how to fix error code 403. simple and easy. roblox

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okay so you probably already know from like the title but uh um so let's say you like want to join a game right and then you start the game and then this pops up right here hopefully you guys see it but right here this thing Arrow code 43 it pops up so you probably might have gotten banned from a different account as you can see here I got banned so you probably would have gotten like banned from a different account and basically uh it misses with like the cookie or whatever and then like when you want to like join a game it's like oh you're banned so you can't play well I'm going to tell you how to fix that so you want to go hit the little Windows key like this then you this is going to be in the link in the description and this is 100% safe if I I'll swear bro like don't sue me so you got to percent app data percent and then you got to open that and then you just got to find oh ooh yeah you got to find uh no no no so once you get here what you got to do you want to go up and you want to click app data right here bam then you want to go to local and you double click it then you want to find Roblox so you have to find Roblox and then you want to delete this and then bam that's it and then yeah and then you want to close this go back and then I'm going to join oh yeah I got block strap so you want to join and Bam it works uh so uh yeah uh that's what we have to do to like get it to work so yeah oh I'mma
Channel: SKIFI
Views: 9,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, errorroblox, robloxfix, error403roblox, roblox403codefix
Id: phtdHjZXg4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 17sec (137 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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