How To Get a Federal Grant For House Flipping + Home Improvement (Exactly How)

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we're going to show you how to have the government put up money for your deals how to take advantage of loopholes that everyone overlooks and had a fun deals in a very unique way on this episode of exactly how you're listening to the exactly how podcast where you'll hear the Underground closely-guarded wealth building secrets of successful people around the globe discover exactly how to improve your mental physical and financial health feel better make more money live give and prosper in today's exciting fast-paced world filled with opportunity for those who know exactly how hello everyone welcome to the connected investors podcast exactly how during this episode you're gonna discover exactly how to get federal grants for your real estate investing business for those of you who are new my name is Ross Hamilton today's host and CEO of connected investors calm and private lenders calm today we have the privilege to learn from a woman who helps people build wealth through business and real estate understands all about grants and federal contracts in a way that kind of blew my mind when we were talking before this podcast in YouTube show even started prior to her career in real estate she was the vp of operations and that all changed when both her and her husband were fired from their jobs on the same day that was also her son's birthday oh no six figures just went out the door overnight I would describe our guests as innovative and driven her name is Tamika Bryant and today she's going to explain exactly how to get federal grants Tamika thank you so very much for taking the time to speak with us thank you thanks for having me on the show yeah I'm really excited about this particular episode because it's something that I've never done or explored before so to be able to pick your brain someone with so much experience and your your background and even grant writing I think is really awesome so I'm really excited about this show cool cool I'm excited to be here yes before we dive in on exactly how to you know kind of get these federal grants Tomica you contribute a lot of your success to your presence why do you think this has played such a big role in your success growing up as a kid in the Bronx you know you're up against millions of other kids in the Bronx not only that it was just having a crazy childhood and everything on top of that and so I didn't have an opportunity to not be able to perform at least as I looked at it and so I got hit time and time and time and knocked to the ground and every time I look up I'm like it's because I'm able to persevere is why I'm able to keep going it wasn't any luck I didn't have anyone any great uncles who dropped the million dollars in my hand or anything like that I had to learn how to persevere early on in life was just as simple as that what actually with your grant writing background maybe Uncle Sam was that perfect millions of dollars in your in your lap there so yeah I mean exactly it's it doesn't matter what what you're doing whether it's real estate or you know selling sewing water bottles or t-shirts which actually I used I used to have a t-shirt company back in the day there's always challenges there's always you know times where you have to pivot you have to get up you have to dust yourself off there's a lot of competition growing up in New York is a blessing and a curse because yeah I'm from New York as well you come out and you've you know you've been through the wringer you're ready to go so this is gonna be a really exciting episode I really appreciate that for everyone who is who's new the exactly how financial freedom podcast is very unique because every show comes with a detailed action plan we're gonna pull all the steps out of our guests head and make sure to write out a complete blueprint so you can implement everything we're going to talk about here on the line we're gonna break things down step by step so if you're driving you don't have to worry about taking notes if you're watching us on YouTube great you can find some great information in the description of the YouTube video anytime you hear something you like just go ahead and comment tell us you liked it right give us a thumbs up tag some you know your interaction really fuels us in addition to all the notes and everything you need and a free gift that Tamika is gonna give you that can be found at exactly how calm we also give away our pre MLS software each and every show this is a three thousand dollar software that shows you all of the best real estate investments in any area around the United States prior to being listed prior to being auctioned off prior to all the masses driving up the prices and Realtors wanting commissions and red tape all over the place right so it's a fantastic software for any inspiring real estate investor and you can get it for free by visiting exactly how calm and throw in your name in the Hat if you're watching this live or during our YouTube premiere go there right now because we're gonna pick a winner right now during this show during step two we're gonna make sure to announce the announced the winner here so I'm really excited for everyone who's who's on the line here alright Tamika let's let's go ahead and define really what a federal grant is yeah yeah yeah so of course back when I was in New York I was about thirteen years old and I could not get into an organization called boys clubs of course that area because I wasn't a boy so I found the only female who was there woman who worked there and I kind of gravitated to her little did I know that she was in charge of writing grants for her department so at age 13 I just started helping her put these reports and stuff together so contracting and federal grants and contracts