How to fix a Toe Touch that look like a Star Jump! | cheer jumps workout

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have not hit a toe touch in a couple months now so we'll see if i can even do it hey everybody it's me emmy welcome back to my channel and i'm so sorry for no uploads recently um as you can see my background has changed a lot of my life has actually changed i moved across the country from my family and i'm now living in my very own apartment if anybody would like an apartment tour just let me know in the comments i could totally do that but that is not what we were talking about today today we're talking about toe touches once again and how you can take yours from being more of a star jump into an actual toe touch so if that sounds helpful to you guys go ahead and give me a like subscribe to my channel for more cheer and dance videos and stay tuned let's get into it so just so we can have kind of a point of comparison i'm gonna show you guys a star jump first and then a toe touch after just so we can kind of compare and contrast them let's start with the star jump now i have not hit a toe touch in a couple months now so we'll see if i can even do it [Music] so hopefully i did an okay enough job demonstrating those two jumps so you can see the difference basically in a toe touch your legs are going to go either to 180 degrees or above making kind of a little v shape and your body's up here and in a star jump you're not even going to be hitting that 180 degree instead you're going to be more down here so that your body is a little star please don't be discouraged if you are just starting to learn a toe touch and it's looking like a star jump every time that is super normal and super common and i'm going to show you how to fix it so usually the reason that your legs are not able to hit 180 degrees or above is because of a hip flexor strength issue now your hip flexors are these little muscles right in here they are what control your leg if you do a little kick kick kick if you do that with me you can feel there's a little muscle that goes right across your hip joint right here and that is your hip flexor so that along with your hamstrings in the back of your leg are what moves your leg up up and when you're doing a toe touch you want to make sure that you have very strong hip flexors because that's what's going to force your leg up off the ground and into the toe touch so let's take a look at some easy exercises you can do to improve your toe touches and to get those hip flexors strong i know a lot of coaches will have their kids do this in practice so it's probably going to look really familiar to you we're going to start off with some leg lifts and when you're lifting your leg you really want to focus on engaging your hips and engaging your hamstrings in the back of your leg to lift it up lift it up we do not want to be using our quads on the front of the leg that is not gonna help you in your toe touch you really want your strong hips and your strong hammies we're gonna do this eight times if you can do more go for it if you can't do eight that's totally fine too just do as many as you can if you need to take a little break and then keep going let's go ahead and prep into our nice little toe touch tee five six seven eight one two three four five six seven and we're almost there eight give that hip flexor a little stretch before we move on to the next side and here we go with our right side gonna go ahead and prep again into that tee five six seven eight one oh this side's harder two three four five six oh my god guys two more seven and eight we did it all right go ahead and give that hip a little stretch again shake it out shake it out so let's just go ahead and stretch out our hips again before we move into our next exercise you're gonna start in a little sit like this put your hands on your knee and push forward and you should feel a stretch somewhere in here if you don't feel it you can move this leg a little farther forward and push a little more there it goes and we're going to hold this for 10 counts one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten already use your hands to push up straighten this leg that you were um resting on and we're gonna just reach forward towards it this will stretch your hamstrings and we're gonna hold this four ten counts again one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten all right let's flip on over to our other side we're just going to do the same thing over again hands on your knee we're going to push forward to stretch this inner hip flexor and we're going to hold this for 10 counts once again one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten all right go ahead and push up with your hands straighten that bottom knee and we are gonna reach forward towards our toes one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten very nice all right let's go ahead and get into our second strengthening exercise if you've seen my previous videos you've done this exercise we're gonna do some leg lifts they're not very fun they kind of hurt but they are really really great for your hip flexors and they will really help you get the strength to kick up into that toe touch so we're gonna do one leg at a time first and then we're going to do both legs at the same time which is killer but you can do it i believe in you you're going to engage your core almost as if you're going into a hollow and we're going to push through the floor and use the hip flexor to lift the leg make sure you're keeping your toes pointed and you don't want your legs to roll in while you're doing this either make sure they're either straight or a little bit out all right let's start with this first leg and we are gonna do sets of five we'll do two sets of five on each side ready go one two three four and five take a little break wiggle it out let's switch over to our other leg ready one two three four and five wiggle wiggle wiggle switch your hands again let's go back to our left side ready go one two three four and five oh my god these hurt my hips all right let's do this guy again and then we got one more set of each one two three four and five oh i feel it in my hips you guys wiggle wiggle wiggle and let's do this guy again last set on the left side ready one two three four and five yay you're done good job all right let's do our right one last time and then we are done one two three four and five ah that hurts okay i like to just lean down and kind of stretch my hips out by going into a little toe touch on the ground this last exercise is really easy it's something that just kind of helps me visualize what my legs should be doing in a toe touch it might help you too so what you're going to do is you're going to sit down on your leggies like this if you can't get that low that's fine you can start here and we're basically going to be doing a mock toe touch foot falling onto the ground instead of actually hitting it in the air so what you're gonna do is you're gonna sit like this we're gonna do our little prep with our hands five six seven eight when you hit on eight you're gonna fall back onto your booty and kick hollow and back up so you're going to think about sitting back with your hips and bringing those legs up to me and the hollow at the end is just to engage your core and make sure you're nice and tight in that toe touch let's go ahead and do about five of those you sit and kick hollow back up sit and kick do your hollow back up sit and kick hollow back up sit and kick do your hollow back up very nice guys now that is it for today like i said i wanted to keep this video short my recommendation to you would be to find some time each day to practice this routine once a day it could be maybe when you get home from school or before you get dressed for the day or maybe right before you go to bed the kiwi toe touches is seriously just consistency working on your strengthening as often as you can working on actually practicing your motions and hitting your toe touch as often as you can and like i said in the beginning the hip flexors are really key in this jump if you want to take it from a star jump all the way up into a beautiful all-star toe touch this is what you got to work on if you found this video helpful or entertaining or interesting please drop a comment down below i love hearing from you guys i love getting feedback on these videos make sure you subscribe for more cheer videos like this bye guys thanks so much [Music] you
Channel: Emmy Berry
Views: 289,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheer jumps, how to improve cheer jumps, how to do a toe touch, higher cheer jumps, cheer, how to cheer, how to get higher cheer jumps, how to get extended jumps for cheer, how to get a higher toe touch, toe touch cheer, cheer jumps for tryouts, star jumps, how to do star jumps, improving cheer jumps, how to do star jumps exercise, cheer jumps tips, cheer jumps for beginners, at home workout, high jumps for cheer, cheer jumps sequence, toe touch
Id: w6MmJDqbEUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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