How To Fix HDMI Port Not Working On PS5 - Full Guide

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we'll guide you through how to fix your PS5 HDMI port not working and in this guide we're going to avoid opening up the PS5 and things like that and go for more easy steps which you can try to fix the problem if you find this useful please consider subscribing and liking the video and let's get into this firstly make sure your PS5 is shut down and powered off you don't want it to be in rest mode so make sure it's completely turned off to do that if your PS5 is currently on all you need to do is hold the power button but and it initially beeps then keep holding it till you hear a second beep and then it will shut down once you've done that we then want to go and spin the PS5 round just like this go to the back of your PS5 and what you want to do is go and unplug the HDMI and power and anything else you got plugged in as well and after you've unplugged them what you want to do is just let it sit and while we wait just for sort of 10 15 seconds for it to completely power down what I recommend doing is just switching the HDMI round so go and put the end which is currently plugged into your TV into your PS5 and plug the end which is currently plugged into your PS5 into your TV into a different HDMI port while everything is unplugged make sure there's no debris or dust or other particles in your PS5 HDMI port as well cuz sometimes they can get in there so make sure there's nothing in there which could be messing with the connection and do the same on your TV as well plug everything back in and then try turning on your PS5 and remember if you change the HDMI port which your PS5 plugged into on your PS5 you also need to change the source as well otherwise you'll be getting a black screen and I now selected the HDMI 2 and it should shortly go and appear just like that so go and see if that fixes your problem if it still doesn't then what we want to do is go and enter safe mode on our PS5 so I'll show you how to do that now what we need to do is make sure your PS5 is shut down so hold on the power button like this once again until you hear that second beep and it's completely shut down and powered off off just like it should have been at the start of the video and wait for the lights to stop flashing after your PS5 is turned off then let's go and put it into safe mode so what you need to do is hold the power button and you keep holding it until you hear the second beep and that tells you that it's going into safe mode so keep holding it and just like that you'll hear that second beep and it's now starting safe mode so if you then go and see this screen here which says connect the controller using the USB cable go and connect it so plug one end into your PS5 just to charging cable and the other end into your controller and then you press the PlayStation button but if you're seeing this screen so if you just make sure you've tried the different sources on your TV if you're seeing this screen this means your HDMI port is working um and there's just a resolution problem so what you want to do is go down to change video output make sure you use the the d-pad to move and then um X which is this one here so change video output then you can click on change resolution and what you want to do is try changing resolutions so click okay here and the PS5 will restart it will just take a moment and what we can do is sometimes with the resolutions if they aren't matching up then that's why you're just seeing a black screen and the HDMI port isn't working so what we can do is try changing the different resolutions to go and see if that goes and fixes the problem your PS5 will restart to this page here just hold the PlayStation button and then what you can do is select the different video resolutions here so you could try doing automatic and if you still end up with a black screen when your p 5 starts then turn it off put it into safe mode again come back to resolution and try 720p and repeat this for the others to find the one which works so yeah you'll need to put your your PS5 in safe mode a few times if it isn't working and hopefully you'll find the one which works and what you can also do is if I just select automatic here your PS5 will restart hopefully you find a resolution which works for you if you've tried all the video outputs and it still isn't working then come back to your save mode and what you could could try doing is clearing the cache so click here and then you can try clearing the software cache click there and it'll clear everything and as it may be like a a bug with the system with getting no output because evidently your HTMI put is working because you can get to safe mode so it shows that it is a problem with the PS5 system of course if you're at the point in the video where you aren't even getting any screen like any output from the HDMI you can't get into save mode then it is assigned that that is a problem with your HDMI port on your console and it may need to go and be repaired but hopefully you've managed to go and fix it with this video if you have please leave a like
Channel: GuideRealm
Views: 62,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix hdmi port not working on ps5, hdmi port not working on ps5, ps5 hdmi port not working, how to fix ps5 hdmi port not working, how to fix ps5 hdmi not working, ps5 hdmi not working
Id: XIt1BX3P3Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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