How to Fix Ready or Not Out of Video Memory Error On PC

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hello everyone welcome back to G tips and in this video we're going to talk about how to fix Ready or Not is crashing it is not launching freezing black screen low FPS stuttering stuck on loaded screen and how we can fix the sell so let's dive into it so if you for the first time to our Channel then don't forget to subscribe and click on the Bell icon for more these kind of videos so let me directly get into this so the first step is all about you have to restart your PC for that you just have to go over here in the start icon now go over here this icon and go for restart after successfully restarting you have to check whether you are able to fix the issue or not next step if if you try this if it's not working then we just have to move to a couple of steps so one among them which is the next step is all about you have to allow the game to Window Security for that you just have to go over here in the search search for control panel now from here go to Windows Defender Firewall now from here go to allow an app or feature through Defenders firewall now from here you have to check whether Ready or Not is already added so if it is not added you don't have to worry we can add it manually so first thing is we have to check as you can see the Ready or Not is being added make sure that both these things that is private and public both these things should be checked once it is done just go for allow another app now go for browse now from here you have to go to this PC this is where the game is installed so click on local disk now from here go to program file x86 scroll down and navigate to Steam folder now go to steam apps select common now go to Ready or Not now from here you have to select the application you have to select the application folder and you have to install it okay this is what it does so you have to add it once it is added as you can see it is already added so uh you know I'll be getting an error like this it's already added if you if you wanted to add just add like this once it is done you have to make sure that both these things should be checked that is private and public should be checked once it is done you just have to move to next one next one is all about you have to install graphics card manually for that I'll be providing Link in the description that will take you to official Nvidia as well as for the AMD so here I have provided the link which I'll be giving in the description just click on the particular link and over here we have to make few changes as you can see the product type you have to select which one is is min is GE Force and if it is us is Titan select the respective one so I'll keep to GE Force and my product series is GE Force RTX 40 series so I selected this one and if you are on the product style this one RTX 490 we are having two options minus 490 once done select the operating system so in my case as you can see I'm using Windows 11 so I have to select this go for uh language go for everything and go for start search when you go for start search you'll be getting the latest version over here so if you scroll down you can see the downloaded version is 5 27.56 which is released on 8th December 2022 this is the latest version just download this latest version after that you have to install this simultaneous ly you have to do the same procedure for the AMD as well so here you have to select the graphics select the respective model frame here select everything once it is done you just have to go to submit and after going to submit you'll be getting options like this from here you have to S if you're on Windows 11 you have to select this one download the adrenaline version if you're on Windows 10 you have to download this adrenaline version download and install this after installing successfully restart your PC then go back to steam once again and try to launch the game and this is going to work for you as well moving to the next one is all about you have to install micros uh you know you have to install visual C++ this is very important the previously mentioned step I mean upgrading uh the graphics card manually as well as installing Microsoft Visual C++ has worked for many of the users so should not be neglecting this so next one is all about you have to go over here now as you can see when you go to this link you'll be getting these like options so x64 and x86 these are the both uh cases when most people happens so if you don't know which one is yours you can uh know that just go over here in the search now go to settings from here you have to select system now from here scroll down and navigate to about when you go about you'll be getting all the details like uh your 64-bit operating system what is your RAM Etc so we need we need to know which is the system type so here as you can see my particular laptop which I'm using right now is 64 bit so I have to download x64 if it is x86 I have to download the respective one so I have to go to over here and download this particular one that is visual C++ Studio after installing the dotexe try to restart your PC then go back to the Steam and try to play the game and it will be working good if it's not working do not worry we have following step next one is all about you have to run the game on dedicated graphics card for that you just have to go over here search for graphics settings now open this now from here as you can see these are the available games it is already added here so we have to add the ready or not manually for that just click on browse now from here you have to go to this PC where the