how to Fix Activation Error Code 0x803fa067 on Windows 10 & 11

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hi guys welcome to it networking how to fix Windows activation error code so how to solve this problem so I have a five way to resolve your problem firstly create a correct your time setting so I suggest go to control panel search on and then click to time you check your time right or not and second is choose your right time zone so so Chennai Kolkata so this is Indian time zone so you can select your country time zone otherwise you Indian so select Chennai Kolkata Mumbai then okay okay restart tcbip so you can in control panel home come in the home and click to network and internet and also Sharing Center and then change adapter setting and uh ethernet if you're using Wi-Fi so you can Wi-Fi otherwise you can use using ethernet so you right click to disable and then right click and then again enable Okay so and second is disable firewall so come on again control panel click security system and security Windows Defender and firewall and uh yeah turn on Windows Defender Firewall so you can click to off okay and then fifth is registry re-register media boot install re-register so you search run enter type registry r e g e d i t then okay click to yes then full screen then go to local machine software Microsoft then windows scroll down windows current version then current version then setup setup then o w o b e O wbe then media boot install double click to zero okay send close that this is location I will give in description so you then close then open CMD CMD right click to run as administrator click to yes then then slmg r space slash cream then enter so guys then uh restart your system please restart the system for the changes to take an effect okay guys so all uh registry path and all command I will give you in description so you can read from there okay
Channel: IT Networking
Views: 36,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 0x803fa067 Windows 10, 0x803fa067 Windows 11, 0x803fa067, Windows activation error 0x803fa067, Windows activation 0x803fa067, error 0x803fa067, fix error 0x803fa067, Activation Error 0x803fa067, Windows 10 activation error, Windows 11 activation
Id: cFQEfsMxNZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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