and all those kinds of things is really pretty much a different pill or a business that I think people don't pay enough attention to you because federal contracts the monies that are coming from that line and that pill or a business is coming from the federal government and so the federal government has billions of dollars to spend right on everything and one thing that you can definitely guarantee your cell phone is any business that you have the federal government has to buy that type of products and so if you can figure out your piece of that pie and if you want to do a little work then you can align yourself to obtain some of that federal contract hi and so over the years I've worked with different teams on the nonprofit side and the for-profit side and just aligning the company's mission and their goals to access a pillar of that business so as much as when I worked in the Atlanta market we had an 80 million dollar appropriation from the federal government so that meant they had to give us 80 million dollars a year to do the business that we were doing that they themselves could not do but they would pay us to do and so it aligns and it just goes into every market and every aspect of the business and I think sometimes as investors we only may come in as thinking about real estate investing maybe in a few different categories and probably stay away from federal contracts or federal grants and so that became one of my niches when I got into a new market where I didn't know anyone that's a really interesting niche right there and to be exposed to that of 13 is is really awesome for you to be able to you know still be doing it still be doing it today yeah when I think federal grants for some reason I picture the guy with all the question marks or money on his suit was that guy pitching grant sir what was he pitching is he was on he was on infomercials for a very long time right and he was also pitching grants and most of the time people were buying it but then they wouldn't do the work and I kept telling same people it's not a gimmick or anything it is there the funds are there but you got to put a little work you got to put a little elbow grease into anything you know and that's how I started was figuring out that there was a real process to getting to it and then getting in line and doing the you know the pieces to make it happen well so I never forget I came on the phone as soon as I moved into a new market the first thing I did was find federal grant they gave me money for my first commercial building that I purchased from them so fantastic I'm like it works Wow you know I was about to ask you the question I'm a real estate investor why do I care I just you just completely answered that question so before we break into the process of going through this can you just kind of let me know a little bit about how you how that deal was structured like yeah how long did it take how how does it deal structured high-level then we'll go over the exactly house side of it in a second got it so again as you said to the audience when you first got going I was terminated on March 23rd my husband and I from our organization and had to figure out how we were going to survive and this and decided hey we're not going back into corporate America so that was March 23rd by May I had created a new I created an LLC started a real estate company and went from there by the time we got to that was May June I did the research to find who had funds on the ground and I first looked locally okay so most people will overlook organizations like the Economic Development Corporation or different kinds or trusts or real estate trusts and things like that land banks and so I got on the ground and found all of those entities because I figured somebody would have a piece of real estate that I needed to purchase or program for someone like me who was new investor wanted to get into the business had the grind and the hustle just needed to get those connections so I found those folks that was in June did my application in July did a quasi loan and then also applied for what they considered facade grants from the Development Corporation so that was pretty much free money to fix up the outside of any commercial building that I found so I found this commercial building that was Zone C 4 which meant for me in my head that if everything else failed I could also run the business and live there if I had to we're not in New York anymore we're in the Midwest and we don't know anyone so we've got to build it in case we got to live in it and by the time October 1st was our grand opening I had purchased a building renovated the building using loans from the bank and the grants from the Economic Development Corporation for my very first commercial building in a new city that you know I started so that's in a long period of time it just was a process with that process great great and I'm really excited to kind of break this down you also have a free gift that you're gonna give away to everyone here who's listening that you can get it exactly how calm can you explain the free gift real quick because I find being a broker we do things a lot different we focus on off market properties and things like that our focus is the investor but most investors most real estate agents a lot of folks a lot of small businesses period jump in get their LLC's get their business cards and they go without having the foundation laid out so I created a blueprint so that they could start filling in those pieces of the things that they might have missed and then they can continue to build because one thing that they're gonna run into that I ran into you is there was a recession what did I need to have well I needed to have lines of credit I didn't have those things set up at the beginning so those are some of the things that are in that reprint dock that'll tell them besides