game is installed so as you can see this is the uh local dis so now I have to open localist C now from here I have to go to program file x86 scroll down and navigate to Steam folder now I have to scroll down once again and navigate to steam apps I have to go to Common now from here go to ready or not and I have to select this added once it is added you will be able to see ready or not over here so once the Ready or Not is already added you just have to do is you just have to click on this and click on option now from here as you can see by graphic preferences will be let Windows decide by default you have to change this one to high performance okay this is by default this will be let Windows decide change this to high performance and go for Save once you done with this just go back to the steam try to play the game and probably this is going to work as well moving to the next one if it's not working the next is all about you have to run the game as an administrator for that you just have to go to steam we we can navigate we can go to uh the installation folder by going to file explorer but I'll show you with us so you just have to select the game right click and go to properties now from here go to local file click on browse so this is an easiest step which will very easily redirect to where the game is installed as you can see this PC local DC program file 86 steam steam apps common ready or not from here you have to select the game now you have to right click and go to show more options and go to properties now go to compatibility now as you can see you have to check this that is run this program as an administrator go for apply and go for okay after this close everything then try to play the game if it's there is one more step which you have to try with the same you can launch the game right now if I'm trying to launch the game I'm launching it from Steam so you can launch the game from the installation folder this has worked for many users for that just right click over here go to properties simultaneously go to local file click on browse now from here launch the game from here not on Steam launch the game from the installation folder this as well worked for many of the users as well and this helped many users so you can try this also moving to the next one is all about the next step is all about you have to disable steam overlay and delete overclocking I mean disable overclocking application for disabling the steam overlay right click on the game go to properties now from here you just have to under General as you can see enable the stream overlay while in game is disabled so you have to uncheck this box so that means it is disabled it is very important step regarding the overclocking applications the main applications are Discord antiviruses gaming Services ge4 Etc many things are there I will be showing you that just go to the start right click and go to task manager now from here it is very vitally visible that as you can see it is very visible I'm using few things like Google Chrome which I'm here I am opened it I'm using screen recorder Steam and Tasman this is what I'm using but apart from that if you scroll down you will be able to see there are 91 things which is running in my background which means they are using my uh RAM which is draining out my performance so you have to end it everyone as you can see there is an option end the task do it for everything when you do it for each one by one you can see the number is getting reduced do it for each one and the main important factors which is affecting is discorde as you can see discorde is an important factor which is uh running in the background as you can see the gaming services and even if you go for many other thing LG Hub Etc many things are draining out my performance so here it is not affecting me the reason is because I'm having 32 GB of RAM that is why it is not affecting me much but imagine for a user who is trying to play the game ready or not with a 2 GB Ram or 4 GB Ram they will be definitely having the nightmare so end the task everything you have to do it manually which is going to take a bit of time but it really worth in the end so do this once it is done just uh try to launch the game and you can see the differences if it's not working we have to move to the next one that is all about you have to perform a clean boot for that just go over here search for system configuration now from here go to services and here there is an option called disable all disable everything go uh hide all Microsoft Services go for apply and go for okay and here you comes a question like the system configuration so you have to exit without restart not you I'm doing it exit without restart because I'm in the middle of video but you guys can do like you can restart it there is no issue you can do this so I'll exit without a restart restart is very mandatory should not be doing any mistake you have have to restart but in my case as I'm in the middle of video and I'm recording I'm not doing the same you can do this it is very important as well moving to the next one is all about you have to verify Integrity of game file for that you just have to go to steam you have to right click now go to properties over here go to local file click on verify Integrity of game file so this is going to take a little bit of time so I'm not doing this for you it is going to take time so it is around 9 91.26 GB so just do the same because this this particular step is going to fix a lot of issue like you know uh if any files are corrupted if any files are missed all these kind of issues are fixed by this particular end and this is working for sure you