How to Fix Old, Hazy and Scratched Clear Coat

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hey how's it going duty Sulphurs today as a follow-up to my previous video where I showed you how you can restore old hazy yellowy headlights on this 2005 Adi I am also going to show you how you can restore and rejuvenate badly worn out and damaged clear coat now at first glance especially on camera this hood or the clear coat on this hood might just look a little dirty now that's somewhat true as this has been sitting outside for a while but once you get the dust and the dirt off you can see the clear coat itself is also somewhat damaged here you might be able to see it better close up all right so you guess that the first step is to thoroughly wash down this hood so grab yourself a clean bucket of water and add your favorite car wash soap and next we're gonna wash down our hood now keep in mind if use a regular sponge there's a chance you might put tiny little scratches or swirl marks on your hood so if you have any you can use a microfiber towel or microfiber sponge or actually what I'm going to use is going to be this extendable wash mop with this microfiber head at the end of it and as always if you're interested in this or any other tools or products you see me use in this video I'll put links to where you can buy them for cheap down below in the description box so don't be afraid to click on em and check em out alrighty let's get to it goes without saying you want to be super thorough you don't want to leave any large pieces of dirt or dust or debris left on this hood because otherwise that could potentially ruin an entire job when you're about to start polishing when I almost forgot just like any detailing job you're going to need a lot of elbow grease for this so again make sure you get you some all righty next we'll grab our self a water hose and thoroughly wash down our panel next you want to dry it off or again use a microfiber towel to wipe it down now let's take a look at our hood but if you look closer right by where this chopped light is as you move around you can see how badly this clear coat is worn out and how dull it actually is so the next step in rejuvenating and fixing the clear coat on this hood is to use some clay bar to remove more contaminants that have itched themselves into the clear coat so basically when we washed our panel we remove the dirt and dust and debris that were laying on top of our clear coat but there are other contaminants that over time have etched themselves into your clear coat and are not gonna be removed by simply washing down a panel and that's where these clay bars come in as you can hopefully see these are really sticky and when you go over your panels with these you're basically pulling these contaminants out and removing them now of course you don't always need to use a clay bar you only use it when you're working on a severe case or a worn-out clear coat which we have here one way to tell whether you need to use clay bar is to simply run your hand against the clear coat on your panel and it should feel very very smooth if it's not smooth at all then you should use a clay bar before you go on to the next step well of course sometimes you can hear it as well all right now before I start clearing this panel I'm actually gonna get some tape and split this panel right down the middle this way when we're all done we have something to compare our new looking polished panel to all right so next we'll grab our clay board and knead it with our fingers flat and you can of course use the palm of your hands as well the idea is to simply flatten it out so next we'll grab the detailing spray that hopefully came with your clay bar kit and spray it onto one section of your panel and also some on the clay bar itself it's a very good idea to split down your panels into sections that way you can keep track of which areas you've gone over and which areas you have not so on this side of this hood I'm gonna split down into four sections going this way once and this way once and next simply you want to start going to town and you want to make sure you also apply enough pressure so that you increase the chances of getting any debris that has lodged himself into your clear coat out of your clear coat with this clay bar you look at that that was stuck in our clear coat and the way you know that you're done clay barring a certain section is again by sound see this area on this side I'm pretty sure I'm done but this area I haven't touched yet see if you can hear the difference yep a lot smoother on this end now and every so often you want to fold back your clear bar and knead it down with your fingers or the palms of your hands again this way you get a new clean section to work with so after washing and then wiping down our repair area here's what we have not much of a visual difference as you can probably see but the paint on this panel now feels as smooth as a baby's butt and that's what you want and next using a dual action polisher we're gonna start compounding and what I mean by that is simply we're going to be using a cutting compound which is made for deep scratches and blemishes with cutting foam pad with this polisher to go over this panel now you can also use a wool pad as your cutting pad but as I've said in my previous videos these are a bit more aggressive and they cut faster now I have here is a forced rotation dual action polisher which basically means that this not only rotates but it's directly driven by the motor the rotation of this but that it also oscillates up and down as its rotating now since this oscillate up and down as its rotating it is a bit safer especially for beginners but of course you're gonna have to use a dual action polisher you can just use a look at regular rotary polisher just make sure you move a little bit faster if you have thin clear coat like we got here now if you do decide to use a rotary polisher alright this is just that you masca up all around the edges and maybe on the body lines if you have any sharp lines on your hood for example because with the rotary polisher and a wool pad if you decide to go that route you can easily run it through clear coat around the edges and again you want to split down your panel into section so we're gonna make four sections out of this panel this way and we're gonna start off