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[Music] what's good people i'm samia panda and welcome to my channel okay guys so if you saw my last video you're gonna think why did i do this video again it's not the same uh we're not gonna go over the same topics i mean i'm gonna let you guys know what's in the other video and those of you who haven't seen it it's this video right here go check it out maybe watch it before watching this one but um i've been training 20 years and my whole goal with my youtube videos is to share my experience share my knowledge you know because over those 20 years i've learned loads i've learned a great deal i'm still learning but i've learned so much that can help other people there's a lot of myths there's a lot of lessons i've learned that could help you you know i've obviously covered this topic before and when i covered it before i had a sheet of paper in my hands and i explained to you that we all have abs all of us have abs the only difference is the amount of body fat that is uh covering it and a lot of us are out there trying to achieve um a six-pack without the knowledge that we all have one in the first place and it's just about revealing them you know there's people that don't actually train their abs and have an amazing six-pack how well this video is to give you the facts you know so the other video i covered a basic uh thought process that you should have to attack in your abs this video i'm gonna give you the facts and you're probably wondering why does he have an avocado you know i had a sheet of paper before what's with the avocado well i can tell you that i'm not going to eat it so eating it is not the the key to getting your abs and i'm also not going to cover my body in it you know that's that's not what i'm going to do with this avocado but i am going to use this avocado to demonstrate something that is very important check it out i love this part because right now you're thinking he has a chopping board in the gym he has a knife and an avocado in the gym what on earth is he gonna do okay well let me show you [Music] i actually had an overripe avocado at home and i thought about using it but it might be soft and mushy so i bought a brand new one and it is solid still serves the purpose if i can get it open [Music] all right okay and there we have it an avocado cut in half what the hell does this have to do with getting abs okay well for a second i need to come over come over come over okay guys i need you for a second to imagine that this is our ab muscle this seed here is the abs and uh this flesh around it the avocado flesh is the fat that covers our abs what we want to do we just want to see these slabs that's what we want to do we want to see these slabs but we have this fat that covers it what i'm going to show you today is the fact that when you do for example some crunches i'm going to show you how little calories you are burning with your with your crunches and guys the takeaway from this this is for people that have a layer of fat on their abs this isn't for you if you can already see your abs and you just want to make them bigger if that's the case then what i'm going to show you um you can do all of these and you will build the slabs and you will make them thicker and more prominent and you will have great abs but this is for people that have a layer of fat covering their abs and they want to show them they want to bring them out so this is the muscle this is the fat when we do some crunches we are burning so little calories that imagine it's just like this coming closer look the tiniest amount that's probably even too much you are burning the smallest amount of calories yeah just think of it like that but when you do cardio when you get your diet right you are really attacking it you know you're cutting a big chunk of fat off and you're getting closer to this seed you're getting closer to your muscle to showing the shape of it you know the more you do the more cardio the more you fix your diet the closer you get the closer you get to showing the muscle eventually when you finally reach your goal you've come to about here oh and then the shape starts to come through the shape starts to come through like that eventually we get to here we've emulsified all the fat we've got rid of it we've burned it torched it and we can start to see the shape of our abs but that's only gonna happen quicker with the exercises that i'm gonna show you today and i'm gonna show you the actual facts and figures how many calories are you actually burning so when you do your crunches when you do your wood choppers when you do your side bends how much calories are you actually burning and could that time be used better doing something different that's what you're going to learn today how many calories are you actually burning i bet you don't know well today you're going to learn my hope is that once you know how little the calories are that you burn from doing all these ab exercises you will switch to using your time more efficiently at targeting cardio work and fixing your diet so that you can really torch calories and bring those abs out so that's what we're going to learn today and i'm going to show you let's do it [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] one [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay guys you've probably seen the videos and now you understand how little calories you burn doing ab exercises versus the cardio alternatives what i want to get through to you guys is if you already have low body fat all those cardio exercises are fine in fact they're better than fine they are awesome they're going to build your abs and you're going to have great abs i have them as part of my abs routine and they are part of the routine and programs i provide for people good exercise is perfect this is for those people that have a layer of fat cannot see their abs whatsoever and want to if that is the goal you shouldn't be doing all these ab exercises as your first choice with your time for example you're going to spend half an hour doing those exercises and look at the calculation for how much calories you're going to burn versus if you spent that half an hour doing cardio exercises if you spent it on the treadmill if you spent it on the exercise bike the elliptical or if you did plyometrics you know burpees the the rope look how much calories you burn in the same amount of time it is dramatic that is what you should be doing if your goal is to reveal your abs and i'm very specific about the word reveal we're not talking about building abs building abs abs work revealing abs cardio good diet burn fat it's very simple people tend to to get confused and the reason they get confused is because if you go onto google right now and you type in uh how to get a six-pack you're going to see videos of ab exercises and they're not lying to you it's just that little bit of information is missing that you need to reduce your body fat and hopefully today by seeing the comparison of the amount of calories burned with each exercise you learn that today and also with my avocado explanation you you realize that the muscle is there we all have it that seed that is the muscle you just need to get rid of that fat so you can reveal reveal it you know again if you haven't seen my other video check that out just to get your mind in the right frame so that you can achieve this goal appreciate you guys subscribe tell your friends i'm sure a lot of you guys that are watching this video have other friends that want to reveal their abs show them because it helps peace out
Channel: Simeon Panda
Views: 592,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fitness” “Simeon Panda” “Gym, how to, exercise guide, “”, “plyometric”, plyometric exercises, burn fat, lose weight, torch fat, reduce fat, “bodybuilding”, “fat, burn, extreme”, “burn, fat”, “exercise”, “exercise, tutorial”, “how, to”, demonstration”, “hiit”, “hiit, Training”, “Slim, fast”, “insanity, workout”, “Get, Shredded”, “Torch, The, shredded, guide”, “simply, “Lean, abs”
Id: 4JrugMs922c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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