How to Flip an Appliance for Fun and Profit but Mostly Profit

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[Music] hey YouTube either I just made a really good decision or a really bad decision and we're gonna find out which one's the case someone came in my shop this morning didn't have any other text around and I had a lot going on and I decided to buy a washer/dryer set without testing it beforehand I also spent a little bit more money than I normally would on a set that I hadn't tested but I thought this would kind of be a good study to see how smart were stupid I am and what's also involved in dealing with washer and dryer refurbishment and flipping so I'm going to deal with this set from start to finish hopefully through this whole video we're going to make a little bit of money one way or the other or maybe I'll lose a little bit we'll find out so this is a GE washer dryer set it is a slightly nicer top load set than their absolute basic models has a few extra buttons and knobs and dials on it I don't know the maker model yet on it but I will get to researching that I saw a similar pair on AJ Madison for about twelve hundred dollars knew the person that sold them to me claims it's in good working order which I know doesn't really mean much but I paid $100 for the set outright sight unseen in the way of I have not tested it yet so we're going to go through and test everything on these dryers the first thing I look for other than the fact that he did include the manuals with it is whether or not the bearing is shot on it every brand has their own quirk GES quirk is that they sometimes sound really bad when you spend the drum this one actually sounds pretty good there's a little bit of spinning action even after I let go which means that it's not really bound up so I am going to take it into my test laboratory that's a good way to put it and see if it actually turns on if it heats and what I need to do to it if I got screwed or if I can make a little bit of money in an odd twist of fate right when I got ready to bring the dryer into my testing station I actually found another GE dryer that has the exact problem I mentioned that I try to watch out for it's a little bit order of a dryer and hopefully you can see that I'm not bull crapping anyone but this is an older front panel - a GE dryer and if you look on the front of this you can see that the hub is totally worn and more or less destroyed it starts sounding like you are throwing cats into a washing machine or drying machine and seeing which one wins in the Thunderdome it sounds really really bad with metal on metal contact now what you were looking for is there are glides here or were glides here as well as this plastic bracket and bracing here eventually over time these tend to wear out on GES which caused them to start squealing and will end up totally destroying the dryer from the inside out so we always try to spend the dryer baskets before we buy them I didn't do it in this case because the claim is that the dryers only about three years old so generally they're not destroyed by then but we always try to look out for it but I wanted this video to be something that was honest with stupidity and intelligence and again we're trying to learn from our mistakes so so far so good I'm going to go ahead and start working on bringing the dryer over which will probably fast-forward through some of the installation stuff so sit back and enjoy [Music] and now we are at the moment of YouTube magic so here's the back of the machine running getting really good airflow I'll move my hand and stuff just blows away it's really good it's not getting the absolute hottest but high-efficiency newer dryers tend to be less hot than old ones you get like an old 1980s or 1990s Kenmore whirlpool those things get extremely hot coming out the back enough to the point that's on some of them if you don't put the right thermal fuse on them or high limit cutoff they can pop because they're mismatched being so hot inside the cabinet but newer GES whirlpools not quite as hot I don't have my thermal gun but I can come back and verify this later but so far everything's good we got a three prong cord on it over here and it's just a basic one that we use for testing and it goes up to a three prong dryer outlet I know this stuff looks really basic and hodgepodge together but it works and we're not running anything super constantly to where we could have any sort of fire hazard in the way that we're always monitoring it and here's that other GE that I referenced with the bad bearing for the front of it all you want to see that I'm not lying about having a random one lying around and an interesting stroke of luck I started to look at the date code on this as well as start taking it apart to clean the drum of it and come to find out I did get lied to about how old this unit is but this may be the first time that I have ever had the inverse happened to where they lied in a good way down here is the serial and model number on this dryer and there's a nice little QR code here that you can click on to reference all the information through GG's website come to find out he thought it maybe three to five years old and it is only a year and a half old it was made in 2017 which is a really good thing for me I was able to look the model number up on AJ Madison which I just used to see what roughly the price is and it turns out the payers about a dollar set for the washer and dryer the timer ended up advancing fine on this unit it ended up going to about forty minutes was really hot and everything seems to check out on it underneath the lid of this you can look there's not a whole lot of lint at least on the top of the drum it looks really good I'm going to take a vacuum cleaner and maybe take the bulkhead off do a little bit of work on the length there's a little bit up here where the wire harnesses are which is typical and tells me that I need to do a little bit touch-up on it but so far so good on this set and I'm really excited because the price that I think I can get out of it is continuing to go up so I have made maybe a good good deal on this one but I won't know yet till I get the washer tested and that will be coming up shortly once I get this unit totally finished so a little bit of time has elapsed since the last part of this video I am running a store while I'm doing all this and the reality is I have