How to fix error: The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted | VS 2002

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hi friends welcome to my channel while doing database migration with Entity framework core with code first approach we are facing this SSL provider error so we are going to fix this we have two ways to fix this first one is so while creating the project click on create a new project so you this is the first way here I am going to select MVC so I am selecting by default core web application model V controller click on next so I am giving just one project name here click on next so here while creating the project we have selected as configure for https whenever you are configuring https that time that certificate will be added to your project that is the error related to https to avoid that error you can uncheck this configure for https error and you can create the project this is one way and another way I will tell you how to fix that one of our subscribers also reported the same error three weeks ago the same error related to the SSL so already I suggested here how to fix we have to add this trust server certificate to true in app setting.json file same thing we are going to do it now just copy this so this is the error we are facing open the app setting.json here we are using Windows authentication along with that we have to use the trusted server certificate true whenever you are using https that time only this error will come and you have to use this trusted server certificate as true now we'll go to package manager console again now we will try to update the database this time we will not get any SSL related error update the database so there is no error now so we can fix this SSL Error in these two ways so first one you have to exclude the https checkbox and second one you have to use the server certificate to true so anyone you can use it whatever you are comfortable
Channel: CodeWithGopi
Views: 6,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a certificate chain could not be built to a trusted root authority .net framework 4.7.2, a certificate chain processed but terminated, certificate not from a trusted authority, codewithgopi, how to fix a certificate chain could not be built to a trusted root authority, how to fix ssl certificate error in google chrome, installation did not succeed .net framework windows 7, ssl, ssl certificate, ssl certificate error, ssl connection error, ssl error, .net core,, .net
Id: MOldkUAkfcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 22sec (142 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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