How To Fix WhatsApp Pdf Not Opening

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hello everyone and welcome back to a new video in this video I'm gonna show you guys how to fix PDF not opening on WhatsApp so if you guys are having the same problem right now then just follow the steps that I'm gonna show you so the first thing you need to do guys is quit what's up once you quit WhatsApp just go and search for settings on your phone and once you find settings just scroll down and search for applications and as you can see guys here we found applications just click and then as you can see guys here you can find all of the applications installed on your phone so what you need to do guys is just scroll down and search for WhatsApp so it's gonna be in the bottom I think because it starts with w so let's go to the bottom and here it is once you find WhatsApp just click and then as you can see guys now we are on the settings of this application so from here you can change all of the settings related to this application so the first thing that you need to do guys is go to Notifications once you're here in notifications make sure allow notification is enabled and under this you're gonna find allow sound and vibration make sure it's enabled too and also enable lock screen and badge and pop-up once you enable all of the sync just go back and then go to permission make sure you give WhatsApp all of the permissions and then go back and go down to storage and once you are here in storage you're gonna find clear data and also clear cache so what you need to do guys is just click on clear cache and once you clear your cache just go back and create the application once you quit settings just go back to WhatsApp to see if your problem is fixed so this is it guys for today's video thank you guys for watching see you guys in the next video
Channel: Easy Solution
Views: 20,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whatsapp pdf not opening, pdf file not opening in mobile, pdf file not opening in whatsapp, pdf file not opening
Id: ka02gxEAgg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 12sec (132 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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