How to get enough of the right kind of protein in your diet | Peter Attia and Rhonda Patrick

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we basically tell people aim for 1 gram per pound which would be 2.2 uh grams per kilo um because the other thing that complicates it Rhonda is not all protein is created equal so you know if you're eating un if you're getting a reasonable amount of your protein in uh In from from Plants you're getting a lower bioavailable amino acid you're also not getting the same quantity of Lucine lysine and methionine which are probably the three most important amino acids anyway so um you know one of the things Don Layman talked about was if you really want to be rigorous about this you probably want to track those amino acids and you really want to say look make sure you're getting one gram at least of methionine per day 2 to four grams per serving of Lucine and lysine now again for a lot of people that's too nerdy but but you know you can go through the math a couple of times with certain things that you eat repeatedly and you'll realize that's probably more protein in aggregate than a person is used to eating and as you said when you start to factor in those two other categories of risk right more demand so when you're doing those high-intensity workouts you are ripping apart muscle fibers when you're lifting weights when you're rucking when you're doing all these other things we love to do you're demanding more amino acids for the turnover and then of course anabolic resistance I think is the biggest issue and and something that truthfully up in until two years ago I just wasn't paying enough attention to I I wasn't appreciating that my older patients had a had an additional problem that younger patients didn't have with respect to that signal so that's a lot 2.2 grams um per kilogram by way that's I mean I struggle like I to get for me to get 1.6 like I'm supplementing I'm I'm taking whe protein like I I just can't it's like how many like so how many meals like typically four yeah cuz yeah it has to be and and and one of like so so for me it's really two meals and two snacks and the snacks are just protein snacks so so it's a it's a shake so one of them is just a wayy protein shake and then one of them is I eat these venison jerky sticks so five venison jerky sticks is 50 they're 10 grams a piece um and they're really good they're you know super pure venison um it's you know Wild game amazing product and I I should disclose I'm an investor in the company that makes them by the way um I was going to ask do you make them is it like no yeah but I I I know the people so well I know everything about it and I know that the quality is there um so those are two snacks right they're otherwise they're relatively low in calories right like my wayy protein shake doesn't really have anything else in it except some frozen berries and almond milk um and then the the venison sticks are what they are and then and then two meals that are you know going to have protein and for me again A lot of times like it's going to be an omelette and then you know protein dinner so yeah it's um not going to deny it it's work it's it's not um it probably consumes more of my uh dietary planning and dietary attention than anything else I I I don't pay any attention to how many carbs and fat I eat anymore uh I'm I'm just paying attention to protein intake it's something I never really paid attention to at much at all um you know until I would say like last June or July is when I really I started focusing on strength training you know both for my muscle mass and also bone mineral density like I mean y like like that's another thing where it's like you want you want to like that's you want a reserve of that as well especially as as a female right like so that that those are like Focus focusing on this the strength training and also the protein intake and it's been quite challenging I've always sort of focused on micronutrients and I and it is you know it's still a focus of mine and like making sure I'm getting enough of those and I do supplement as well um you know in addition to trying to eat like leafy greens and getting some you know some of the veggies and stuff it's either going to be roasted veggies for me or like salad but um the protein intake is like it's been it's been challenging and I find I typically do three meals um one of them is is like a a protein meal snack so it's like some salmon or like a a homemade turkey burger or something like that um but then the protein shakes also is where I I just have to do I guess that I don't really consider it a meal but it kind of is and um you know it's it is like it's it's satiating the protein like Shake is definitely satiating and I'm already it's even kind of hard because when you work out like as you mentioned your your satiety you know hormones go up like you're like I'm not hungry like I don't like necessarily want to eat like it it takes a while before I can actually like even get an appetite you know y so there's all these like competing things where I'm like trying to get the protein but I'm like I'm not really hungry and I'm like I know I need it and you know so all these little um important factors and yet again um important to sort of you know highlight that you know I don't know that someone who is overweight or obese necessarily needs to focus so much on that right I mean would you agree right that's right yeah I mean fortunately most people who are what I call overnourished are also adequately muscled and they can actually in the short run be okay losing lean mass in fact it's very difficult to lose heaping amounts of body fat while preserving lean mass so we tend to focus more on the caloric restriction coupled with the training we use the training as a way to offset some of that lean mass loss um and and then we can come back to it but but yeah now that said for people so it depends on the strategy right depends on the dietary strategy so for people who are using tracking kind of the caloric restriction way we would still set a protein Target that is at two grams per pound because of the satiating benefits that you said right also you have the thermogenic effect and the benefits of protein over fat and carbohydrate from a thermogenesis standpoint but when you have people that are going about it via dietary restriction or time restriction as their strategy for cutting Cal cies it can become a little overwhelming and when you force high protein you sometimes end up getting high calorie with it so that's where we would say just don't pay attention to it as much just focus on the the drtr approach The Other Place Rhonda where we do pay a lot of attention to protein is in the few of our patients that are taking glp1 Agonist so I I've been a pretty public I critic might be too strong a word but I've certainly expressed my reservations about the ubiquitous use and the liberal use of gp1 Agonist especially in people you know just trying to lose 10 pounds right like it's one thing if you're 100 pounds overweight and you've tried everything by all means the benefits clearly outweigh the risks but you know the um I got to get my beach body on for the wedding this summer I'm going to lose 10 PBS let me fire up some semaglutide or tepati I I think that's a net negative personal and in those patients not that we're giving it to those patients but in any patient who's on a gp1 Agonist we feel it is so essential to hammer home protein because those drugs are so effective at squashing appetite that I mean we've seen people who basically just want to drink alcohol when they're on it and they'll lose weight like crazy because they're you know not getting that many calories but they're like yeah I just like wine losing muscle yeah I'm just losing muscle drinking wine um yeah so yeah I to like I've I've got um some acquaintances that are of that category where it's like you know stay-at-home mom wants to lose 10 pounds has the the means to to get it and does it and um they're they I mean I have we haven't measured muscle in but I look at them and I'm like you look like you're wasting your like your muscle is wasting like you know you're not if you're not eating you're not taking in protein [Music] no
Channel: Peter Attia MD
Views: 123,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter Attia MD, Dr. Peter Attia, Early Medical, The Drive Podcast, The Drive, Longevity, Zone 2, rhonda patrick, found my fitness
Id: xmovbUC4C2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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