customers coming in going out I therefore have made this process quite a bit broken it's not a straight continuation it's the same day right now as when I've got the set and took it off the truck but it's about three or four hours later because of other tasks so what I'm getting ready to do is bring the washing machine in and see how it's going to affair the dryer fared really well with the lint and dirt got vacuumed out in like two or three minutes I'm probably like 20 minutes maybe 25 minutes in its process tops and a lot of that time was actually spent on YouTube trying to figure out how to get the console top off of the GE dryer it's a little bit newer than what I am used to so I had to learn something myself to get it taken apart when it comes to this washer we're bringing in what I usually find on sets is when they look good one of the appliances works 100% it's fine and then the other appliance whether it's the washer or the dryer usually the washer ends up being a hunk of junk so I'm going to bring it in here the washing machine get it hooked up and then we're going to see what happens so get ready to enjoy in this business there's a lot of downtime the machines starting to run well I forgot to turn the valves on and I also forgot to put some clothes in it so while we cut I threw some clothes in turn the valves on everything seems to be running fine it's running a little bit loud which may concern a customer but generally what ends up happening is that's just the sound of agitation some people don't like their washing machine making noise I always tell people that it sounds like it's actually doing its job this ge does have an agitator to it it's a 4.1 cubic foot capacity washer which for a washing machine that has an agitator that is really really really good a lot of customers ask what what's the capacity on it and usually I don't know what to tell them because I'm not measuring it or it's an order design to where it doesn't have a cubic foot capacity on it only in the past few years have manufacturers decided to put capacity labels on the machines so at four point one cubic foot it tends to be one of the larger or largest top-load that I know of which is a really good selling point I continue to do some research on the models while the Machine continues to agitate and it looks like the sets worth about $1,000 new anywhere from that up to maybe $1,300 so so far this is one of the better maybe best flips I've had and it randomly walked in the day after I finished my first youtube video what are the chances I don't know it's really strange but if this keeps happening I will continue to keep doing YouTube videos this is awesome but even though it's agitating right now that's one of the major points you want to look on a machine to make sure it works but the real concern is what happens in drain and spin when you go to from agitation to drain and spend multiple multiple things can fail on a unit like this even a new high-efficiency unit even one that's only a year and a half old and what can happen is one your drain pump really has to start working at that point getting water out of the drum wall it spins - it has to spin and it has to do without blasting the sides of the unit we've worked on a lot of units maybe not GE necessarily but a lot of units that are top loaders that everything seems fine and then all of a sudden the Machine reminds me of something from mr. mom from the 1980s - where the machines just started to walk across the floor not because it's not level but because the suspension rods have gone out we get a lot of new or aichi top loads that have bad suspension rods these machines tend to drain and spend much faster much better than old machines do but it comes at the cost of the fact that the balancing rods or suspension rods or struts tend to go a lot bad well a lot worse a lot quicker it's a trade-off but for some people it tends to be worth that others it doesn't but in our line of work and my line of work it means more money because struts tend to be kind of cheap thirty to fifty dollars to fix a unit and if that's all we're dealing with it's not too bad of a deal but then you have to work be worried about whether or not the suspension rods have thrown something else out if they've tore the balancing ring up have they damaged any components on the inside of the structure so when we get done with this on drain and spin we can kind of make a determination if anything else is bad when you open the lid up on this one there's a lot of detergent in the balancing ring or between the inner and outer drums which we're going to definitely have to clean up but we'll see what happens I may actually pause this machine and go ahead and put it in to drain and spin and just what happens moment of truth on whether or not this machine is going to turn out okay the lid lock or lid latch is activated I don't know if you can hear it or not but at least that sounds like it's worked it's a safety feature on newer washing machines to make sure you can't just throw your hand in the Machine and get it torn off probably a good safety feature to have although you see and use the ply it says a lot of people love to bypass that switch because it's a common point of failure on pretty much any washing machine doesn't matter the brand so what ends up happening is they bypass it something worse goes out in the machine and then we got to go in fix the lock and then whatever else has possibly been damaged in the process of it the drain pump sounds like it works so that's great they dent around very long but there's not really a lot of water in the machine because it's high-efficiency so we're going to continue to wait and see [Music] oh my whoa I don't know if you saw that or heard it but that Ben sounds good that thing just like rocked the floor yeah that's not good oh my gosh Wow so got a little bit of a scare earlier and had to stop everything and troubleshoot the machine which can't really do with my camera on but come to find out the giant comforter I put in to test that that was off-camera was all balled up in one corner of the unit which caused it to knock around really really really bad I got concerned open the machine up which is actually really easy for a washing machine never really opened up a GE like this two back screws to take the console off two screws to get the top plate off push forward and pull up so now it is in high spin again