how to fix windows 11 and 10 Automatic Repair Loop, Startup repair could not repair PC, 9 Easy Way

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okay guys back again with another tutorial in this tutorial I'll be guiding you step-by-step how to fix automatic repair loop so whenever you turn on your PC you're getting automatically fit your PC did not start correctly one of the issue and when you go with our startup repair its automatic repair loop when you go PITA startup repair I'm going to get the error message like startup repair could not repair your PC so we'll be fixing this issue step-by-step in a number of solution if you guys are not getting how with the fossil Sun you're gonna try the second solution then on one of his steps and the number of solution I'm going to discuss in this video to fix automatic repair loop that your PC did not start correctly or a startup repair loop you PC did not start correctly so what you getting this error guys maybe a middle lots of changes in your computer hardware maybe you have removed your heartaches and replaced with a another one or you might have some of the corrupt files some of the applications that you have installed into your PC has created a problem or sometime you just go on shutting down your computer randomly and some of the issue some of the files resistive pulses you might have occurred so follow all these steps step by step in order to fix this issue so let's begin with the first method so in the very beginning so you can see I'll be guiding you guys is the advance of Sun you just have to click on this advanced option so once you click on this advanced option now you're going to choose towel suit and click on travel suit come down here your advanced option click on advanced option and now you wanna choose startup repair so once you click on this startup repair it will start repairing a PC so click on startup repair now ok guys as you can see this is a startup repair computer is going on with the startup repair startup repair is really a very useful and helpful repairing the nicks cetera this might take over an hour to complete so you just have to wait for some time ok guys when you DJ startup repair you can see you've got the error message like a startup repair could not repair your PC so you have a two different option if you want to try several other repair we can go with the advance of Sun or shut down your completed so we definitely go with the several other solution so click on advanced option once you click on the advanced option there are lots of option to choose you're gonna choose troubled suit and then click on that you're gonna choose it once of Sun and click on that you're gonna choose command prompt and click on that even though this is the user account so you might be having a multiple number of user in your computer so you're gonna choose the user make sure you have our administrator privilege to the user enter the password if your password for your account and click on continue and now here you have a command prompt ok guys I hope command is visible so it is c xk d sk / f /r c : seize the seat i would have installed the operating system so you can enter the drive letter so if you have a operating system installed in different drive you will type your drive later so mine operating system isn't C Drive so I hope you type the command correctly even I have left this command in the pinned post comment section down below C XP d sk / f / r / study guys c : su / CF + / r what / f will do it will find and repair the error or /r does it will locate the bad sector and recover some of the false that is readable so guys you just have to press Enter key after you type it correctly now you can say it is going on everything is in process just keep some time doing this might take a pretty long time so just keep some time finally once you're done you're gonna press exit so if you touch you further any kinds of permission in your computer like yes or no you're going to type Y for yes and then press Enter key finally it's all done you can exit it and now please start your computer so you can restart your computer computer directly I just turn it off and then you can start your computer so this was the second method that you can follow to fix the system so if this method also did not work for you and still you are having the error message with the automatic repair or they start up it yeah push it with the third method so thought method is again if you are getting the same error you're gonna choose the advanced of Sun and in the advanced of Sun you can see this space you have a lots of option again even it shows tall suit in the troubleshoot again you have a advanced option inside advanced option again you need to come back to the command front and then we're gonna choose command prompt and click on it so now we'll be going on with the third method thought process you can follow so guys if it asks you further any kinds of user names we will choose to user name enter the password and you're going to see the command prompt now type the commands so that's you have to type all the commands correctly without any spelling mistake okay guys I hope command is visible or you can watch it you know fully screen so you can see even I've left the command in the pinned post it's a comment section down below vo o T ar e C dot exe slash repealed b c d and guys we're gonna press enter take so this might take some time finally once you're done you're gonna type the second command hope you guys this is the second command you need to type good re c dot exe space slash fix MDR click on enter okay now thought command and the last command that you need to type bootrec dot exe / fi x be ood fix both press the Enter key some kinds of access denied so sometimes you get the message like this so type all this commands correctly and maybe in your case access is not denied in my cases actions denied two commands work successfully third common access denied so anyway you're gonna type all these three commands correctly and then finally we just have to exit it exit the command prompt don't off your PC and then start a PC again altered directly you're going to restart your computer so this is the third step thought solution that you can try is still the problem is it exists and you are getting the same error message like automatic repair could not repair when you go with the startup repair organ it shows the error method like a start-up live here could not repair again you can choose the advanced option inside the advance of Sun you'll see all these option you'll come back here I'm going to go to the trouble suit and then you'll go to the advanced off Sun and then we'll come back to the command front again and choose the command