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welcome back to the Graham Stefan show my name is Graham Welk to my show and we got a doozy of a video for you guys to watch today you know legitimately this morning I woke up and I was a bit worried that I might not find a good video to react to today and boy was I wrong it's always those days that you wake up and you're like what am I gonna do today that you come across the greatest gems ever on YouTube and I saw this video and I knew this would have to be something that we all have to watch and see because it's just it's absurd this is the most absurd video I have ever clicked on in my entire life because like we have millennial money that's great we have extreme cheapskates that that's fun that's fun and then we got this this is in a category of its own and this endless exists on there so anyway this is from a youtuber called love your natural and the title is how to get a guy to spend money on you with with some emojis and then wait for it must watch now any time I scroll YouTube and I see a video that says must watch you gotta watch it it can't ever scroll passage just must watch you know you can't not click on that so of course I clicked on it and yeah let's watch this video and see how she'll get a guy to spend money on you what Sasi don't say if this stuff would work on me and and how how absurd this is let's give this a shot but of course as always for me going and watching something like this and basically burning my eye sockets if you guys wouldn't mind destroying like buttons with YouTube's algorithm at the very least if I have to endure 15 minutes of listening to her at the very least if we if we could hit the like button and get and get 20,000 likes did that'll make my eyes and ears feel so much better so anyway what that said cheers guys let's begin I'm gonna need this how to get a guy money Wow so she's obviously doing better than me she's sitting there with hundreds i but during this whole crisis instead of having hundreds i downgraded myself to twenties you know so yeah so she's already doing doing better than me now if you're new to my channel what does the cemetery okay best friends well you see that she's I want them to Bella game welcome to the Graham Stefan game guys I don't I don't want it you know what for the video for the video I'm gonna have to pick this up later I hate doing this but just for the video ah man I'm gonna have to clean that up now that's not fun that's not fun no I'm afraid I'm gonna lose at 20 somewhere whatever let's continue number one first of all extremely important not skip number one or you are going to regret it so bad number one is number one would be smash the like button for these algorithm no Jen if she said that she said that like that that's the fastest way to my heart that that's it right there but let's see what she says why do you want to touch them because you want to make sure that he's the spending money on you tight some guys you see them you know with their nice car then they spent money on Rolexes and money on the output some guys you see them in the cemetery Tesla's the zenith el primero watch is spending money and H&M clothing and you know you know they're all about that 20 cent iced coffee and you know big rolling out of control that doesn't mean that he's less spend money on you some guys you know like to spend money on themselves and themselves only and if you bring it up to them you know about spending money on you they didn't call you a gold digger this is my money I love that if you want them to buy you stuff they're gonna call you a gold digger hmm well isn't that like the definition of what a gold digger would be wouldn't wouldn't that be calling a spade a spade from my perspective okay I don't know but but let's see what other mental gymnastics she has a purse leaf so the first thing we do is like you know start a conversation like this like oh my god the first of the month already like I feel like I hardly ever have money to myself and Louis being all these bills oh my god so annoying does that work this had actually work gosh I feel like if someone calls the guy up is like hey it's the first of the month already it's like I'm not your landlord I'm like I'm not not your employer oh it doesn't work like that I would be like listen we quit how about this here's what here's what I would say if that ever happened to me and be like listen you got to make an account at Mynt calm you got to start budgeting you got to start cutting back on the stuff you don't need and we'll see we'll take a look over your spreadsheet at the end of the month and we'll see what we could cut back on and hopefully at the end of the month you'll have some money left over to pay your rent a piece of time to spend money on you oh all right well I'm not I'm not I'm gonna give you 1500 when I feel a don't want it who does that who does that I I would be shocked who's who's literally like how much is your rent oh yeah 6,000 all right I'll come with $6,000 later babe mind blowing mind blowing I see I'm more the type of person it's like teach someone to fish an emic and they could pay the rent for the rest of the year you know not not in fish but metaphorically speaking you don't just hand someone something and there you go because they don't learn anything from so you teach them exactly what to do and then they could go off and be self-sufficient and and be a fully functioning contributing adult to society but if you said yeah that's crazy yo I hate being adult damn I'm sorry together and I do got like pretty much you know that's a cold work that's a cold word for life I don't got money like that you know saying no it's uh I don't I don't got money like that it's just like I'm gonna pay your rent for you I'm not gonna do that like again it's something like that I think is it's just you know to each their own why don't you go get a manager dealing with a man who's not gonna who's not gonna pay your rent it's not that necessarily doesn't have the money to spend on it it's just he's not he's not gonna pay your why why would he do that so but but in her defense if this is what she's really after she just wants a guy to pay for her I'm sure for her that's a good way to weed people out like 99.999% of the demographic got they're probably gonna follow the side but at this point it's