How to get a service dog // the right way

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hey everyone if you're new to my channel my name is Bree and this here is my service dog Dallas as y'all might know I have business cards that I hand to people who have some questions about service dogs and how they could get one for themselves or maybe someone that they love needs a service dog and I always want to help these people and give them information to help them do it the right way but it takes a long time to have that conversation with somebody and explain it all to them in one setting and a lot of the time I am busy so I don't have time to have that conversation or I just don't feel well enough to stand there and have that conversation so I want to start this video by saying that I was that person my mom and I we would see people with service dogs and we would go up to them and talk to them and ask them questions that we had because obviously navigating the service dog world is a very confusing thing there people have so many questions there are so many little things within the laws that are confusing and figuring out how to get a service dog on your own is also very confusing and I remember this one man who has a service dog he told us about a trainer that he used to get his service dog and this trainer does program dogs and he helps teach people how to owner train their own dog so to this day we still use this trainer he has helped us a lot and I just want to be able to give that information to somebody because I mean it's really helpful so if you don't know already today's video is going to be about how to go about getting a service dog the right way there are so many ways that people do it that are wrong so I'm gonna teach y'all how to do it the right way so the first step is to educate yourself on what a service dog is can a service dog help you what can a service dog do to help you what are the laws of a service dog and in my youtube channel I have a lot of videos explaining the different tasks that my dog does to help me I have videos explaining the laws of service dogs I have videos talking about what it's like to have a service dog and take one with you everywhere so those are some good videos to kind of get the feel of the service dog world another good place to look is the Americans with Disability Act they have a website that I will link down below take a look at that it has all of the laws it's the government it's a government website so it's federal law and they're not going to give you any information that's wrong so take a look at that the next step is you want to talk to a doctor who knows you and who has followed you in your medical condition for a while you want to talk to them and ask them and figure out if your condition disables you once you talk to your doctor and you establish that yes your condition is disabling to you you can use your knowledge that you know about service dogs to ask them hey I heard about service dogs this is what I think a service dog could do to help me would you be on board with prescribing me a service dog and they will either say yes or they will say no but you do need a doctor's prescription and doctors know to have a service dog this note needs to be renewed every year after the years up this note is no longer valid and you need a new updated one so once you have all of this information figured out you've got your doctor's note you need to figure out whether or not you want to get a program trained service dog so a pre trained service dog or if you want to own or train your own dog which is absolutely legal people do it all the time I owner trained my dog so to help kind of teach y'all more about these different options I'm going to talk a little bit about both of them so let me talk about program dogs for a second so program dogs are dogs that are pre-trained and they are trained specifically for you and the tasks that they are trying to do are to help you with your disability so you're on a waitlist and you get this dog you maybe not even ever met this dog before but they are trained for you so I want to talk about some pros and cons about program trained dogs so the biggest Pro about getting a program trained dog is that you don't have to train them yourself it's a lot of work to train your own dog there's so much that goes into it and having a dog pre trained and you're just purchasing it and getting it and you don't have to go through the potty training stage and the house training stage this dog is trained it's gone through their program it's a good dog and you have your dog you don't have to worry about any of it yourself now one thing that I like about program training dogs other than getting a dog yourself and training it is that if you get a dog yourself you are risking the possibility of your dog washing out these program trained dogs have gone through the program they have already eliminated all of the dogs who washed out and they now have dogs that made it through the program they made it through the service dog training and they are ready to be working service dogs so getting a program trained dog eliminates that possibility of having a dog washout on you which basically means having a dog that doesn't make it doesn't make the cut to be a service dog which happens a lot not every dog is cut out for service dog work and that's okay so another Pro is that a lot of people who are disabled either don't have the inner or the ability to go out socialize their dog train their dog potty-trained their dog it's a lot of work so that's another Pro to getting a program trained dog some of the downfalls to getting a program trained dog are you maybe have never even met this dog and then you just get assigned to this dog this dog has been trained for you but you don't have the bond that you would have if you owner trained it the dog you don't know how to work with this dog you have to go through classes to learn how to work with this dog learn how to handle this dog and that could be hard for some people some people may not feel that connection with their dog because they didn't go through the whole process with them another thing is that you do have to wait a while on a wait list and you do have to spend a lot of money a lot of these