front again now we are going to try the fourth solution I guess we tried the three treatment solution now this is the fourth solution that we are going to try so let's go on with the fourth solution open the command prompt so before you open the command front when you click on command prompt you might have to choose the username in your computer and enter the password so go on with that and you'll see the command front once you open the command from all it's just a username with the administrator we will is so you might have a multiple number of user account in your computer finally now here we are so what you're going to do okay guys this process is really very helpful so right now over here you're going to type some of the commands by default you're gonna see when you open the command prompt it will be like X call on / windows last system that you do now you're gonna choose the drive let's say I'm just going to type F : and entity now I'm inside F Drive why I am inside after I've because I have my all the Program Files windows system32 files in my F Drive I have all the files in my F Drive my operating system is installed in F Drive let's say you have installed the operating system in C Drive so this C colon and Enter key so if you have your operating system installed in a D Drive just press D : and Enter key so my operating system after I've so I press F : and enter key I'm in inside F Drive if you are confused if we do not know what you have your operating system installed you can randomly type C and enter key and you can just type dir and entity it'll show you the four list of files inside that right if you have a Windows File Program Files in that drive that means that is the correct rebuke source if you guys are confused with the drive where you have installed the operating system you're gonna do that so let me show you how currently my operating system is in F Drive so I'm inside F Drive let's say I'm confused whether have a selected a correct type or maybe my operating system is in different type so I pressed so I just gonna type D I are correctly D I are and Enter key all that guys you can see here I have a Windows program files some recovery files user Windows Windows 10 upgrade that means a lot guys let me show you what you guys here so you can see when I'm I'm yelled inside after I when I type dir and Enter key I have a Windows our Program Files recovery users and Windows 10 Windows 10 upgrade that means I have selected a correct right so the pipe which got all these kinds of file like Program Files Program Files x86 Windows Windows 10 upgrade maybe some of the files lesser mode but these files are very important Program Files Program Files x86 Windows 10 Windows user if you have all this directory in your drive that means you are inside correct tribe alright guys let me proceed to the next step so once you've selected your drive correctly we have installed your operating system the next step is you're going to tie CD space okay guys I hope the command is invisible so you're gonna type CD space / windows / system 32 / config all the commands you need to type correctly press Enter key and now you are inside F Drive windows system32 country so the next step MD backup we are making a directory named backup BSC k u P this entity copy so the next step next command astrick dot astrick backup so if you are given some different name you can see it's a backup directory so we are copying the files to the backup directory copy as ticket stylistic to the backup press Enter key now you can see all the 11 valve copied to the back of directory so you can successfully 11 file copied so the next step CD is space r e g ba ck it's a rakeback CD space are easy B ACK press Enter key now you can see we're inside config now we are inside rakeback right over here you're going to type dir and press Enter key okay guys when you do that you'll see all the value over here is zero zero default there is zero SI m zero security zero software zero system so if the default value is Sam s am Sam security software if all the values is zero so you just gonna exit your command from right over here do not proceed just go with the next step or the next fix so this solution will only work if there are different value some three digit six digit or eight digit nine digit value over here instead of zero if there are six digit nine digit or 3ds some numeric value over here instead of zero donnelly proceed forward to the next step otherwise exit the command prompt and then go forward to the next step to fix the problem so let's say if you do not have a zero like this and you have a some different values on numeric value six digit 8 digit nine days at or some numeric value like this over here instead of zero then only you type these commands so what you gonna that guys it's copy star dot star space dot dot and press Enter key now it can ask you to photo for me it can ask you or the permission whether you want to overwrite default value so click on so s no or all so you're going to type s and then press Enter game again you're going to type s and press Enter key so you can overwrite all the value so instead of going on one by one if you like you can go one by one or you can just type all so it will overwrite all the value so you can see five file copied now you're gonna exit it and check it out so exit the command prompt and check it out just turn off your computer or and start it again or restart your PC and the problem should be fixed if the problem is still exist still you are getting the automatically via could not repair or startup repair could not fix proceed forward to the fifth solution the fifth solution is guys again you're gonna choose the advanced off son if you are getting the error message you're going to go with the advance of son and then here you have you'll see this space you're going to choose tall suit again in the travel suit here yeah reset the PC this is the another matter everything something that no let's go it on another solution so before you go a reset PC click on advanced off son so this set PC is the last option last solution you can try so guys once you put the advanced you need to choose the start of trading click on startup settings and then you decide to restart ok guys as soon as you restart you're gonna see this space here you have a lots of features to enable and disable so in order to enable and disable you're gonna use F 1 2 F 9 key so it's 1 to 9 for app 10 you can replace Afghan for more option so f1 for it one number for a second number you're gonna press f2 key so right now here the 7th number you can see disabled drivers signature enforcement so you're gonna press f7 key in your keyboard let me tell you once again you're gonna press f7 