with a rebalanced load and this is where it's getting that so far it's not jumping around I did try to reel 'evil the leveling legs a little bit more so now it is going back into spin there's just all kinds air I got shooting out a machine from the top of the lid telling me that it's in a really really high G spin it's humming along you may be able to hear it a little bit of shaking the suspension rods or maybe not as fresh as I was hoping my first concern was that the suspension rods were bad so I took them out check them for wear and they were in really good shape which they should be for a machine that's only a year and a half old but to say all that make sure that your load is properly balanced or it's going to create problems even on a fancy high-efficiency top loader so we are running it in high spin again with a comforter few rags I may go through and run the machine through another agitation cycle and then another spin my concern is that the agitator could have balled the comforter up I did try to balance it out a very beginning but I want to make sure that it was a user error me and not something going on potentially with the agitator or something else in the system but we've been in spin for maybe three four or five minutes and we are having no problems so I'm gonna go through give it another spin because I'm really excited I want to post this online tonight before I leave my shop now normally we're going through and doing this to a bunch of machines I got a Kenmore over there that we've tested I think it was yesterday that another tech did so I don't know much about the machine it was on at a complete cycle when I got here but normally on a good day we're going through this process maybe four times with washing machines and another four times with dryers and then we're plugging refrigerators in and then doing testing on stoves as well my hope on a daily basis is that we can clear between eight and ten machines and get them out to where we are testing them on the well not testing them but cleaning them cleaning the word I'm looking for to where we're cleaning them so we can clear maybe a thousand to twelve hundred dollars a day in appliances in terms of making sure they're ready for sale that's not always the case I'd say half the time we meet that goal my goal a day but it just depends on what we have and then the luck of the draw if they work or not our goal is to only get working or nearly working machines so we don't have a lot of time in them but you never know what's going to have so I'm gonna let this keep going and then I will report back to you guys to see where we are in the process of flipping these appliances so here is the washer dryer set fully done everything went okay with the second and third cycle of the washing machine to make sure that everything was going to work fine it tested out good despite giving me a giant scare turns out if the comforter is about the only thing in the unit it can tend to move around the floor quite a bit did not have to replace the suspension rods cut my arm up kind of good testing them getting them out and then checking the resistance on them what's interesting about this unit is that the suspension rods which in this type they're in the four corners GE has revised these suspension rods and they are essentially the same once whirlpool uses on their vertical modular washers that's a good thing in the fact that they are extremely cheap to replace if that was the issue at about $10 per rod maybe even less if you buy a 4-pack but then it also brings up the issue of whether or not they're reliable in the fact that I'm not the hugest fan of how whirlpool deser suspension rods because they go bad all the time but it's just part of the business so here's the set as it is I've taken a picture of it already now I'm going to go post everything on the Facebook marketplace pricing wise this is kind of a tough one for me I want to be greedy and put a lot of money on it since it's at like a thousand to $1,200 set it's only a year and a half old but then I also want to sell it as fast as possible usually when I have sets I charge 300 and up but this is like I said a much newer set I'm probably going to put about 450 to 500 dollars on it expecting to get a counteroffer of maybe $25 less on it I'm hoping to clear no less than $400 on the set but we shall see Hey so here is the wrap-up on the video there's a customer that just came in and purchased the G washer/dryer set had 475 on it negotiated with them a little bit ended up taking 400 cash for it a little bit less than what I was hoping for but I also expected that there'd probably be some negotiation that would have wound up with $400 in my wallet so I did end up doing pretty decent on this flip well really I did awesome on the flip because I only had $100 in the set I didn't have to fix anything and it was essentially cleaning the unit and then giving it a good testing just to make sure that there wasn't anything go on with it so in the end my profit on the unit is a total of you know about $300 give or take you got on my wallet right here this is definitely on the better end of what I do it's very rare for me to get a set that is that nice with that little work needed other than just testing and doing a very light cleaning on if I had those types of sets I'd be a whole lot richer but it's not the way it normally goes we'll be doing a few more flips from start to finish if you guys like this kind of content to show a little bit more of the worst parts the situation with the unbalancing was really concerning but everything seemed to test out good they ended up taking the set to Cincinnati which is about a hundred miles away from me so there's any warranty work that needs to be done that's going to be kind of fun for them to bring it back to me but it's a good set I don't think I'm going to run into a problem so onto the next thing and if you guys like this let me know otherwise take care and have a great day
Channel: Bens Appliances and Junk
Views: 28,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to sell an appliance, how to test a used appliance, how to flip an appliance, appliance flipping, how to buy and sell appliances, where can i buy used appliances, where can I find used appliances to buy, how much is a used appliance worth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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