How to Fix CSGO Crashing, Not Launching, Won't Launch, Freezing, Stuttering and Black Screen on PC

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hello everyone welcome back to good shower tips in this video we are going to talk about how to fix counted straight Global Offensive which is also known as Counter Strike c s g o which is rarely widely known as this one is having an issue with crashing at startup it is not launching or won't launching and it is having freezing and stuttering low FPS drop stuck on loading screen black screen and all these kind of issues and how we can fix this app so let me directly get into the point so first thing what you have to do is just start with a normal restart so the restart can be done just go over here in the start click on this one go for a simple restart after restarting try to play the game this is just a very basic step which you have to try out and I know this is simple but even though you can try this out this did done a lot of Miracle for many of the users so you can try this out next one is all about we have to verify Integrity of game file so verify Integrity of game file is all over here you have to go over here in The Counter Strike right click and go to properties go to local file click on verify Integrity of game file so what happens is as you can see the game is around 29.95 GB which is hardly 13 GB when you click on this one this is going to take a little bit of time so what happens is all the files will be checked whether if it's any files are missing and if any files are corrupted and all these kind of issues will be checked from the end of this one so if any files are corrupted and if any files are missing and all these kind of issues will be fixed by this particular step so that is why recommending or trying out verify Integrity of gain file is a very important step and you have to try this out and this is going to work for you for sure next one is all about after this let this get completed and we have to wait this to reach 100 percentage and once you'll be getting play button just click on this one so here we are in the middle of video so we're gonna move to Next Step next step is all about we have to launch the game from the installation folder so which can be done in two way the one is we can navigate to the installation folder from Steam another one is we are navigate to the installation folder by going to this PC where the game is installed by file explorer so let me go to the first one that is all about YNAB from the stream itself to navigate to the installation folder very easily right click go to properties go to local file click on browse so you will be taken to this as you can see this is the path of folder that is this PC locket is C program file x86 steam steam apps common Counter-Strike Global Offensive now we have to open this one that is launch the game frame here and that is going to work for you as well so if you don't know how to navigate to the installation folder from the Steam and also you wanted to know how to navigate to the particular fold a particular step using a file explorer which is an important step because down the road you need to know how to navigate to the installation folder on your PC so here as you can see I'm having a local disk which is of 1tb so I don't have any other thing so all the game will be by default from the stream will be stored here so you just have to open the respective local to see then go to program file x86 keep scrolling down and we have to go to steam scroll down and navigate to steam apps go to Common now from here we have to navigate to csgo Counter-Strike Global Offensive then go to this particular folder and try to launch the game frame here and this is this did worked for many users so you can try this out so next one is go back to this team once again and try to play the game so if this is not working we have to move to next one that is Run the game as an administrator so that can be done very easily go to over here right click go to properties go to local file click on browse so that you you are redirected to the installation folder from here select the application right click go to show more options go to properties go to compatibility and frame here you have to click run this program as an administrator go for apply and go for ok this is the step and also apparently I would like to add just right click go to the same procedure properties compatibility and over here as you can see disable full screen optimization after trying with rent this program as an administrator if the disables it is not working try with disabling the full screen optimization and once you enabled I mean check this one go for apply and go for ok and try to play the game as well this is going to work as well if even you tried both these things and if it's still not working try with this also go to compatibility under the compatibility mode click on run this program in the compatibility mode for Windows 8. okay then go for apply and go for ok and try sometimes this might work so after trying this if it's still not working and the issue is you know it is not at all lowering down you're having more issues then just go over here make a few change that is go to compatibility uncheck this one as well as uncheck disable full screen optimization and only keep run this program as an administrator and go for apply and go for ok or else the issue will become more severe so try this out as well keep in mind and next one is all about we have to try with launch the game using alt and tab together pressing it over there so over here try to play play the game so when you click on this one when you click on play button at the same moment just press alt and tab on a keyboard on your keyboard so for some users this did help it when they are having crashing issues as well as not loading and not launching issues this did fix it for them you just try it from your side next one is all about we have to delete the saved game file so that can be done very easily just go to the over here go to documents sorry over here as you can see if any over here just go to documents over here if you find any folder named csdo that is Counter-Strike Global Offensive just delete the respective one and keep in mind when you do this you'll be losing everything but that is fine just uh you know delete it and go back and once it is done you have to read the respective folder try to play the game this is an important step and this did work out for many users so you can try this out next one is all about try changing language to English on e-windows I don't know how this is related but this street worked for that just go to settings go to time and language now go to language over here I as you can see by default my language is English which is United States so my country is selected as India because I'm from India so here if you wanted to add any other languages just click on ADD language and here we are having many options you can select including Arabic you can go for Spanish German you can try with Chinese and even you can go for Native languages in India like Bank Bengali and also you can go for Malayalam and all those things you can go for Chinese you can go for all the languages which is across the globe without any issue and hesitation select respective one