How to Fix CRAWLED - CURRENTLY NOT INDEXED: Solve this Common SEO Indexing Problem

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you've probably had the issue that your website is not ranking on Google and when you go to Google Search console to check if everything is working correctly you notice a section that says crawled but not indexed and then you see a lot of your pages in there what does that mean and how can you fix it let's talk about that right now [Music] if you go into your Google search console account you're gonna find the section called coverage within that section you're going to find information related to how Google is looking at the different pages of your website how many pages are valid how many pages have errors on them and also you're gonna find one that says excluded Google puts everything in there every single page that has not bid index for a variety of reasons maybe there's a 404 error maybe there's a server error while you would try to crawl some of the pages everything will be there but right now we want to talk specifically about one category of excluded Pages which is crawled but not indexed which is pretty similar to another one you may know that it's called discovered but not index so let me tell you about that one first discovered but not indexed means that Google knows about your pages but has not crawled them thus has not indexed them so if you get that there's nothing you can do about it all you have to do is wait until Google comes back to your website and then crawls the pages that it has already discovered so it can determine if it's going to add them to the index or not but the other one which is crawled but not indexed is a little bit different because means that Google discovered your page crawled it but decided not to add it to its index if a page is not added to the index it cannot rank on Google so it's really important to make sure that every single one of the pages of your website is being crawled and indexed so what can you do if Google crawls your website or your pages but decides not to index them and why does it happen all right so let's figure out the why if Google got to your website crawled it but decided not to index it it means that it decided that it doesn't provide as much value as it should to appear in the search results it's that simple Google somehow determined that it won't show that page because it doesn't provide enough value to the users then what can you do to fix that so Google can see that it does provide value we are going to go over six things that you need to look into that will help Google index correctly your pages right so remember as we said the first problem that we have is that Google determined for some reason that your website is not uh providing enough value to be indexed so the first thing we need to do is make sure that we have good content on it one of the reasons that some of the pages get crawled but not indexed is because the content is not good enough this happens a lot with automated content when content is created automatically with AI tools for example and the content is not edited enough then Google can determine that it's not worth showing it on the search results so it doesn't even index the content so the first thing make sure that your content is unique and good enough to be indexed that's really important go over your content if you actually did use an AI tool to write your content well go over the content and rewrite it to provide more value make sure it doesn't seem like it's generated automatically but create content that actually provides value that's one of the first things you can do to make sure that Google will index your content the second thing you need to look at is try to avoid thin content what is thin content well just what the word says you have too little content on the page thus Google thinks that it won't provide any value if it shows up in search results so it's too little content make sure you have enough content to explain the topic of the page maybe you have a lot of photos in there which is good but not enough text content that explains what the page is about so add more content to your page so Google can see that it will provide value and then make sure sure that it's indexed correctly third thing you can check for is make sure that you have canonical tag what is that that's a little snippet of code that goes into your website that Google uses it to determine the main source of that content in particular so if your website for some reason or the page in particular does not have the canonical tag Google may not understand where is the main source for that content usually the canonical tag has the link to the same page where the content is at so all you have to do is make sure you add it there and then Google will see that the page is the original source for the content so you already made sure that you have unique content that you have enough content in other words you don't have thin content and you also make sure that your page has canonical tags number four make sure you have enough internal links pointing to the page that is not being indexed of course you must have a other pages that was a cat make sure I'm sure you already have on other pages that are indexed so make sure that those pages are linking internally to the page that is not being indexed that way when Google comes to your website crawls it and sees that the page that it's not indexing is being internally linked then that's going to give power to that page and you have better chances of Google actually wanting to index it so internal links are really powerful so Google can understand that that page is made to provide value all right number five now that we're talking about internal links let's also talk about external links work on creating backlinks if you can create backlinks from other Pages Google will find them and figure out oh wait if other websites are linking to this page then I don't want to index but because I believe that it doesn't provide value maybe it is providing value because others are linking to it and that will increase its chances of being indexed so work on creating backlinks they don't have to be like really strong backlinks just backlinks from other websites that are related to the topic of your website so Google can see that others are mentioning you that immediately shows that it's providing value and increases the chances of that page in particular of being indexed and number six also work on creating Social Links focus on those websites or networks that actually get crawled by Google Twitter is a perfect example Google crawls everything that happens within Twitter so if you tweet out the link to the page that is not being indexed Google will pick it up and figure out that again if someone even if it's yourself someone is mentioning that page in on Twitter it means that somehow it will provide value so it increases the chances of that page being indexed so keep in mind that even though if you do everything we just talked about Google may still decide not to index your pages there's nothing we can do to force Google but if you do everything that we talked about right now your chances of getting indexed increase exponentially so just as a recap remember try to use unique content make sure you don't have think content make sure that you're using canonical tags do internal links do backlinks and then do Social Links all of that put together will send signals to Google that that page has to be indexed because everyone is talking about it via the links because it has enough content there to be indexed and to provide value to the end users now as I said you can't force Google to do what you want but at least if you do some of the recommended things that we just talked about your chances of getting index are much much higher now even if you do all of this and even if Google indexes your pages ranking on Google takes time but how long does it take well check out this next video where I answer that question that I get so many times how long will it take for my website to rank on Google that's something that everyone wants to know luckily in this video I'll tell you how you can figure that out so go check that video and I'll see you over there [Music]
Channel: Roberto Digital
Views: 33,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovered - currently not indexed, google search console, how to index website in google, discovered - currently not indexed hindi, discovered - currently not indexed status excluded, how to use google search console, crawled currently not indexed fix, how to index website in google webmaster, crawled currently not indexed, google indexing problems, google indexing errors, roberto robles, seo, how to index in google, indexing problem in google, search console problem
Id: 549F0qiYuWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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