How To Fix Garage Door Cables

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what's happening everybody y'all know what time it is it's my lawn tonight y'all already know how we do it over here it ain't always about gardening you know big diesels or automobiles i mean so anyway this is a our garage door and this cable happened to unravel somehow miraculously off this torsion bar way over there as you can see that one is still good there's just this right here [Music] it came unravel so we gotta fix it y'all all right it should be pretty simple what we're gonna do is uh use some vice grips we'll just clamp it on down to the end over here make sure you uh pit it against the wall and that's just to give you uh some security that this whole rod don't spin out on you i mean anyway we're also going to be removing or loosening up not removing loosening up these uh bolts right here that's the whole reason why you want that vice grip on now because this whole thing is spring loaded right there in the middle and yeah we don't want to have any accident and we definitely don't want to create more problems i mean so let me go ahead and get the right socket and uh this is how you know those white device grips is on there good you just pull on it and the whole bar will move okay but you do want want that right against the wall all right okay let me go grab these sockets right quick so we can remove this these well not removed but so we can loosen up these bolts all right we have our wrench instead of a socket uh because this is a square head uh boat they got on here so we'll be using a 10 millimeter we like i said we have our vice grip right there so we'll just loosen this up just a little bit we'll do the same with the top [Music] there we go now we can realign [Music] this whole drum i mean this cable into the drum there we go there it is now you just pull it as tight as you can and snuck these back down okay let me uh put this camera down and snug this up oh by the way you wanna make sure this is all the [Music] against against that uh rail right well not rail but you want to make sure it's all the way that way i mean all right let me [Music] tighten these both down i have to hold this thing at the same time make sure the cable is tight and i put you back on all right everyone there it is got a cable pretty snug on there remove these vice grips and let's check it out okay okay we have the garage door open now and it seems to be an even gap all the way across and that's what will that's what we're looking for so let's go ahead and uh shut it and see what it'll do okay and what it look like we shouldn't have any gaps at the bottom at all okay so let's check it out and there it is everybody there's no daylight all the way across down at the bottom uh which is what raise it back up [Music] and everything seems to be working in working in order you can see that's the side we we worked on shut it [Music] there it is y'all very simple just make sure you you have your cables tight on both ends and be careful because it is spring loaded as you see and y'all be safe on that note y'all know the deal remember you can fix it too on that note till next time
Channel: Mahlon Tane
Views: 89,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reloading Garage Door Cables Drum, Garage Door Cables, Respooling Garage Cables, Fixing Garage, Double Car Garage Door Cables, Double Car Garage Door Fix, Garage Door Cables Came Off Pulley
Id: vF1IP2ImS2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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