and once you're done with this one just close everything go back so you have to change the language according to your geography for example if you're from India obviously most people prefer English so I have to do this according to English English so if you're from uh for example from Germany then you have to select respective language which you prefer and that it worked and I don't know how it is related but this did worked next one is all about we have to allow the game to Windows security for that reason we have to go over here in the search go to control panel now from here go to Windows Defender Firewall now from here click on 11 airport feature through Windows Defender Firewall now from here you have to check whether csgo is already added so over here as you can we have on C just scroll a little bit so as you can see The Counter Strike Global Offensive is already added and if you go to parallely you can see both the private and public is Market so that is an important step so imagine if the Counter Strike or any other game we wanted to add is not here then just click on allow another app go to browse so that is why I said it is an important step you should be knowing where the game is installed so go to locally C now scroll down and navigate to program file x86 scroll down and navigate to Steam folder now from here go to steam apps go to Common now from here go to counter string Global Offensive select respective folder and go for open then go for add so I get this error because it's already added so if it's not added most probably there will not be an issue once if you don't know how to add this just do like this and it is done just close everything go back to the stream try to play the game next one is all about we have to unplug everything from the I mean especially USB devices so some users might be playing the game with their controllers so controllers will be most probably connected to the USB ports so what you have to do is just remove everything from the USB port if controllers are connected remove it if you are using any multiple monitors remove it if you are using generic Logitech wheel pad keypad any kind of those kind of things just remove it even though we don't play we might be connected it so just remove everything so to remove everything from the USB port unplug all the USB devices that is what the actual word and once it is done just launch the game so so next question which arrives on your mind is how to connect the controller right so just launch the game and once the game is launched and it is working smoothly just connect the controller and try to play the game and this date worked and I don't know how but I have seen many comments in the Reddit as well as even in the quora even I checked some of the forums in this team where there is also some of the users mentioned this did work out for them so you can try this out next one is all about we have to update the graphics card so I'll be providing Link in the description to both Nvidia as well as for the AMD so if you are on the Nvidia just go for this link go to drivers if you are on the AMD just go over here so go to drivers over here as you can see the product type is geoforce product series GeForce RTX 14 series product is geoforce rtx4090 laptop GB and the operating system is according to mine it is Windows 11 so I have to select Windows level then over here go to uh the respective one grd then select the language and go for start search so you have to give respectively according to your configuration now go for as you can see the version is 528.4 name this is released on 8th of the February on this month so the operating system is Windows 11 and the English is language and I have to download this download and install this after installing restart EBC and once it is done just try to play the game if you are on the AMD just go over here select Graphics go for AMD over here go to submit now from here you just have to go to Windows 1164-bit Edition as well as Windows 10. 64-bit Edition so go for Windows 11 download this one and over here as you can see Windows 10 just select this one and download this one so if you're on Windows 11 download the respective version and if you're on Windows 10 download this respective version and once you install this one after this try to play the game after do a restart which is a mandatory then try to play the game next one is all about we have to download Microsoft Visual C plus plus this lead worked for many users so I'll be providing a link in the description which will take you to this over here you are having two options that is for x86 as well as for x64 so here first we need to know what is our PCS actually for that go over here go to settings now from here go at the top left system scroll down and navigate to about over here you have to select that is in the system type you will be able to understand what is your system is actually so here in my case it is x64 that is a base processor then I just have to go back to this link now I have to download this one okay so if it's 86 download this one so once I download this one I have to install it so here in my case on PC it's already installed once install is done restart APC then go back to the steam try to play the game and that is going to work for you as well after this next one is all about we have to perform a clean boot for that reason we have to go over here search for system configuration go to Services now over here click on hide all Microsoft Services then click on disable all so what happens is if any files are so over here as you can see it is actually grayed out for me because very recently I did so that is why it's grayed out but for you this will not be the same case you have to hide hide all Microsoft Services then go for disable all then go for ok that is what you have to do okay next one is all about we have to roll back the drivers that is an important step so some of the users when they updated the drivers from both Nvidia as well as for the AMD after that once they tried to play the game what happens is uh the issue become more severe in the sense they only not only having crashing issue they used to happen uh they used to have you know not launching freezes structuring many more issues so that is why because of the very previously rolled out graphics card that is why it is happening so as you can see this is on at least on this month right so this can bring a lot of issue so if that is the case you just have to roll back the driver for that reason we have to go to the start go to device manager go to display adapters selects your respective graphics cards right click through the properties go to driver over here there is an option called roll back driver click on this one and go for ok then once it is done just close everything and go back and try to play the game next one is all about we have to disable steam overlay and overclocking application so disabling the stream overlay just right click go to properties over here we just have to under generally make sure enable the stream overlay while in game it should be unchecked okay this should be unchecked so you have to uncheck this and once it is done it is fine next one is all about uh closing all the Overflow overclocking application so that we have to click on this one right click and we