just your LLC and some business cards there are some of the other things you need in order to make sure your foundation is strong for you to keep moving great thank you so much for sharing that with all of our listeners right exactly how calm you can right there find this episode's notes and bam you can download that gift and on every episode of exactly how we give away valuable free gifts so make sure to kind of scroll around and and grab what's gonna help you most most importantly implements that's what this is all about if you were one of the people that bought that book of the guy jumping around with all the money on his on his suit maybe dust it off and let's give let's give it a shot so Tameka before we started we broke down getting these getting these grants into three steps step number one in the research then how to ask for the money and then the follow up so let's dive into the research I'm a real estate investor in Wilmington North Carolina which I am I want some free money from the government what do i do first things first what I would tell anyone any in any city you want to go and definitely find out where's your housing department or who manages your housing department some cities have it in their city there's one person it only works there there may be five people on this thing what I found what I found is that most of the employees who work in this housing department do not have any real estate background they are government employees without the resources of what we bring to the table so when I connect with them then I can find out from them who are the other organizations that are giving to their department or to projects there is normally a non-profit or several of them including groups like the Economic Development Corporation which there's always going to be one in every major city and then going into those departments and just scrolling around sometimes it's right there in their website of grant opportunities government contract opportunities are all there right on their websites this is all local though right you have to do everything is local here you can do it local I normally go local state and national because again I've been in this world a little longer and this you know crazy grant and contracting arena but I always tell folks go local then they can spread out to state and then federal so when I moved into this Midwest market the first year I had a local state and federal contract and grants all at the same time because I knew exactly what I was looking for I knew exactly how to go in and I didn't have a problem with staying focus and implementing because again I was trying to replace those that six-figure salaries household that no longer had yeah exactly and it's you know I just just did a podcast right before you and I talked and I was talking to a guy about small-scale real estate development so if you listen to that podcast and now this podcast right afterwards you can start to kind of put these different pieces together these different shows and exactly how you can do small-scale real estate development and this might be how you can fund it in a very unique way but the reason I bring up him is because he talked about just how important focus was and I keep hearing you say that over and over again making sure you have focus and follow-through so so great we talked a little about the research is there anything else you want to touch on on research until we go in before we go into the ask now not so much on the research because again with Google it's so much easier anything and find anything if they're looking but again the easiest way is to just stay at the local government yes sites and you can put anything in there as well as on HUD gov you can also set up high gov you can also see what kind of grants that HUD has been giving within certain markets as well because they will post every grant that they've given anywhere in the country and sometimes I tell people sometimes you just have to read up on that and follow the money it'll tell you another one that's coming so perfect examples I worked on the NSP program some 10 years ago and that was a federal contract that kind of went down the pipes down to the local market but because I caught it at the federal level on HUD I could easily see where it was gonna land and so I positioned myself to be there when it landed well with that website address again absolutely we'll make sure have that at exactly how calm with all the show notes and and the free gifts and everything else so you know we were actually I was speaking with another gentleman about on a podcast about the rights markets to invest in and he had this really cool Google Alert that he set up anytime I got live in roaming ttan said set up an alert Wilmington approves and he gave me all these good alerts to set up and you'd see when they were new like development projects that were approved new things so you can see what's kind of happening right is there any like specific google type of search or Google Alert you might be able to set up for this local for local grants grants would be how it's gonna always come out because the thing about grants and opportunities on housing is that everyone wants to bring their own bells about hey look what we're doing so it's going to come up one thing like I started doing is not only was I looking at for me well right now I'm in Kansas City that opened up another office in Florida people were like well why'd you pick the area you picked that you chose in Florida it's like well it just got the largest federal contract in the country that the country has ever delivered was in Panama City Beach so that already told me that all my investors would need to be renovating housing they're building new construction because they were going to need employees so it's all about depending on what your market is but I feel look for grants