probably a numbers game it's probably she dates enough guys at the beginning of the month she's got to make her phone calls like she's got that cold all lists where she's got to go through Brian right my rent man bills bills Joe hey how's it going his first month already I'm sure if she does 100 people one of the guys might be like hey how much you need all right I got you and then she's got that guy on lock and then the next month she goes to him first and if he cancels and she goes to your other guys so I don't want to say [ __ ] today okay cuz when I say how to get a guy to spend money on you I'm not talking about like cuz I've never been a shitty baby I never use guys you know should be my sugar daddy this is your significant other like young your future husband Oh gotcha so it's so only your future husbands and only like like a serious long-term boyfriend whatever just voluntarily pay your rent for you well if it's not that then that's not gonna have well I know for myself like that's one of my deal-breakers and I can't be with a guy that things the problem to spoil his girl that thing is the problem like every time I ask for something that you know like Dan you don't saying there's this quote that says if you're in a relationship and you're struggling then since you're single and I couldn't agree with that post like oh my god I love that post so much listen doesn't this go both ways - what if the guy is the one is struggling what if the guy is the one who's just like constantly paycheck to paycheck and and the woman is the one working has a great job does that does that VIN change things does that does that not make any impact whatsoever what about what about teaching what about helping what about saying like you know honey let's look at your credit score let's see what your bills are following me on okay let's let's pay this woof first this is the highest interest rate you know what you couldn't walk into you know getting some new skills learning some new stuff and making more money like that I think is a better long-term approach than just being like hey how much is your you have much is your cable this month your yeah that's a lot for cable here that's cable this month you know I make my own money money but we should be able to have men so like you know it's times get hard I babe he'll go baby on down wait a second that makes no sense so so she can work and have her own money that's hers that bet that is exclusive leaders but whoever she's dating his money is hers too so she gets everything I that just this is this is the equivalent of winning the lottery wouldn't it just be degrading to come over to your boyfriend's house like here you go how much money you need how much money you need there you go there you go let's make it like wouldn't that just make it feel bad I don't know who is going on dates that are nearby shopping centers oh wow he's got this all figured I'll go to a place near a mall the funnest part about shopping in my opinion is going to the really expensive stores and then looking at the price tag and you try to guess how much it is and then you look at the price tag and you're just blown away like how how can this shirt ever be seven hundred how is this jacket four thousand and then you laugh you have a great time like that's fun but this this sounds this is a bad dream oh my god oh oh tacky though that's so tacky like even even if I ever go to dinner with with friends or whatever and I know someone else was paying I always make sure that I feel bad about that so usually what I'll do is all order like the least expensive thing on the menu just because I feel bad if someone else is gonna be treating me I don't want I don't want to abuse that she just took the opposite approach she's like well you're paying long I'm minute I'm gonna get lobster I'm gonna get what's the most expensive bottle of champagne yeah I'm gonna get that oh you know what let me take that to go because my refrigerator is rather right you know what she should really be doing she should really be going on dates on the first of the month when rent is due and then do that next to a grocery store so she can go and stock up on groceries as well see there we go matter of fact you never ever 20 the ball so let's go to movie star real quick it's something that I want okay and lo and behold girl he took me shopping okay we went to shop and we had a good time and I really really enjoyed that like that made me look at him different he's like oh like you husband was there you I love how her criteria for a husband is not like someone who's caring someone who's passionate someone you know who speaks their mind who's intellectually stimulating it's it's can this guy just go take me shopping can this guy pay my rent do you know she's she's very simple very very just you know just one-track mind so be it you know the I bet the I I really believe there's a person for everybody out there you know that's one of the things I look for in a husband like I feel like stability is so sexy I'm curious though what she brings to the relationship you know all things considered I said no she seems just like a drain it seems like she's just she's just draining without really adding much to to the relationship there so let's see maybe she maybe she has something that we don't know about number three is make him feel good for spending money on you if you make a guy feel good for spending money on you that seems very manipulative though I mean again we'll call it for what it is it's very manipulative behavior and I don't know what what guy would tolerate that in a relationship but again I this is so foreign to me this is so just weird of a concept that I can't wrap my head around it so example is like oh my god you're someone better than every other guy who's ever bought me louis vuitton ever you're so much better than all the four of the guys who paid my rent last four months you're so much better than that they'll went away and they ran out of money but you you still have more money I don't know make him feel good make them feel good some thank you um I don't want to say sleep with him yeah safe and that's like you know like like keep the disp using you gotta sleep and I'm not something you ladies to sleep with him but if he's young man like making food extra special that night you know I'm saying what she's