Season my coach will throw in a few extra drills just to really get our legs moving I usually call these bonus drills and these are specifically working on something that my coach wants us to practice later on that that day you want to try them I guess we can go through a few first drill is the sticky drill very controlling you have to activate your core a lot and your glutes you have to make sure that you're hitting all your angles perfectly to make this work now what I'm going to do is I'm going to strike the pose as if I was in midair a skip and I'm going to switch constantly now what a lot of people get confused about this drill is they'll get really lazy and their body will collapse and they'll lose balance so it'll look like this to them again that's without your body being turned on that's without activating your core your glutes your hamstrings everything you need to be active when it's done right it'll look like this [Music] again the key points of this drill is to make sure that you turn your core on your glutes your calves and even your arms when you're switching in between legs you want to make sure that you're really forcing those arms to switch so that it helps move your legs faster but again I call the sticker drill because you're sticking and planting and not wobble our next Advanced drill is going to be the one two three drill I'll just show show this and then explain it so one two three I gave my mic fell off but that's only to be natural because we are producing a lot of power again with this drill we're going to be keeping our Tempo we're also going to stay engorge engaging our core our glutes and our calves you want to have really good activation on all of those if you want to make it through this drill because your cars are going to be repeating a step and then switching to the other side all right everybody I hope that you've enjoyed these drills and I hope that you've learned something and if you haven't thanks for coming by again we are trying to reach 100K subscribers so please share this video like it comment it and tell all your friends about it because we are shooting for the stars and I have a very special prize when we get to 100K you're not going to want to miss it let's just say it involves plane rides and track meets and VIP passes
Channel: Noah Lyles, Olympian
Views: 862,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: champion, noah lyles, olympic runners, training, drills, running, getfaster
Id: xiYTMBLqp8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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