I look for large contract numbers because that's where normally my investors are going gotcha yeah no I just did it I just did a search Wilmington NC grants and there's there's definitely some stuff right there that just yeah just popped up so the research seems really important for this so you've done the research you find some some decent grants now let's go ahead and talk about how you ask for the grants correct so once I find out that there is a grant every grant has to be published it's published somewhere and there's normally going to be a contact person that's there I want to get to know that contact person so whether I'm emailing I'm going to their office I'm calling I want to talk to them because I want to know how am I gonna make them look good to their superiors because they're managing the money their goal and end result is that they have to give this money away it's already been allotted but they want success so they don't want to give it to someone who's going to drop the ball or that they're gonna have to reissue it to someone else so I find that person I talked to them about their deliverables and then I asked for the business you know a lot of times I think we don't always ask for the business we'll apply for a grant or something else but I'm specifically looking at a person in their eye and saying how do I get your business ask for it you know how do I get this contract what do I need to do to position myself so that I am first in line for this contract and you'd be surprised that the grant people who are overseeing us say look can you be at this meeting you need to be at this meeting you need to show up to this event or whatever it is and I'm taking notes and I'm doing exactly as they told me awesome yeah I mean asking you shall receive if you don't ask do the research figure out who to ask go sit down with them make sure they believe that you're a competent person ask him good questions about what their goals are and then ask them for their business so that brings us into the follow-up of grants so great you talked with this individual before actually before we enter the follow up I almost forgot I have to announce the winner of our $3,000 pre MLS software that allows you to run circles around your competition because you know when someone inherits a house the second it happens you know when there's about to be an auction you you're able to find vacant properties the owners it also has all the contact info that you need to really implement this business and the winner of today's $3,000 pre MLS software is kelly green Kelly congratulations whoo thank you so very much for being a listener for liking what we're doing for sharing for commenting and for visiting exactly how calm and throwing your name into the Hat it's a it's an absolute no-brainer if you're a real estate investor to at least kind of try to win right it's free so Tomiko let's go ahead and talk about the follow up and they often say the fortunes and the follow up is the funding and the follow up in this case yes absolutely because there are a couple of things that are happening during that follow up stage once I have submitted my application let's say I've gotten that far I've submitted my application I am now following up with the person did you get it did you receive it because sometimes people go into this portal they put their stuff in and they think they're all done well what if it didn't make it there or if it was supposed to be on someone's desk and it wasn't there I'm going right back to the person who I've been in contact with just ensure that my paperwork is there it's there everything is done now I'm looking at what's the process for them notifying someone I want to know when that happens and if I'm selected or not selected I still have follow-up responsibilities here if I'm not selected I want to know why I wasn't selected so I want to follow back up with that person and find out was my application not strong enough is there going to be another opportunity for the contract for me to get the contract one thing I've been known for in the Kansas City Market is they started calling me the cleanup woman because where all the people would go after the contracts and they couldn't deliver I was normally right there when those folks were going well who can we they knew I was there I was going to follow up and that's how I started getting the other contracts the ones that would fell through the you know the fingertips of the folks who had them at the beginning then the second part is if I get the contract there are specifics to any contract that you have grant or any kind of funds that they're the deliverables and they will have timelines most people mess up because they don't get their paperwork or their deliverables in by the right time so I normally go for a day before when it's due or two days before or when it's due and then and make sure that they received it everything is good glad to be a partner with them and then I also follow up when the contract is over the contract is over I'm normally calling that contact person because birds of a feather do what flock together absolutely so they normally know someone else who's gonna have a similar contract or other resources that they need to spin out of their budgets so I'm following you up there as well yeah I mean that's no matter what you're doing in business sake there was another podcast we did I forget which one it was but they were saying what makes what separates a really good salesperson someone who can make a living is how fast they follow up someone's like you know today I sat down with the CEO of a huge publicly traded company and he's like I love what you're doing I want to see I want more send me over an NDA so within 10 minutes he had an NDA I had a text message go out you know 45 minutes later hey just sent you the NDA blah blah blah you know I got