How To Fix A Chest Freezer Compressor That's Not Running

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all right guys in this video what we're going to do is try and fix this seven cubic foot hot point chest freezer it went out on us uh last week and um I try to look that what happened was the compressor went out on it and it just stopped working so I went and looked for a new compressor and uh I thought maybe I'll get a new compressor for it and have somebody locally here uh you know brace everything and recharge it well the compressor alarm was like four hundred dollars um I'm like Ah that's not going to work because these things here you can buy them brand new for 250 280 right in that range 250. 280 dollars um so buying a new compressor wasn't uh that was out of the question so I searched online for the parts for this compressor it's it's uh the capacitor or the the star capacitor and uh the plug-in stuff and all that and uh couldn't find nothing for this so these were basically throwaway units basically once they're done you just throw them away um I hate to do that I hate to go buy another one I found something that might work it's very inexpensive to fix uh we're going to give that a shot let me show you how to hopefully fix this and for very little money okay so the first thing we need to do is take this Grill off here and there's should be two screws holding it make sure you unplug the freezer and that should come right off just put that aside now in here you're going to have a a start capacitor and the cover here so what we want to do is take this little cover off I already had taken this off so let me bring you in close and show you what this looks like okay so inside here you're going to have a start capacitor and you're going to have all the plug-in stuff I already had this off so basically you're going to have a cover over the uh compressor so let me uh let me take that off usually some kind of plastic cover or something something like this we'll take that off and the start capacitor is usually bolted down to something on this particular one is bolted down to the base here and you're supposed to unscrew it but I ended up breaking the bottom off you can see with a threaded nut there is but not a big deal because we don't need that anymore and then there's a plug right here so we're going to take this plug off just like that okay and you're going to notice let me see if I can show you that in the picture you see these three prongs right here there's one two and three those are the plugins for the compressor so what we need to worry about now is we gotta take these plugs off you're going to have two power wires you're gonna have one power wire here if I can get this one off okay and then these two these are the power wires these two wires are to the start capacitor okay so we don't need the start capacitor anymore and we don't need this anymore okay so put that aside but we will be using these two power wires here now let me show you what we're going to plug onto onto those three prongs there okay so what I purchased here is a universal three in one start this is a start capacitor very simple to install you're going to have two power wires here okay and then these three wires here are going to go to those three prongs on the compressor these here if you have a run capacitor these get plugged into the run capacitor what you do is you just take this plastic thing off and you just plug it into the run capacitor but we don't have a run capacitor we just have a start capacitor so we're going to be using these three wires and if you notice on the ends here I don't know if I can zoom in on that here but there's these plugs that don't go they're going to go right on those three uh wires that or not wires but those three prongs that come out of the uh the compressor okay so let's do that now okay so this is the the number it's u r c0410 it's for a quarter to one-third horsepower compressor and 115 volt okay uh it's made by subco I'm going to put a link in the description to this under the video it's an affiliate link and um or you can pick one of these up okay so there are three prongs right here one two and three now I'm going to show you a diagram here of uh the wiring this one here is for what I'm going to do and if you have a run capacitor you're going to use this diagram here Okay so we're going to use the first diagram as you can see the black wire with the prong and the end of it or the plug I should say the black wire goes on the common which is the very top okay so that's what we're going to plug in right now so here we have the black wire with that with that prong on it there or the plug and that's going to go on the very top there plug that right in the next wire we're going to get the white wire and the white wire is going to go on the farthest prong so in the picture it'll be to your left foreign in and if you can't see very well I'll try to get the camera in there as soon as I'm done plugging it in because it's kind of tight here okay there now the white one is plugged in let me get this out of the way maybe you can see it better now the white one is plugged in on the far left now we got the red the red wire is going to go on the right prong okay and that is for the Run now if the prongs on your compressor are upside down with the one on the bottom the other two on top just easily take your diagram and put it upside down it's that easy okay so we have see if I can uh zoom in on that just a little bit all right so you see there we got the the black is on the top the white is on the left side and the red is on the right side all right so now we have left the two power wires here okay but what we're gonna do I mean you don't have to take these off if you don't want to but I'm going to because I don't need them anymore so I'm going to cut these off that and like that and then we're going to strip them uh I don't know what gauge that is we'll try 14. that's pretty close okay now these are the two power wires these are the only two wires left coming to the compressor and these are the power wires out of the start capacitor here I'm going to take that off okay now it doesn't matter which wire goes where Okay so we're gonna put these two together I'm gonna put a wire nut on there make sure it's nice and tight tug on it okay and we're going to do the same thing with the other wire okay so we have our start capacitor wired we got the two power wires going into it and then we got the three wires going to those prongs on the uh compressor okay so everything's hooked up where we are going to test it we're going to plug it in now and see if it runs [Music] and I can hear it's running beautiful it works fix this for I don't know fifteen eighteen dollars beautiful [Music] okay guys you can see I taped up the wire nuts we are going to slip this in here somewhere out of the way and move these wires over to this side away from the compressor just to be safe okay and that's basically it right there we're gonna put a cover back on and uh we are all set and you can see by the Frost building up on the sides here it is starting to get cold nice and cold all right guys this is running I'm a happy camper my wife's gonna be definitely a happy camper uh for 15 to roughly 18 you can get your chest freezers your refrigerator is going again now if your refrigerator or freezer is doing the same thing minded thawing out it's not getting cold put your hand on the compressor and if you feel it vibrating if you hear it running then you've got other issues maybe low Freon or refrigerant in your unit but if it's if you if you put your hand on it and it's not running then most likely it's a star capacitor very easy fix you can see I did it here and uh now we're good again okay guys so I hope you learned I hope you definitely learned something from this uh not to panic next time your freezer your fridge uh dies on you and uh so now you can fix it yourself okay guys so thank you for watching please like subscribe to my channel and I will see you guys in my next video [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Pete B: East Texas Homesteading
Views: 124,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chest freezer, deep freezer repair, do it yourself, freezer capacitor replacement, freezer capacitor, chest freezer compressor running but not cooling, chest freezer compressor not running, chest freezer compressor hot, refrigerator not cooling, deep freezer, deep freezer not cooling, Supco URCO410 Capacitor, start capacitor replacement, deep freezer not freezing, chest freezer not freezing, how to
Id: oTWKsMj_jMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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