How to Free Motion Quilt: Feathered Flower

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hello this is Amy from Amy's FreeMotion quilting adventures you can also find my website at amy's quilting adventures calm and I've been working on a baby quilt for my brand-new little niece and someone has asked to see how I do the filler design I'm using on it so I've got some dark fabric some light thread so you should be able to see what I'm doing because the baby quilt it's it's patterned you can't really see the design very well and the first thing you're going to notice is I have this big thick foot on here and if you're not familiar with my work this is a ruler toe and that is so I can use a long-arm ruler to guide my stitching when I quilt and I do that a lot I even have a crafty class called quilting with rulers on a whole machine and where I show how to quilt with rulers this is not a ruler work design but I just happen to have that foot on my machine and I didn't want to take it off so that's why that's on there it hampers the visibility a little bit but I think you will see what I'm doing I'm used to it so the design just starts off with a Paisley Center and I can do one or two rounds sometimes it depends on how I want to change directions and then it's just a feather and so it's just kind of a feather flower I don't really have a special name for it and on the baby quilt I do it in a more dense design so I'm lowering my foot down this is a hopping style or a non hopping style foot so it just floats over the top of the quilt you want to make sure it's down low enough just lowered that down a little bit now I've gone all the way around that Paisley Center and if I wanted to I could echo around but I'm not doing that if you're doing a full quilt with this design you may find yourself echoing just to travel so here's another one of those Paisley's and right now I want to finish over on this side so I'm fine I'll just go around here and I'll finish over on this side after I show you the second I'll show you a few things about directionality of this design because when you choose a design you really need to know how to work out and I'm right on the edge of my fabric sample here me get my fingers right there you need to know how you're going to travel around your project okay so there's another one that's right we're hung up on the edge of my sample right there so coming out now for my next Paisley I want to finish up on this side not on this side because here's the edge of my fabric so if I'm going to continue like I've been doing with two loops I need to come out do loop this way back and then feather this way if I happen to come out with my Paisley and come over here when I come to do my second loop I'm going to end up on this side so what I could do is do a third loop if I happen to do my Paisley in the wrong direction but I'm going to just do that Paisley going to the right I can come over here to the left and do my feather flower petal petals go down there come out and I need to get back over here a little bit over this way to fill this in a little bit so I'm going to finish this next one so I end over here which means I want to come over Paisley background I'm just looping that feather and flower petal and it gets a little awkward when you get over the hump of the Paisley like halfway through if you're used to doing traditional feathers you're kind of like what direction do I change direction I don't change direction it just gets a little wonky I guess Blanc he's fine all right so now over here and I want to fill this in but I want to end over here so I'm just going to bring that pedal that Paisley part not the panel of the Paisley Park kind of over this direction but I'm going to end over here and that will help me reach over towards the corner again I want to end over here so I'm going to start my Paisley by going over to the right to the right to the left reach that feather pedal remember when you're moving out feathers you can get your stitch length a little long so you may need to slow your hands down or speed up your machine either way is good and I'm right on that edge again it's getting a little hung out when you get my fingers just so there we go now there's only this much space here so I've gotta decide do I want to go ahead and start my next Paisley here or do I want to go ahead and do a feather and it's going to hard to decide but I'm going to do instead is I'm going to reach over this way and do a smaller feather bloom just right there it's actually going towards this one and that just kind of fills in that blank spot and then I could do my next Paisley you see I'm along this edge so I want to end over to the right so I'm going to come out to the right to the left and then really close to this edge so I'm actually just going to Paisley again and I'm going to move on and just leave that Paisley there because to do feathers off this edge I'm just going to get hung up so now this time again I want to end over to the right so I'm going to start to the right okay and coming back out finish to the right is I'm just going to work it around this square remember if you're just doing two loops of your Paisley you want to start your Paisley in the direction you want to finish if you're doing three loops of your Paisley you want to start in the opposite direction of where you want to finish we push down a little too hard on my foot but let's slow that down a little bit you see my stitches are still pretty consistent even though get a little fast so let's do the three pedal just so you can see that when you start in one direction you're going to finish in the other when you do three and I do think three gives it a little bit more of a defined Center so I want to finish up over here so I'm going to bring my Paisley out and I'm starting by going to the right pretty close to that edge again so I'm just gonna get my fifth thumbs down here to can help brace that edge reaching over here just to kind of fill in this area I'm just going to finish off just a little curlicue just for the heck of it curlicues are always nice to stick in when you're doing a design and you need to fill in something you could also fill in if you had extra spaces with just a random feather plume so doing that is this um feather flower and come to the blog that is at WWF Remo Shawn quilting adventures calm and check out the finished project I'll show you the baby quilt and thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: AmyQuilts
Views: 353,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quilting, free motion quilting, machine quilting, Amy's Free Motion Quilting Adventures
Id: UWqKBhlZjs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2015
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