How to Fix Dead Chromebook - No Power, Not Turning On

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hi guys this is Jamin with point tech we're bringing you another do-it-yourself laptop repair video this time we're going to be talking about some reasons why your Chromebook isn't turning on or isn't working and we'll go over some ways that you can fix the issues that are causing it now the good thing about Chromebooks is that they're relatively inexpensive to repair compared to other laptops the parts are usually very widely available online eBay Amazon Bonanza places like that the tricky part where the Chromebook is actually figuring out what's wrong with it that can be a little more tricky than a normal laptop because the way that it works but we'll get into it so the first thing you won't want to do oops wrong size if your Chromebook is an opening or isn't working as you go want to release the static is any static built up in it so what I'm gonna want to do first I'm gonna want to open this up after unplugging my charger I'm gonna want to open this up so I can unplug my battery most Chromebooks have an internal battery so you have to open it up to get to it but I'm gonna take out my unplug my battery I don't like my charger and then I'll show you how we're going to release any sort of static build-up or static charge in the computer you ha I forgot to screw in the middle make sure you take all your screws out and if you're getting some resistance don't force it open because you probably forgot a screw like I it is and then you would destroy a computer all right so my computer's open I'm going to unplug my battery which I'd you can see the the batteries here as you can see the battery cord comes out right here and it plugs into the motherboard there I'm plug my battery wiggle wiggle nice and gentle okay because you can't break these things so I'd be very gentle when you're using it so my battery's unplugged my charger is obviously unplugged I'm gonna go to my computer now and I'm gonna hold down the power button for about a minute you're doing this to release any sort of static charge and he sort of buildup that's in your computer in the various components I ain't trying to release that static sometimes that can build up and stop your computer from functioning correctly it can stop your computer from turning on it charging anything so we're gonna hold this down for about a minute after doing that for about a minute you got to want to release it and this is how we're going to test to see if if it's either your battery or your charger what I'm gonna do when I plug my battery back in after the charge has been released put my battery back in but I'm not gonna plug in my charger now I'm gonna try to turn my computer on if your computer doesn't turn on then we're gonna do the same thing again repeat the process we're gonna unplug the battery leave the charge around plugged hmm and we're gonna try to release our static for another minute after you've done that for a minute leave your battery on unplugged and now I'm going I'm going to plug in my charger instead of the battery now with just that plugged in and I transfer my computer on again so as you can see from this this computer turned on now while the LCD is broken we're gonna repair that but this computer turned on with just the charger plugged in and not the battery so if your computer works that way then you've identified your problem it's with your battery okay so for the purposes of our video we're gonna act like this didn't just turn on and we're gonna continue with the diagnostic process as if this computer was still dead regardless of which one we tried so okay so I've turned it off now we're going to go ahead and shut this up because we're gonna do the next step in the diagnostic process plug my battery back in now we're gonna go move on to show you the LED light now the next step in the process plug in your charger and as you can see there I have an LED light that's flashing or or unstable I can't see it if your LED does light up fast forward later in the video we're going to show you what to do in the event that your LED is lighting up now if the LED is not lighting up which we're going to assume for the sake of showing you what to do if this LED did not light up make sure first of all that you have the correct charger plugged in your computer every computer on the bottom has a rating on the bottom of what voltage and what amp äj-- it needs to take from your charger as you can see this one here is 19 volts 2.3 7 amps make sure that your charger reads the same it needs to have 18 volts sorry 19 volts upside down it needs to match this so have you completed a function properly and not to damage your computer so that's the first that make sure that your charge is correct if your charger is correct we have a couple videos listed in the bottom in the description you're going to want to test your charger to make sure that it's working properly and it's actually supplying your computer with the correct power and then we have another video that if that's if that's good and your charge is good you can test your power jack and make sure that the charge is supplying your power Jack of power but test it to make sure that it's supplying your motherboard with power now so you can look on the videos down there if both of those check out if your charge is good and your power jacks good it's probably an issue with your motherboard and you may want to get it replaced we have another video it will also be listed in the description I'm doing a motherboard replacement for 8/8 chromebox now assuming your LED does light up like you saw minded you wanna again open your computer up because if it's lighting up then it's getting power so let's open this back up oops okay so open your computer back up you want to make sure the power button cable is snug which in this computer the power button is part of your keyboard so you want to make sure that your keyboard your ribbon cable is snug which this one happens to be up go figure so I'm going to reseat bat it's called reseeding but it's basically unplugging it and then re plugging it so in this computer my keyboard we're gonna happen to be unplugged entirely so we'll make sure that your power button cable is snug or in this case it's part of my keyboard so make sure your keyboard ribbon cable is snug also check for the LCD ribbon if that's installed correctly it looks like this ribbon cable here is going into my hinge assembly which is going up into my my LCD area so this would be your LCD okay well so again reseed it or gently take it out and then gently put it back in make sure it's snug before clamping it down so receiving both of those another thing you want to look for um is any signs of liquid damage is there any corrosion is there any gross sticky things anywhere is there any sign that liquids been spilled on this at some point if you do see any signs of that again it's probably an issue with your motherboard and you need to replace it not a lot of motherboards can survive a lot of liquid damage now a common occurrence with a Chromebook because as you can see many of them don't have a cooling fan inside and cooling fans make noises when you start the computer up if your LCD is bad then what could be happening is that your computer could be starting up you just don't know it nothing's coming on to your display and you don't hear any fans or anything turning so oftentimes your computer is fully starting like normal you just can't see anything because the LCD is bad even in this case sometimes you will be able to hear a kind of ping sound or whatever sound your computer makes when it reaches that chromebook sign-in page if you do hear that sound it means that your LCD or your LCD cable is most likely bad because your computer is logging on or is is booting up to that login screen a way to test for that if you don't hear that sound that that login ping is to take your Chromebook and hook it up to your TV or other external monitor if it displays on the TV then again you know that your LCD is bad or your LCD cables bad and that your computer is is functioning otherwise the trick with that is that sometimes do two settings on your Chromebook or view two settings on your TV they may not be compatible and and and nothing is going to display so that's the only trick there is is that it's not definite now if you've done all the steps that we've shown you in this video and you tested your chargers and you tested your jacks and you've done everything and your computer still isn't working at this point in our shop we would look into replacing the motherboard there are a lot of Chromebooks out there where the motherboards are way cheaper than you would think and it's a very cheap easily doable repair check out our video down bottom for how to replace your motherboard other Chromebooks it may not be worth it you have to look up your Chromebook to see what your motherboards are going for but yes hopefully that helped you through the diagnostic process of your Chromebook not working please thumbs up and share if this video was helpful and if you liked general laptop Do It Yourself repair please subscribe thank you for watching
Channel: PC Monkey
Views: 470,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, computer, laptop, PC, repair, replace, tutorial, tech, technology, diy, do, it, yourself, guide, broken, fix, error, stuck, not, working, notebook, chromebook, motherboard, circuit, board, hp, asus, acer, toshiba, samsung, Dell, Not, turning, on, no, power, chrome, my, wont, cant, gets, help, how, windows, gives, me, off
Id: ZqtHEmzKHkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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