How To FIX Captcha Not Working On ANY Website! (2022)

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welcome back everyone you may be in a situation that i've been in so many different times which essentially the captcha of a specific website is just not working now whether you're on your iphone android laptop whatever the case is one of the easiest ways to go and fix this is to just refresh that specific web page but before you do that what you would probably want to do first is to actually check the captcha in and of itself and you just want to see if there's a little refresh button of that specific captcha so here if i go and look in you can see that this capture not only has the capture right here and where i can type it in but it has a little refresh button as well as a little sound icon so i've been in so many situations where i felt like i was one million percent right in the capture i had or it was some random some complete random things i've never even seen before so all you have to do sometimes is go and click this refresh button and it's going to go and refresh it and give you potentially an easier option out there so that is really the first thing i'd recommend doing most of the time when you go ahead and refresh a webpage though it's going to delete everything you just put in that specific web page so i wouldn't recommend refreshing the page first i recommend doing that after you do this now let's say that still doesn't work and the captchas you're getting are just crazy well then what i would recommend doing is clicking the sound icon and what they're going to do here is they're going to go ahead and read aloud the specific captcha so it's just already reading out for me and that's really all you have to do there then you'll be able to hear it and it's a little bit easier to go ahead and discern as well so that's another option you have now let's say you do that and that's still not working well the next thing i'd recommend doing is making sure that for some reason your network connection wasn't lost so if you're in a captcha right you're typing it in and you're 100 right and no matter what you're doing it's still not working well you may have to go ahead and make sure you didn't randomly lose network connectivity and you're not you know disconnected from a wi-fi network or you know data connection whatever the case is i've been in so many different situations where that happened to be the case and all i had to do was just check my wi-fi connection at that point and reconnect to a wi-fi network if i was out or you know get to an area with better signal and then they end up working as well so those are just a few different ways to go and fix the captcha for some reason it's not working if you have any other thoughts or questions let me know in the comment section below hit the like button helped me so much but definitely hit that subscribe button more importantly everything else i love every single one of you guys hopefully i'll catch you guys in the next video peace out until then [Music] [Music] chi you
Channel: LoFi Alpaca
Views: 24,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lofialpaca, lofi alpaca, simplealpaca, simple alpaca, fix iphone, iphone, ios, apple, fix captcha, fix captcha not working, how to fix captcha not working, iphone captcha, captcha on android, android captcha, fix captcha issues
Id: b796IgHIaWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 37sec (157 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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