have to go to task manager now over here as you can see we can see there are many things which is running in the background so over here for me Google Chrome screen recorder steam task managers are running but apart from these there are 89 apps which is running in the background so here some of them are very dangerous like Discord River tuner anti-viruses LG Hub Etc so that is case what I have to do is you just have to select the respective one right click go for end the task I have to end a task it one by one because what happens is these will be a remove it so that it will not be affecting my performance of my laptop or PC so you have to do the same for everything do not do the same for everything but just the overclocking applications like this code LG Hub reward tuner any personal antiviruses and all those things just do the same next one is all about we have to go for next one that is Run the game on dedicate a graphics card for that reason we have to go over here in the search go for graphic settings now over here as you can see here I have already added all the games which I'm using right now that is uh in Apex Legends uh you know Dead Space Hogwarts Legacy everything is already added you have to do the same just click on the browse so here we need to go to local disk go to program file x86 scroll down and navigate to Steam folder now go to steam apps go to Common now we have to go to uh over here go to csgo now from here select this one go for ADD so once it is added the csgo is added so as you can see this added just click on this one click on option so as you can see by default the graphic performance is let Windows decide so we have to change this to high performance okay we have to change this to high performance so if it is on let Windows reside when you're launching the game there will be crushing issue but when you give this to high performance the window is utilizing all the performance graphics cards solely which will not be bringing any kind of issue just go for Save then close everything go back here and try to launch the game next one is all about giving few commands in the launch option so right click go to properties over here you can see the launch option so give the First Command that is dx11 okay try to play the game if it's not working change this to dx12 go over here try to play the game and next one nothing if you tried with Boot dx11 and the X12 if it's not working just remove everything then launch the game okay so even if the issue is still persisting we have to move to the next one that is updating the windows go over here in the search go for settings now from here go to system scroll down and now sorry come down to Windows update over here click on download and install try to download and install that is what you have to do make sure you are on the latest version of Windows because trying out the game like csgo Hogwarts Legacy Dead Space even Atomic Hearts they all need good speed I mean good configuration and should be OS should be up to date so try with this one and that is going to work next one is all about uninstall and reinstall the game so try uninstalling and reinstalling so right click go to manage Go for uninstall the game and if you wanted to reinstall it back and make sure that one thing that is an important step so over here as you can see I'm only having local DC so if I uninstall the game and reinstall it back it should be it is going to reinstall your own C itself there is no difference but this is not going to work so you should be having multiple lock disk and imagine all the game which is by default download from the stream will be on local to see so you uninstall the game frame C then install it back to D you can change the location so try installing back to D so if you're installing back to the same local list then it will not be working so change the local disk or if you're having you'll be definitely having multiple local lists so locally C and D try installing uninstalling the game on C and installing it back on D and once it is done restart and go to steam and try to play the game last and the least one is all about increase virtual memory for that we have to go over here in the search go for view Advanced system setting go to High Advanced click on setting now over here go to Advanced once again click on change now over here as you can see virtual memory automatically manage paging file size for all the drivers so you have to select this one so if you select this one what happens is the local disk is grayed out so it is an important step it should be unchecking this because local disk should be you should be able to select the lock list where the game is sent start so here in my case is the game is installed on C that's why I selected C so if the game is installed indeed then you have to select D so you have to do according to your PCS configuration or where the game is in start so I am doing this based on mine so here the game is installed on C so I select C once it is done I have to click on custom size here I have to give the value that is initial size maximum size so initial size is always 1.5 times the total tram maximum size is always three times the total trap so go over here in the search go to calculator so before that I need to know what is my Ram so some users keep on asking this question in the comment section so I'm gonna show you go to settings go to top system at the top scroll down to about now from here as you can see the installer dram is 32GB so close everything now go back to this now multiply 32 GB into the GB should be converted into Mb for that I have to multiply with the conversion factor that is one zero two four that is 32 768. I have to multiply it with 1.5 times because total Ram is 1.5 times the total rank so I have to copy this I have to paste it I have to go back once again there is 32 GB into one zero two four okay that is 32 768 I have to multiply it with three so I have to go for three times the total drag so that is maximum size is three times the daughter Ram that is ninety eight thousand three not four then I just have to paste it over here once my initial size is given maximum size is given just go for ok then once it is done just go to the stream and try to play the game and this is what it's all about it and I hope this is what you have to try out when the counter strike is having crashing issue this is not launching freezing stuttering in all these kind of issues and I hope this video is helpful and if you find this video helpful don't forget to subscribe and click on the Bell icon for more notification see you soon next video peace out bye bye bye
Channel: Get Droid Tips
Views: 10,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Fix CSGO Crashing at startup, How to Fix CSGO Not Loading, How to Fix CSGO Won't Launch, How to Fix CSGO Freezing and stuttering, How to Fix CSGO Black Screen Issue, How to Fix CSGO Stuck on Loading Screen, How to Fix CSGO low FPS Drop Issue, How to Fix CSGO Screen Flickering Issue, How to Fix CSGO Fatal error loading vortex shade, How to Fix CSGO No Audio or Sound, How to Fix CSGO No User Login Error, How to Fix CSGO Voice chat not Working, How to Fix CSGO Not using GPU/CPU
Id: afcxkgrWYEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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