How to Fix " access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: yes) " in MySQL Window 10

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so guys if you are facing a problem of not being able to signing in my sequel server then i'm going to show you how to fix that so suppose uh uh i was trying today to login in but i was getting this error access denied for user root at the rate localhost and using password so uh i was keep trying it and keep trying it but i'm getting this error again again and i was really frustrated with this error and finally found a solution for fixing it so first of all go to task manager and go to services so you have to go to services and look for my sql in this list so you can see mysql 80 so you just need to right click on this and stop the service so now once you're done with this now create a new file here on desktop and name it as anything you can name anything here so i'm going to name it mysql dash init so now guys open this file and you have to type sub query here of mysql so which is alter user root localhost or it should be also in single quote space identified by and single quote and in single quote you should write your password that you use to login in my sql server so just save this file and copy this file so press control plus c to copy this file so yeah i'm just trying it and it is opening again and again so just copy this file by pressing ctrl c and now go to c drive and paste here as you can see our my sql dash init file is here and now go to uh directory of mysql server which is in program files so yeah go to this and go to bin folder and copy the path so we need to copy this path and you can see our mysql so once you copy close the cmd and open cmd as admin so yeah open this as admin and navigate the directory we have copied just before so to call navigate cd and just paste the directory and now guys check on this option hidden items after checking this you will see another folder which is program data and now go to mysql server folder again and go to mysql server now guys you can see there is my dot any file so you have to copy the path of this file so now now we have to write some command here my sql sql d double dash defaults dash file and equal our double quote and you should you just need to paste the path of my dot any so just and the code double quote come before doing that just make sure you add double slash in the directory path and now type my.ini and now we are just going to replace this file with our mysql file which is init file is equal to and we have to copy the path of that file which is in the c drive that's why we have paste that file in the c drive to make it easy to uh write the path of that file so yeah the c drive and then my sql dash init dot txt so this is the name of our file and we have add the uh query in that file that will help us to login in my sql server so after this guys you need to add one more thing double slash console because if we run this command we will not be able to see what so what will be happen in the background so just add double dash and console and just press enter so after pressing enter guys so yeah or you will see these messages and at the end you will see it is showing ready for connection so once you see this message just try to exit the command prompt or cmd so you can press control plus c to get out of this and as you can see it is showing ready for connection so once you saw this message just get out of the cmd control c and you can press ctrl c and currently i just exit profit and after doing this now you can start the service of my sql which we have stopped before at the beginning and now guys you can delete this file because it is no longer to use now we are going to again open the cmd and you can now try try to login in mysql server so you can type mysql dash username and root then dash p and just enter the password and as you can see that guy is after doing all these steps we have successfully login in uh mysql server so you can see all the database present in this server and you can use any of the server any of the database here so yeah that's how you can fix mysql sign in errors so guys i hope you uh successfully logged in in your mysql server and if in so server after watching this video and you have done everything that i have told in this video then guys uh you have no other option to reinstall uh the my sql server or workbench in your pc again or if you don't know the process then you can watch the video i have already made the video of installing mysql workbench in windows 10 or any windows so thanks for watching guys and if you have any doubt you can ask me in comment section and just make sure you follow all my steps in this video so after following all these steps guys i am 99 percent sure that your issue or your problem will be resolved uh after doing whatever told in this video so thanks for watching i have liked the video in the next video till then bye
Channel: KaRam
Views: 105,688
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Id: 8l2NUwm-OIk
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Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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