the response back so I knew what that next step was to kind of keep keep the ball moving in a lot of different directions and that follow-up is so important don't say yes I got it cool yeah I'll follow up soon I don't want to be too eager this is know if that's just embedded in me I learned out of New York or what but I'm like I've got to follow up because out of sight out of mind I want them to understand that I'm eager for their business and I want them to keep writing those contracts or giving me those grants and so now what it has allowed me to do is that I don't even have to apply the way I used to apply before the folks now will call me and say we have an opportunity we just need you to send what your costs are and things like that because a lot of the federal contracts they have thresholds so they can just hire someone without making them go through all of the contracts and the processes and now I just I'm a part of some people's just Ola Dex let me call her I know she can get it done I don't have to apply the way I used to applied before when I first well great anything else you want to bring up about you know the research the ask or the follow-up that someone should know if they're interested in doing this I think more investors need to pay attention to the resources that are out there that they can use to leverage what they already have or what they already know know so yes they know about loans and yes they know about hard money and some private but there are other types of grants for the end-user that if investors knew a little bit more about they could actually move their products faster yeah if they're doing flips and things like that that I just don't think people pay enough attention to so me as a an investor and been investing since I left New York those were grants and free money that was on the table that I watch other people just walk right by yeah literally just walk right by thank you thank you I'll take that I'll take that deal thank you well here's a really important question for you Sumiko what do you think your life would be like if you never got into real estate oh my gosh I know exactly I would have been working at Tiffany New York got a job offer to go work for Tiffany or to move out of the city and I was like oh Tiffany sounds so great but I'd know for sure I would not have had these success and building my real-estate empire or whatever you want to call it that I have now because I left because I wouldn't have had the access to funds or even been focused enough to think about real estate I would have been building someone else's business at Tiffany & Company yeah exactly you wouldn't you you wouldn't be a multi-millionaire with you know my kids would not enjoy all this I wouldn't be living in Florida and half the time here and just you know I wouldn't have stepped out and went for it the way we did if it wasn't for real estate you know my parents didn't own their own the real estate and so it was very important for me to own and once I figured out that everything was real estate evolved then I wanted a piece of every real estate in the country yeah that makes a whole lot of sense if I didn't find real estate I'd probably be installing floors still I don't even I can't even think about what it would be like if I did not have real estate as what I was doing yeah yeah it'd be tough so we're gonna jump into the rapid fire section of this podcast and YouTube show you ready alrighty just gonna ask you a question first thing that kind of comes to your mind really deep personal questions you can pass on any question that y'all answer now on a scale from one to ten how strict are your parents father mom was a three that's a that's a good balance get up early or stay up late I stay up late how many hours of sleep do you get about seven favorite or most recent book that you read my over again we're actually inspiration so its lead generator dies the last one I read great and we'll make sure to have your book let's talk about your book here just in just a second I'm sorry I didn't bring it up earlier but we'll make sure to have your book on the podcast page Bob all your all your different books right there if you could be any superhero who would it be can you explain because it sounds like everybody wanted to be Wonder Woman but I wanted to be Isis when I saw Isis and Isis was yeah I think she probably only had a few shows but yeah Isis would be my super well did she have a special power or what was her her drop what's so funny is that the only actor remember the song saying almighty Isis Almighty the government is I'm just saying we're talking we're using these other words I'm just gonna go ahead and go other superwoman is what is something everyone should do less of complain no one cares I think everyone should do more of fun smile have fun well people visit Mars in your lifetime and Bitcoin bang or bust bang bang there you go alright Tameka thank you so very much for spending time with with us and all of our listeners today okay thanks yeah and for everyone who is still on congratulations you made it to the end of the show only a very small percentage of people finish any podcast any YouTube show so you obviously found that are you in this I'd like you to like it to share it to comments give us some sort of interaction don't think someone else is gonna do it I need you to do it right now if you're watching this on YouTube I'm pointing at you 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Channel: Connected Investors
Views: 142,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free money, federal grants, home improvement, real estate investing, Grant Cardone, grants for house flipping
Id: _1kz306-MoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 10sec (2050 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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