How to Get E-signatures for HR Documents With Jotform Sign

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e-signature is becoming a vital tool in HR departments Human Resources play a key role in implementing digital Transformations strategies to improve productivity culture and work-life balance of employees using tools like electronic signatures can help make signing ndas insurance forms tax papers and other documents paperless thus making the process of signing documents easier good thing job form sign has got you covered with esign and ueta compliant digital signatures let me show you how easy it is for HRS to start welcome to jobform my name is George and today I'm going to show you how easy it is for HRS to get started with implementing digital signatures so this is the jobform dashboard once you log in to head on over to the jotform science section let's head on over to the top menu on the left we're going to go to sign documents and this is going to take us to the panel where we have our documents for signatures now for previous documents you're going to see them listed here and we have several options available which I'll show you in a bit now to get started we're going to go to the green button here which is says create signed document so let's click on this one and we can upload our own documents to start signing so if we already have tax forms or other type of forms we can use these this here and I'll show you in a bit now if you're looking for a template we'll go into use template and there's several categories on the left and we can also use a search bar on the top now if you find a document that you need you can use it from here and just modify some fields that you might need to customize it now let's go back and we're going to upload our own document so it's going to upload a document and I'm going to select one from my desktop so in this case I'm going to use this one which is a human resources consultant agreement I'm going to open this one I'm going to create signable document so like I said if you have documents that you already use well we can bring them in here and drop from sign and start using them now one of the coolest features of jotform sign is detecting Fields automatically this saves you a ton of time now we can drag each one of these fields inside of the PDF or we can use this to get started so I'm going to select detect the fields and it's going to do it automatically now this option is going to detect most of the fields if there's some missing we can go ahead and modify them okay here we go so as you can see it added these fields automatically and the sections plus it also named it for us so that saves us a lot of time so for example Effectiveness up and we have this option here now it added all these fields now if they're submitting some of the fields we can go ahead and add them so for example other we have a missing field right here so we're going to add it right now we're going to go into long text let's drag it inside of here actually a short text Dragon inside of here let's go ahead and stretch it okay and let's make it a little bit narrower there we go and again we can do so with the fields that are missing okay we can go ahead and check it see everything's fine we even have the check boxes added there we go clients address consultant's address Etc let's go down here we also have the fields here we go and we're missing the signature so let's go ahead and add these right now so let's add the signature for this one and this one so basically that's how easy it is to implement the fields inside of this form it saves us a ton of time now we're going to assign these fields to the respective person who's going to fill it out so for example in this case we have two people who are going to fill this out let's go down here for example we have the client address and the consultant's address those two signatures for the consultant we're going to change it to another signature so this one needs to fill out a different section so I'm going to click on this and we're going to be able to edit this section for each one of these fields we're going to have the edit options on the right now we can go ahead and select the second signer in this case I'm the consultant you could say and I'm going to select it okay so now I changed a different color if I need to add a new role because there's a third fourth or fifth signer we can add them all right here and assign the fields to them okay so now that I've added this again we have the options on the right we can go ahead and select different signers here we can make it feel label change it we can make it required we have options available here for required specific format character limit so in case it doesn't need to be longer than I don't know if it's postal code it shouldn't be longer than six digits for example or five depending on the country input mask and advanced options for default value and read only so that they're not able to sign in so this one we assigned it to the second signer which in this case it's me so I'm going to go down here I'm going to change the signature also which is the consultant again I'm going to assign all these fields to me there we go and there's other fields that in this case I would need to sign but we're going to keep it just like it is okay now one of the things I would recommend after adding all the fields in your PDF document I recommend preview documents so once you preview the document you're going to be able to see all the fields available here we can go ahead and test them if I click on it I can go to go ahead and fill it out making sure that everything works correctly and another key feature is this one preview as for example signer one it's going to show me the fields for signer one so now that I'm sure that it's only available for me so you can see the consultant address has no field and on the bottom signature you can see that none of these fields are assigned so you can't see them here but if I change designer me in this case I'll see the fields that are available to me so here's one of them and in the bottom are the next ones so this is really useful to make sure that we implemented the fields and assign them to the correct person once we view it here so it's pretty easy to view it in this section plus we're able to view phone mode there we go tablet mode and if you like how it looks we're good to go let's get out of preview mode and the next thing we're going to check out is the settings so let's go into the settings now in this case we can change the document title if we like in this case we're going to keep it keep it the document title is grabbed from the file name that we uploaded but if it's different we can go ahead and change it here the email settings we can change the email subject and the email message so if you want to personalize this that is possible and there's also Integrations here so for example sign PDF to your favorite third-party services of custom apps so we can send them directly here if you want to store them in Google Drive on Dropbox OneDrive for box we can do so or use the appear to send it somewhere else that's appear connects to and we can also request an integration if we need something that needs to be directly integrated okay and next we have are the send settings now this is a really important feature so here we have the sign name so in this case signer 2 will be Thomas Thomas Brown and his email is going to be this one which is my test email and me which is George Aguilar and here's my email now a key feature is one of these these signing order if I enable this I can change the signing order if I drag this up it changed it if I drag it down it's different now this is pretty useful because first it's going to send it to signer one now once the signer one signs it and fills out the document it's going to send it to the next person which in this