can try this mov to the next one is all about you have to update your windows to the latest version many users have this issue so just go to settings now from here or go to Windows update and from here as you can see you will be getting uh some pending restart as well as this but uh not like this you'll be getting update option just update here uh I very recently made a few changes that's why I'm getting this option you have to update it to the latest version and even if you're asking any restart option just do the same and once it is done try to play the game and that is going to work because uh Ready or Not is around 91 GB which is a high graphics game so Windows should be up to date or else we'll be having the trouble in between so it is very important step as well moving to the next one is all about you have to give few commands in the launch option that is you just have to go to the game right click and go to properties over here it is very visible launch option under here you have to give commands that is minus DX 11 you can try with this then try to play the game if it's not working change this to minus bx12 then try to launch the game and most probably any one of these will be working if it's not none of these things working just keep by default like this keep it clean then try to play the game moving to the last and the least one is all about you have to uh increase virtual memory that is quite important step so I'll be showing you that just go over here in the search and search for view Advanced system setting now from here you have to click on Advanced click on settings once again go to Advan it now go for Change and here as you can see it is very uh important step should not be doing any mistake here you can't uncheck this okay this should be sorry this should be unchecked you should not be checking this uncheck because you have to select the driver where the game is installed so here in my case as you knew that I'm only having local C so that is why I'm selecting this if the game is installed on local dis D then I should have selected D but in my case it is on C I don't know how it is going to be in your case if it is C uh if your game is installed on DF Etc you have to select the same so make sure this is unchecked this is uh unchecked and select the uh respective folder local dis where the game is installed now you just have to click on custom size here we have to give the value for initial size maximum size so initial size is always 1.5 time the total RAM and maximum size is always three times the total Ram so it is very visible from the uh I knew what is my Ram so even if you don't know I'll be show you how to know that just go to settings now from here go to system scroll down and navigate to about from here my Ram is 32 GB this should not be the same because your might be different so do the calculations accordingly so here it is 32 GB so what I have to do just have to go in the search now I have to go for calculator because I wanted to do few few calculations so like I said I have to give the in uh I have to uh the value for initial size so first thing I have to convert this into Mb that is 32 into 1024 okay now I have to multiply it with 1.5 so that is 49,1 152 first I did the conversion then I multiply it with it with 1.5 that is the initial size I have to give the value simultaneously I have to do the same for maximum size that is 32 GB Which is my my Ram I have to do the conversion that is 1024 that is around 32,768 now I have to multiply it with three that is 9834 so I have to copy this I have to paste it so after this eject everything and once you're done with this restart your PC then try to play the game and this is going to work last and the least one this has work out for many of the users and I have seen it in the redit and even qua many people suggested you just have to uninstall the game and reinstalling back so uh when when you're uninstalling the game from here I'll be showing you a thing so just go to manage and uninstall the game but the question is here as you can see I am on local to C I'm only having one drive so when I'm uninstalling the game and when I'm reinstalling it back it should not be on the same drive it should be in any other any other drive so it should not be on C you can install it on D EFX Etc F Etc and if you're having only drive don't try with uninstalling and reinstalling because it's not going to work but if you're having multiple Drive local dis you can uh try with this one I mean install uninstalled fromc and install back in any other drive and this is going to work so these are the possible workarounds which you have to try when ready or not is not going to work or crashing issue not launching freezing black screen low FPS stop start tring uh stuck on loading screen and how you can fix the up and I hope this video is helpful and if you find this video helpful don't forget to subscribe and click on the Bell icon for more notification see you soon in the next video peace out bye-bye bye-bye
Channel: Get Droid Tips
Views: 1,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Fix Ready or Not Out of Video Memory Error On PC, How to Fix Ready or Not Crashing at startup, How to Fix Ready or Not Stuck n loading Screen, How to Fix Ready or Not LOW FPS Drop issue, How to Fix Ready or Not Won't launch, How to Fix Ready or Not Not Launching, How to Fix Ready or Not Freezing, How to Fix Ready or Not Stuttering, How to Fix Ready or Not Lagging, How to Fix Ready or Not Black Screen, How to Fix Ready or Not Issues
Id: Hoe_adLVedE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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