implying okay so I I'm keeping the video PG but also I'm gonna say is she's implying she's implying whatever she's implying okay I'm not gonna get into that because I don't want to be demonetised bear yeah this is this is a somewhat Family Channel and yeah we're not gonna go there he's gonna want to shower you with gifts upon gifts upon gift gotcha so you got to give back like 1% of what he gives you if he gives you 20 grand then his birthday present two hundred bucks no man is fooling you all right stop doing that you know what I started out the quick way but gotta use one cigar no thank you get this out of you he's not you know you give a guy an inch they take a mile so make sure that he does it first then you can slowly back I wonder what's gonna happen when the guy she's dating goes and watches her videos cuz it's inevitable that they're gonna find out she's making YouTube videos she's got eight hundred twenty four thousand subscribers I don't know if she's if she's single right now or if she's actively dating she's dating multiple but well we don't know but it's just at some point some guy is gonna come across as dating her and I can't I can't imagine any successful self-sufficient guy who's who's in door is gonna come across this video and and not be repulsed by it you would think stranger things have happened now number four is don't abuse his money or he will catch on and cut you off now I'm sad to say but I know there's some experience why is she laughing about this that is such an evil laugh I know from experience you know oh wow just just the behavior from this the money stopped coming but I remember like this guy like and taking shopping all the time and literally like every week we'll just go shopping see again it's just like she says you can't expect it but then she's expecting it and when the money cuts off she's like she bounced she's like I'm out of there that's exactly what what okay well won't want it there and then one day lovely oh that oh I think we should go to this outlet you know this Saturday he's like oh yeah go out with you anymore I'm like why he's like oh I have a girlfriend now you're probably even have a girlfriend I feel like this because like I've used it like he was spending like a thousand dollars like almost every week $1,000 a week holy crap how does she find people like that how do they find people that is $52,000 you know how hard people have to work to make a thousand dollars a week that that is just spent well you know what she is good for the economy you know because she is not the type she's not investing any of it she's not putting it under her mattress she's not just saving any of it all of that money circulates back into the economy so in a way we need people like her in existence because it takes money from people who have money to spend or burn puts back into the economy through through buying luxury items and goods and and everyone's happy I love how she didn't even edit out her taking a sip of that like it would be like it would be like me doing this okay what's my next note why not just edit that out take take the extra second edit that part out make it nice so it looks like this perfect number Bob how do you get a guy that spent money on you number five is put off the wallet first and act as if you're going to pay if he's are spending money on you type he's gonna you know we're doing no baby I got this oh wow the good old pull the wallet out first trick like maybe you guys are out of storing and shopping and too nervous to actually you're gonna know once you hit the cash here okay when she hit the register bring more clothes but make sure that if I don't that you can afford yeah I was about to say like imagine pulling out your wallet and like you have $10,000 with the clothes and you're just pulling it out your hand is like shaking like this you're looking at him you guys are looking at each other and he's like no it's a good it's a good buy getting a good deal when you take out your wallet credit card like you slowly insert it and then you realize think is that gonna well I guess what you do is just return it afterward it's like unless it's a final sale you probably just have to be like uh-huh and and you have to go and return it afterwards I'd imagine Wow so quite a doozy there that was not expected did not wake up this morning expecting to watch this video so overall I mean here's what I have to say there's someone for everyone and they and I even though I don't understand the concept behind it I don't doubt there there are people out there for everybody there there's not going to be a shortage of guys out there they don't mind paying just like there's not gonna be a shortage of people like her who loves just just being paid on Who am I to basically go and judge her for her life so I don't get it I think it I think it's wild I think it's crazy I just can't get the concept from my own perspectives in life but you know what to eat your own and at the very least this makes a very interesting video to watch so with that said you guys thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it as always make sure to demolish the like button subscribe button notification bell also feel free to add me on Instagram poster pretty much daily so if you want to be a part of it there feel free to add me there and last if you guys want to free stocks use the link down below in the description and weeble is going to be giving you 2 free stocks when you sign up on their platform and deposit $100 with one of the stocks valued up to $1400 so if you want your two free stocks use that link down below let me know which two free stocks to get thank you so much for watching and until next time
Channel: The Graham Stephan Show
Views: 520,495
Rating: 4.9175515 out of 5
Keywords: cnbc, millennial money, millennial money graham, investing, investing for beginners, how to invest, how to invest in your 20s, how to invest in stocks, how to invest in real estate, how to save money, how to save money fast, how to be a millionaire, roth ira, best stock trading apps, stock market investing, stock market investing for beginners, investing 101, real estate, real estate investing, robinhood, robinhood app, how to build wealth, passive income
Id: GErWb-7W4D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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