at this section right here and the way we want to move is to first go this way move down 50% go back out this way 50% this way then back up over 50% down and we're gonna keep doing this until our compound is clear we're getting very thin now before we go any further we need to clean off the remnants from the detailing spray that came with our clay bar so go ahead and get you some grease and wax remover and completely wipe down the area and the way we're going to be doing this is to first apply compound to four areas on our pad we're going to spread our compound around so that it doesn't splatter all over ourselves and then we're going to set our polisher to the slowest setting turn it on and start spreading this around and next after you split it around you want to go to a higher sitting and start polishing [Music] now this pain is actually a really terrible shape now that I look at it very closely it has a lot of obvious chips that have gone through the base coat and clear coat that we are not gonna be able to do anything about plus it has deeper scratches here and there that we would need to wet sand before we start polishing but for the sake of this video I'm not gonna bother with wet sanding right now we're just gonna stick to compounding and then polishing which is still going to make a huge improvement the way this clear coat is going to look however I'm going to switch over to a wool pad so that we can cut more and get rid of more scratches so once again we apply some compound now after spreading it around on the lower sitting on this polisher I'm actually going to a bit higher setting before we were going on a medium sitting in the first pass now we're just going to go a little faster hopefully that will help us get rid of scratches [Music] so here's a closer look after our second pass so as you look at the shop light in the reflection as we move down I'm sure you can see how it improves as we move to the area where we have polished oh yeah don't forget to spur your wool pad [Music] [Music] now if you're not happy with the results you get in one section after you do three passes go ahead and simply do more passes it's not unheard of to do four or even five passes to be done with a section all righty so here's a look at our repair area after compounding as you can see it was a lot better and I guess probably not gonna be able to tell on camera but if you were to look closely in some areas this paintwork looks a little dull or in other words the black does not seem to shine as deep as it should and that's because when we use this cutting compound and this wool pad we were able to take out some of the deeper scratches and blemishes but we put tiny scratches and strong marks of our own into this clear coat so in order to remove those we'll move on to our polishing path and polishing compound and once more do three passes in each section and again if you're interested in these links in the description now before we start polishing we need to remove all the leftover cutting compound that might be still on this hood so once again get yourself some grease and wax remover and completely wipe down the area and we're going to be applying our polishing compound more or less in the same manner but you can use a bit more force and also set it to a higher speed setting since there's a list of a chance that you'll cut through your clear coat with this softer polishing compound and foam pad so again first we're going to split it around on the little speech sitting now we'll go higher and we're gonna move slower as well [Music] and I wipe it down with the clean microfiber towel and take a closer look alright in this show I think you guys can see the difference now this is the area where we just polished and as we move up see right here we move to the area where we've only used our cutting compound and wool pad and right here you can probably see this border line see below it the gloss looks much deeper and above it it's not as deep because again we have very tiny scratches there from our wool pad and cutting compound again the number of passes you need to make in each section is going to vary based on the condition of the finish on your vehicle now I think for what we have here we can get away with two maybe three passes in each section so again Q opera music [Music] all righty folks we are pretty much all done as you can see now we have a nice deep gloss all over the side of the hood but before I take off this masking tape and show you the before and after let me actually take this car outside that way you guys can see it a lot better so here we go moment of truth that that was not as dramatic as I would have liked all right this will be telling try to look at the reflection of this tree on the side where we have not yet compounded and polished and here's a look at the reflection on the side that we have polished here's before and here's after difference is night and day as you know felici so there you have it folks we were able to do a lot with just compounding and polishing now there's even more you can do to rejuvenate all the clear coat for example we could have wet sanding this clear coat and then compound it then polished and then after that use the swirl remover and then after that use some wax to really bring out the shine but you know it all depends on what you wanted to do and what's the final product you want to have now if you want to learn how to do those things plus more I suggest you watch these videos of which I put links to on this side of the screen there will also be links down below in the description box as well all right thanks for watching I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Ratchets And Wrenches
Views: 1,464,585
Rating: 4.7618365 out of 5
Keywords: Rathcets and Wrenches, RnW, how to fix scratches on clear coat, is it possible to fix deep scratches on clear coat, how to polish old clear coat, how to fix hazy clear coat, how to fix scrapes on bumper, how to use a dual action polisher, how to use rubbing compound to fix clear coat, how to fix scratches on a car, how to make, clear coat repair, clear coat scratch repair, peeling clear coat repair, flaking clear coat repair, car scratch repair, car scratch remover, DIY, WD40, wd-40
Id: p0-RD7qhALw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2017
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