How To Fix (Jitters) (Flickering) Frame Generation On RTX Cards

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noie dokie welcome back everyone um I've been reading your comments regarding um artifacts and um you know getting the mod installed and then having just a random a bunch of random artifacts happening so I did a little bit of digging cuz I was I started to get those problems too so I was like okay what's going on so I did some a little bit of research regarding frame generation and come to find out J frame generation uses more vram um which the graphics card needs more vram to create those textures or frames and store them so at in the the comment sections I I noticed that there was a lot of people that said hey you know it work uh everything Ultra and I'm getting all these frames but then I noticed some other people saying that they were having these artifacts so I start to play around with the settings um I have a frame counter here from Xbox and I pay attention a lot to my um uh graphics card uh memory usage vram uh virtual memory video memory um and I have a 3080 TI and that's a the 12 gig uh version but it says that useful for applications I have 11.8 um and I realized that if you maxed out your uh vram you start getting the artifacts like right now I'm getting 60 frames I'm in hro with the Phoenix no issues um but let's go to the settings and let's try to max out that vram and let's say I increase my my train level detail from 75 to uh 200 so I'm already getting to 11.2 gabyt of usage we're not there yet I'm I still getting 52 frames right but you see what's going on the more the usage of the vram goes up the less frames I get and the more starters see I'm already getting starters so let's let's try this again so from 200 to 300 there you go 5 11.5 11.3 gigs 11.5 of RAM usage V Ram so see what's going on there you go and that's where basically frame generation becomes unstable because um the graphics see there you go that's the artifact the graphics car doesn't have that headro to store those textures to create the frames and now you're screw see that's all the artifacts right there so what did I do to uh reduce the usage of the the vram um I'm going to show you guys my settings and and so you guys can apply it at home and see if it works for you um you know another thing that I noticed too is that um when you're in uh dx12 uh Microsoft fly simulator seems to be using more RAM than and dx11 but we need dx12 to use frame uh Generation Um so in dx11 the simulator uses like around I'll say 56 6 GB of video RAM video memory but in dx12 the average that I get is you know it went down now to nine uh 98 so it uses more video memory but I get it cuz the graphics card is using the frame generation so now that I'm I reduced my memory usage see it's Smo smooth as a cake um so when I had the suspicion I started to play around so I flew in from Turkey to um what was in Germany one of their big airports um let me look it up here so you guys cuz I wanted to test it in big airports to see if you know cuz I don't want to test it in a small airp cuz it doesn't work the computer needs to be stressed um so I tested in Munich and right now you see how Munich is here in the in the map it's full when I landed today in the morning there was 19 aircraft on on that Sim and I can do not I didn't have a single dip I was at 60 frames no problem and everything looked beautiful and sharp so let's do a little quick take off here and right now I'm using 11 gigs of video RAM so keep that in mind let's see to so there you go we're rolling no artifacts 56 frames dropped a little bit but I look to the left no problem all the gates all the details to the right no problem all the gates all the details from building Ste this back that boy up let me keep the camera like that so you guys can see the terminal see I'm not having any artifacts or crazy um problems and we take and there we go we're out you're up let me switch my camera again and there's the airport you know there's no traffic right now CU hav it turned off but and I'm not on V but you can even see on my shadow over there FR over the terminal there's a little bit of ghosting but not not a problem I can move the camera no problem look around no problem so I believe that that's the main problem that a lot of people are facing with the glitches is that they're maxing out their vram and then when they try to use the frame generation the graphics card doesn't have any uh uh leg room to work it out or even make it work you know so right now look and this is with the Phoenix the most you know demanding aircraft in the simulator problems right there Shadows everything was fine um so that's that and you can see now that the vram usage went down to 10.4 so you know the system will have a problem to create those frames um and I saw a couple comments where people were saying oh you're not getting the frames you're just uh doubling your uh frame counter uh I I I don't know I don't think so because when I'm flying everything plays at 60 60 frames it feels Moon I don't have any any little jids or uh you know I mean