How To Get All Blooks

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remember my last video I got all of them bought I still have them now but if I if I just refresh they're all going to be gone and I have my normal ones so there's just a code that you that you do as a bookmark so you do a bookmark and then you and then you done you click edit you do this and then the the the code will be in the description so you just want to copy that code put Javascript but my code already has that so you don't need to have that and then you just paste it see if I go to the very front the front will say JavaScript and it'll just have it all so then you do save now you see I have all my normal ones and then I just click this boom all of the books see and then but you know you can't see the that those ones so you just want to you'll show free books and hide pack or well you can just show the packs and then you'll see them at the bottom all the color packs even the unique one party Pig Master elf all of them and you can just troll your friends to thinking that you have all the books but when you when you actually try to sell them you try to sell them like if I just do that like it would just it'll just stay on this for like the whole time so you're just going to so that's not going to work so you just have to refresh back to your normal but and you just do that yeah but but when you actually like if you have one of these books like this if you have that don't try to don't try to sell it cuz it will actually work and go back to your normal books so you don't want to do that yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure to go troll your friends yes
Channel: BlooketGod
Views: 226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h3D2cm2dJys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 1sec (121 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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