dogs are very expensive and you spend it all at once so now let's talk about owner training so in different states service dogs and training or Stitz have different rights so some states like Florida and Texas I know states have the same rights as service dogs so if you have a service dog in training you are allowed to take this dog out into public and people cannot tell you to leave unless your dog is out of control just like a service dog they cannot ask for any paperwork or vaccination records nothing like that they have the same rights as a service dog in other states service dogs on training do not have the same rights as a service dog so it's really hard to socialize your dog and get it out in public to train when you don't have those rights a lot of times you have to call ahead and you have to ask the facility that you're going to hey would you be okay with me bringing my service dog in training to work on some training and they have the right to say no some of them do say yes and that's how you have to do it in that situation which is a lot harder the pros and cons about owner training that was when I just talked about there is a pro some service dogs and training have those same rights and service dogs the con is that some states do not allow service dogs and training public access rights which makes it a lot harder to train your dog one thing is the work you have to put into it you have to get up every day you have to potty train your dog you have to housebreak your dog you have to train it every single day a lot of people also have to put in a lot of money for classes for their dog behavioral classes training classes vet bills are expensive for a puppy and you have to take care of all of that and I think the biggest Pro to owner training is that you get your dog and when it's a puppy and you bond with your dog and you get to know your dog's behaviors and you know how to work with your dog and I just think that you really get a special bond with your dog right away when you own or train and I think that's very important for people who have service dogs so your next step in owner training is that you want to find a credible breeder you want to find a breeder who breeds for health and temperament it's really good if you can find a breeder who breeds working dogs some programs do have breeding programs that you can actually purchase a dog from their breeding program and train it to be your own dog those are really expensive you do not want to do what I did I went to a first-time backyard breeder and it worked out so amazing for me I got so lucky with Dallas but most of the time if you get a dog from a pet store or a backyard breeder your dog it has a higher chance of washing out because of temperament because of health so even if you do find a breeder you're still probably are gonna be on a waiting list and that's okay be patient to get a good quality dog this dog is your lifeline you want to be patient with it you want to find the right people to give you this dog so then when you get your dog you have to potty train it and you have to house train it those are your first major things that you want to do once your dog's potty trained house trained and it's old enough you will want to put your dog into puppy classes you want to build a good foundation for your dog so you want to teach it the basics you know sit down stay basic training you also want to socialize your dog this is a huge thing service dogs need to be comfortable in all kinds of situations so when your dog's a puppy you probably don't want to take it out into public right away you probably want to take it to pet friendly places where it can run into other dogs and be around other dogs let people pet them let it get used to people touching them in petting them because it's gonna happen all their life and they need to be used to it they can't get jumpy or get scared so once your dog has had its behavioral training and it is well socialized already then you can depending on your state's laws you can take it into public and do training because you do want your dog to know how to sit and down and stay in a public place as well as at home you have to retrain all of these different obedience skills in different areas so after your dogs well socialized you have a good foundation with obedience skills you want to find a credible trainer you you want your trainers who have experience training working dogs this trainer is going to teach you so much it's going to teach you things that you wouldn't even have thought about but there are certain things that working dogs need to know that pets don't learn so it's a really good idea to find a trainer to help you with that and to make sure you're just on the right track and make sure that your dog is on the right track you have to remember with owner training every dog learns at a different pace some dogs learn super quickly some dogs take a little bit longer just like people do every dog has their own little things that make it different from I mean like Dallas Dallas whenever we walk by pillows in a store she tries to rub her face in them and I don't let her I have to correct her but every dog has their little you know quirks that make them unique and that's okay you just have to love them for it and correct them if it's not a appropriate behavior in public so that's all I have real today just make sure you do not go online and purchase a registration or certification card or paperwork for your dog those are illegal they don't magically make your dog a trained service dog they they mean nothing it's a scam they have no legal standing these people are just flying to you and scamming you and taking your money so thank you so much for watching I hope this helped bye [Music]
Channel: Dallas The Service Doodle
Views: 7,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get a service dog, dallas the goldendoodle, service dog, service fog ADA, service dog laws, goldendoodle service dog, living with a disability, working service fog, service dog alert caught on camera, service dog public access, service dog in training, getting a service dog, canon powershot g7x mark ii
Id: eF1LIeYcSH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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