everything is how it's supposed to look I mean and I have never the only place places that I was able to get 60 frames was in islands and stuff like that but now that I have this on um I don't have any issues I mean I can get 60 frames anywhere New York anywhere no problem um let's add some clouds here see there we go see I added some crws uh and still 59 frames no problem look left right look to the Horizon there no problem so you can say whatever you want to say about just doubling your frame count no you're basically getting the performance because I mean it's there I'm seeing it with my eyes uh you know another thing too that I realized too let me show you this guys um paid a lot of attention to this uh performance when I didn't have frame uh generation on I noticed that my GPU will work harder I'm saying um it'll be running you know right now it's running pretty hot but it'll be running harder but it will not give me the frame rates that I wanted see right now 9.5 out of 12 gig but after you enable uh frame Generations if you look at your CPU usage especially people that have AMD you notice that the simulator starts to use all your cores more efficiently and um another thing that I have noticed too is that my PC doesn't it doesn't sound like a crazy jet engine it doesn't sound like a like it's about to blow up um and this CPU can boost to 4.8 and the highest that it goes now is 3.8 and I don't notice the difference but when it comes to Performance but it's running cooler my PC is not blowing up so I recommend to anyone watching this video to look into under bolting your GPU and you know you know underclocking your your CPU if if you can afford to do that um you know I have a 58x so I don't know I mean I'm I'm surprised cuz I'm able to get this type of performance with Vats in traffic 20 25 aircrafts in the ground and with the Phoenix with the game looking this beautiful without having to blow up the budget right so okay so here we we are let's go to the [Music] settings okay so I play at 1440p my resolution 1440p n ta Ling TAA PR generation on I use AMD sharpening to 190 X get X12 12 silver train level detail I leave it at 70 I think to me that's the sweet spot where I'm able to get nice a nice feel F of view when I'm looking for away and still like play a 60 frame you know simulation offs screen preaching Ultra ter Vector data Ultra building Ultra trees medium um I really don't care for trees that much because you know I don't know I don't pay too much attention to the trees uh grass and bushes I leave it on medium too because the the draw distance of the grass is pretty ridiculous like if you walk away from it it will disappear so I don't even bother you know I leave there a medium just to have it object Lial detail I have it at 100 um you can put it to 200 I have it at 100 I don't see that much of a difference you know um clouds I mean this one is the most important because you're in the sky so that's an ultra texture resolution okay so for people that have lower video um memory use high don't use ultra you will be saving a bunch of uh video memory that we definitely need right now for the frame generation anistropic filter 16 texture super sampling uh uh with people with 8 gigs of RAM uh video memory if you're feeling like you don't have that space you know I'm looking at leaving at least two to 1.5 gig of video memory free for the graphics card to make these frames so I use 4x4 you can use 2x two or just turn them off but you know it's up to you textures synthesis high water waves medium Shadow map 1,24 Contex Shadow 512 uh terrain Shadows 512 contact Shadows low don't care for those uh windshield effect high and inclusion High um Cube map reflection so that's rate tracing if you have a gig of video memory turn that off I would recommend now 96 cuz it uses a lot of vrm I have it at 256 Ray match reflection I think it is RA R tracing too so I have mine on medium life shaft high and lens flare on that's about it that's what I have when it comes to Graphics settings and I'm able to pull uh you know 60 frames stable a big airport so no problem so you know and you see the UI glitch is still there but you know I I have tried it in all the big airports and 60 frame is where I'm at I don't have any other problems if anyone else has any other questions you know make sure to post them in the comments I'll try to reply to you but this is the solution that I came up with and you know searching around this is what the thing that make make the most sense and it does when you try it and you see it when you increase the vram usage you see that all the ghost un and artifact starts to happen so you know try to reduce that a little bit to the point where you still have great visuals and you're still getting SM butter butter 60 frames you can't ask for nothing more than that so I hope you guys have a good one take care
Channel: 215 Pilot
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Id: G9A32wa59fc
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Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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