function key it's a f7 key in your keyboard for the seventh number for to disable the driver signature enforcement and you might be able to login into your PC at least for a few days because this fix will not be permanent fix and this might not work for you all of you guys if there are different other reason behind this is you so guys this is the fifth solution you can try if the problem is not fixed you can come back to the same place and again you can disable it whenever you like following the same method so the next thing the 7th sorry guys the 6th solution that you can try you can come back again to the same place you can go to the advanced of Sun travel suit and startup setting so come back to the restarted computer and come back to the same setting peace so the 6th solution that you can try you can enable the safe mode right now it is not in the safe mode currently sorry guys safe mode you can just enable the safe mode by pressing the f4 key so currently F safe mode is not enabled right so whenever you like you can disable the safe mode currently it is not enabled so you can since it is in four numbers you can press the f4 function key it's a f4 key in your keyboard and then you can enable the safe mode and you will be able to login to your PC in a safe mode so you can try this method to fix your fix the issue so this is not a permanent fix but you'll be able to login to your computer at least for a day or a few days and you'll be able to access your personal files if it is really very important to login so these two couple of method might not work for all of you guys but you can give a one try guys just seventh one pista f7 key 2d disable the driver signature reinforcement and have four key to enable the safe mode just do one at a time at first disable the Cygnus that enforcement and if you tap it does not walk as an help you log in you can just enable the safe mode and you can login to your computer in a safe mode so this couple of matter you can try and then after will proceed to the seventh solution still you are having the issue guys a startup repair automatic repair so what you're going to do come back to the same advanced option is the trouble suit advanced option you can restore your system so click on system restore currently I do not have any restore point so if you guys do have a restore point you can restore your system to a week or a month in a previous time so you can go back in a previous time so whatever you just stand let's say if you have some of the restore point you just have to click on next choose the restore point and then follow the wizard and you can restore your computer so your computer course a week or a month back so at that point of time whatever you had in your PC all the flicka's and and everything if your PC was working fine at that point of time it will go back to that point of time so you can restore your system and this is the next thing that you can try currently I can't restore because I do not have a restore point but if you do not have a restore point there's no way you can restore proceed to the earth solution so the eighth solution is again you have to come back to the same place choose the advanced of Sun and go to troubleshoot again advanced option again and you go back to the previous person let's say you have upgraded your system from the older person to the newest person and you are having this issue now so go back to the previous person is another features like it that you can use so click on go back to the previous person and click on go back to the previous person this will take you to the previous person of Windows but some time due to some reason you may encounter a problem at a PC well not go to the previous person here it will ask you to try again maybe the previous person is not available RUP windows is no way in a condition to get back to the get this person so in such condition what you're going to do so this method also won't work for you if it works you can follow the steps so and if you does not work and then you can proceed to the next solution the ninth solution so the ninth solution is again you are getting this data prepare automatic repair error again go to the advanced of Sun and then come back to the same place trouble suit and the final and the ninth solution is guys resetting the PC so click on reset this PC you can keep your personal files and remove everything other than that and you can reset your PC or you can remove everything your personal files and all everything and you can reinstall the window so resetting the PC means it will reinstall the windows into your computer like a fresh start in your smartphone or factory reset in a smartphone new your windows will be installed with a new new windows file and everything will be removed but if you want you can remove your personal files too if you like if you want you can keep your personal files but if your personal files is in a C Drive or something you just so sometimes there was a problem with this setting at 50 no changes were made so if you are getting a sometime problem you just have to restart your computer and just try again the setting your PC see I'm getting the error message right now so even if this does not work there's no way guys you just have to get the DVD or a pendrive bootable pendrive put in it you put it into your computer and completely refresh your C Drive completely clean everything and reinstall the new windows manually after following all this ninth step it doesn't work the final steps that the tenth one you can do is just wipe out everything get a new windows DVD or a painter I put a Val Drive put into your DVD drive or a USB Drive and put a new computer you can put a computer again with a Windows 10 files so that is the final step you can do so all these different steps to fix the error from start to end if the different steps work if the different state does not work what you guys gonna do so I hope how cuz we should hit the like subscribe and comment if this video really happening you guys still you like it have a good day catch you in the next video
Channel: Shabd Tech Support
Views: 2,048,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 10 automatic repair loop 2019, fix windows 10 Automatic Repair Loop, startup repair could not repair your pc, automatic repair loop srttrail.txt, startup repair couldn't repair your pc windows 10, startup repair couldn't repair your pc windows 10 srttrail.txt, stop automatic repair loop windows 10, toshiba automatic repair loop, startup repair is checking your system for problems, windows 10 start up repair, your computer was unable to start
Id: OYLOSzZzeww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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