case it's me now this is really useful because you don't want to receive a document that's not filled out or you don't want to waste time filling out filling out a document that hasn't been filled out by the first person so this is really useful if you have three four five signers it'll go in order that you set it here we can also set a password to this so for example set a password code I can set it like this for example and I can keep it I can remove it there's also a message that we can add so for example your password is going to be your postal code or your password is your employee ID Etc so we have that option to add it there and again for us we can also do so it could be an extra security message if you want to add that there there's also an invitation link and once we send that out we'll see the send documents here now let's go ahead and check out the options before we send it out we can set an expiration date for this now this is really useful also in case you don't want to leave open this document for example if they have a time limit of a week two weeks to sign in well we can set it here if we want to leave it open we can just turn it off automate reminder emails if you want to remind the user like every two days every three days four Etc until they sign it you can enable this sign delegation and CC recipients we can also have the option to embed this so let's go into sign I'm going to send it over remember it's going to be sent over to the first person which is Thomas Brown okay and we're gonna go check it out on our email so let me go ahead and open that here we go we just received the first document and we're gonna review and sign document let's go ahead and open it up and we have all the fields that we have to fill out so for example I can add anything that I want right here so for example I could just say test I'll go next I'll send it to the next one and I can go ahead and fill out all this information now like I said these fields are for the client so this is not the consultant in this case how we just set it up for the demo all right remember clients address so I'll just say let's read and I'll go next and next and fill it out now over here on the client signature the date is on an atom added automatically and then we have the signature if I click on the signature it's going to open up the signature setting now for example there's a type signature which is grabbed from the variable when I sent it out remember I added the name so that's why it knows it's Thomas Brown it could be typed I can change the color and I can change the style to this so for example I want something recursive I can do so and there's also the draw options so in this draw option we can go ahead and draw the signature here we can go ahead say next and then go ahead and adds it there so it's super easy to implement signatures so once you've set up your PDF document send it over it's super easy to just fill out the fields and add the signature now there's another option we can go ahead and sign and complete and we can go ahead and decline it if we like so for example if we wish to decline this because we don't like the contract something is wrong with it the date is wrong or something the message point B is isn't what we agreed Etc we can go ahead and type it in and we'll receive that notification that it has been declined now this is one of the reasons why the signature assignment of who signs it first and then send it to the next one is really useful because you don't want to fill out the document for signer two three four if signer one has declined it so it saves you time in this case I'm going to cancel it I'm not going to decline it and I'm going to sign incomplete so let's go ahead and accept and send there we go it's been signed successfully so in this case the first signer has filled out the document that means that the second signer should be receiving the email now before I open the second email I want to show you how this is advancing in job form sign so let's go into job form sign and we're going to go to this section which is track okay so in the track option we're going to view the overview of this so for example you can see that some of these fields have been signed uh filled out sorry so you can see the test 2022 and I filled out the signature in the bottom you can see that's already there so we could we're able to view all of this like I said if this was declined we can also view it here in this case it hasn't been decline we're also waiting for signatures so we're waiting for the next signature again if there were three four five signatures we would view them right here who needs to fill this out waiting for others completed it hasn't been completed and it hasn't been canceled so again before we continue we are gonna go into the next email okay we're gonna fill it out okay here's our next email let's go ahead and review and sign document remember in this case it would be the consultant that's how I set it up so you can see none of the fields are available for the first signer but for the second signer we're going to be able to view it here so in this case again I'll say Street just for testing purposes I'll go next I'll keep it as signature as typed let's go next and the print name there you go sign in complete and here we go it's been signed so now both of the people have signed it that means the document is complete so let's go into our drop from sign inbox let's go ahead and refresh it and now we don't have waiting for signatures and now we have an audit Trail so let's scroll down here we'll see all the fields filled out you can see it's been signed by both parties we'll go down here and there's an audit Trail so in this audit Trail we're going to be able to view the title the document ID which is unique document Pages a status complete the time zone the document history when invitation was sent when it was viewed when it was signed Etc we're able to view that information and the process is complete so we have the document and we have the audit Trail for this and on the right we have our signers right here details if you like to view it next we have the options which you saw already now it's missing because obviously both signers have already signed it so there's no waiting for Signature waiting for others no it's been completed yes so now we're able to view it in the completed section it hasn't been canceled and it hasn't been declined so that's how easy it is for all this to tie in together and view it professionally now I showed you how to get here by clicking on the track option but if you need to head on over there from the main section let's go back into our start from science section for my documents here we go this is the section here we can invite design we can edit the signed inbox is where it is going to take us to the sign in box but there's also other options like preview edit rename clone or move to trash let's go into the sign inbox and it's going to take us to this panel so that's how easy it is for HRS to start bringing in their documents and start having them signed by employees via esign and ueta compliance system using jotform sign well I thank you all for watching and we'll see you on our next tutorials
Channel: Jotform
Views: 2,163
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Keywords: jotform sign, jotform, jotform apps, jotform signature, hr documents, hr documentation best practices, e-signatures for hr, human resources signature, e-signature software, e-signature app, esignature tool, hr document management, document management for hr, jotform approval, sign software, electronic signature pdf, electronic signature app, e-sign, hr software, human resources management, human resources software, human resource tools, hr software tutorial
Id: Kc7g-ixIcAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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