How To Game Share On PS5! PS5 Game Share Easy Method!

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in this video I'm going to show you how to game share on the PS5 so that anyone who uses your console can play games that have been downloaded so the first thing we're going to do is head on over to the settings cogwheel in the top right corner and from here we're going to scroll on downwards towards users and accounts once you're here you're going to scroll on downwards towards other and you're going to go to console sharing and offline play it allows anyone who uses this PS5 to play your games and media even when the console is offline now something to keep in mind with this is that you can only enable this feature on one PS5 console so previous to this console people on the PS4 would oftentimes share games across consoles and it looks like Sony is trying to fight that this way so if you enable this which we're going to be doing on this PS5 you can no longer enable this across on a different PS5 for example something to keep in mind as well is that it won't have an impact on your primary PS4 if you have one set already so just be careful you're not going to be able to enable this feature on other ps5s however anyone who uses your PS5 who signs in on a different PSN account will be able to play any games or media that have been downloaded now that you've enabled this feature so if this video was helpful be sure to subscribe to the channel for more PlayStation 5 tips and tricks and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chad Reddings
Views: 628,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to game share on ps5, how to gameshare on ps5, ps5 how to gameshare, ps5 how to game share, how, to, gameshare, game share, on, ps5, game share ps5 2023, how to gameshare on ps5 2023, 2023, share games ps5, ps5 share games, ps5 share games with friends, ps5 share games with family, how to, ps5 share games between accounts, psn, easy, method, ps5 game share not working, ps5 game share 2023, ps5 game sharing settings, ps5 settings, share ps5 games, share ps5 games with friends
Id: OWEzd0hkK94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 33sec (93 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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