How to Fold an Origami F-16 Paper Plane | OLD TUTORIAL

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hello this is Joe again and this video will teach you how to make an origami at sixteen so the first part fold in half lengthwise and I'm going to say up front right now when you're making an airplane the crisper and cleaner all your folds are the better the plane will fly so you want to make sure you're using your fingernail and pressing down on all the folds to make sure they're really really clean next we take the corner fold it down and line up the top of the papers with the edge of the paper to create a nice point at the top the same thing going the other way next flip it over and you should find the point where all those creases you made meet at center point and you fold the paper back along that point make sure you line up the center crease and the edges of the paper when you fold you can also use the diagonals as a reference where the edges should go I'm bowled turn it back over and now you take the top which is the side that's closest to the point so if you are looking at it from over here this would be the top fold it down about quarter inch or so remember this is a side that's closest to the center point it doesn't have to be exactly a quarter inch but it's just about the right size that it should be all right make sure this is a good straight crease and same with the bottom except you fold it more than a quarter inch almost half an inch fold it up make sure it's a nice clean straight crease all right now using those creases you had just made before this you bring in the edges like this and hold inward and press down like that this is the base of which you will be making the plane from so you pull the top down the sides end like that from here crease the edges and all the new folds in this new position make sure that they're nice and tight all right so now it should look like this and this is the base from which the plane will form you should have two wings right here and these sides which will turn into the tail so you take these two wings and pull them over to one side doesn't really matter which and you take one of the sides that will become the wing or the tail and you line up the edge right here with the center crease but before you fold back it off a little bit so that it's moved there's room for you to fold it over once you make this fold I'll show you what I mean so just keep the edge a little bit away from the center crease and these should definitely be some really tight folds right here so you see how the fold doesn't quite come in contact with the center and that so when you fold it over it doesn't catch all right and you do the same thing with the wing on that side remember both your wings are over on this side fold it in so that this edge is running alongside the center crease but not touching it should make sure that they stay good distance apart but you don't want to make them too far apart because then the plane will be a little bit awkward okay so now you've pulled both of those wings over to the other side and do the same thing all right so now with one wing on either side your base should look like this next step will be forming the wings and to do so you take one of the wings fold it over just like it was before and then you take that layer top layer out and fold it over to get an idea on what angle it should be at just imagine a line running along the center crease right here in another line going perpendicular the edge of the wing right here should be just up from being perpendicular with the center crease like that make a good tight crease here so fold it over and fold your other wing over now to make sure both wings are the exact same size you should line this wing up with the other one like this then fold it out make sure all the sides match it's a very difficult thing for playing the fly if one leg one wing is longer than the other all right so now your base should be looking more like a plane like that so this section will be creating the tail so you take the first layer of the tail and you fold it out so that the line ends just above the edge of the paper right here about that far away or so and ends just before the corner right here so it doesn't go all the way to the tip you kind of be like this there should be a good tight crease and just like we did with the wings we want to make sure that each side of the tail is exactly the same size so to do so you take both of the wings up top together and fold back like so and with the unfolded side of the tail facing up you just do the same thing only lining up the new side with the old side of the tail if it doesn't line up perfectly that's okay but just make sure you do your best to make them the same length and about the same shape all right now return it to its base should be like this now you take this little flap at the edge of the very corner sorry this corner and fold it down just like that go all the way to the corner as far down as you can like that then you do the same thing on the other side now shoes look like this so like we did before take both the wings and fold them over to one side and then take this part of the tail is flat and line up the edge right here fold it down as close as it will to the crease that runs right here but you only let the fold go to just before where the corner was so to get an idea of what I'm saying it should look like this see here's the flap you just fold it out here's the edge and here's the fold should make so the crease should run from the tip down to maybe another quarter inch before the edge of the tail like that and turn the wings over to the other side and do the same thing okay return your wings to the base position and this set this next part is going to seem a little funny but it'll really help if you do this step right now unfold this part of the tail open like this and do the same thing on the other side now you should have this flap right here what you want to do is create a fold that will run from here all the way up to the edge of the fold you just made at the tail so it should look like this step is kind of tricky but like I said it's better to do now because it will be a lot more tricky to do if you leave it to later on so it should be like that all the way from there down to the center crease and do the same on the other side so to give you an idea on what this does and fold it in half like this and see how it gives the end of look like this that will later become the tail so pull this back Tori had it and returned it from where you folded it turn it back down and refold in the tail so now it's back to where it was before except it has those two new creases right there so next part turn it over and now you're going to make it start to look like an actual plane so you should bend the plane along the center just a little like that and then with your other hand Bend the nose and edges down this so it should start to collapse inward like that so then very slowly and carefully without damaging the plane this is pretty tricky to start out but once you learn how to do it it's pretty easy just bring the sides slowly down like that so now should look kinda like this and [Music] right here you want to make sure the wings and the tail stay lined up once you've lined them up and then make a nice crease here like that so now you have the face now you just have to make it able to fly so underneath the wing in the tail there should be this part right here you want to invert it like this and pull it up a little bit like that this part is also kind of tricky so just got to get used to doing weird folds like this and they're not hard anymore so take this and fold it up to form the tail like that and press and you remember those two weird folds you made now you should open up the back and refold along those creases and then refold along those brand-new folds you just made and so now there is a nice looking tail that has popped out right like that so now we're down to the last few steps right at this corner here where the nose angles down in the top meat right there just below it on the other side just down from where that corner is right here let's just start fold that folds up the wings and the tail like that so you see have the body of the plane right here and you fold up turn it over and do the same thing from the corner right here down grab the wing and Bend up now press down really hard make sure that these are good strong creases you should see this little throwing thin right here show up that's what you'll be holding when you throw this plane and so now you have the body hold it on the throwing thin and Bend the wings back down pull out and bend down at the same time so look like that do the same thing on the other side now it should look very recognizably like an f-16 fighter plane the last few steps right here are the winglets so if you turn it over you see the very tip of the wings there's those little that little box pull up on that so right right at that fold up and now you have the winglets like so so now you have your f-16 fighter plane that is complete you can add in your own details if you want you can bend down the edges to make the end a little bit more flat but this will mess with how the plane flies so if you want it to fly straight I would recommend leaving it as it is so just keep it all flat and the best way to do this is to look at it from the very end so you can see how this side is angled farther down to the side bend it up so that it's straight like the other one like that and if you notice any of the wings are bent or something bend them back kind of make everything as straight as possible if the rudder is a little bit over to one of the sides bend it back make it even make sure these little things sticking out right here aren't at an awkward angle and once everything is flat like this you should now have a very sturdy flying plane there you have it origami f-16 you
Channel: How To Origami
Views: 2,911,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: +Origami, Paper Plane, How to, Fold, Paper, Airplane, Jet, F-16, Fighter Jet, Cool
Id: 4nkjb1LsD64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 26 2014
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