How to FIX 5 Common Problems With Your Shop Vac |

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hi it's chris in today's video we're going to be talking about some of the five issues you may be facing with your vacuum or shop vac everything from not sucking to being noisy so let's have a look at your vacuum and make sure it's working properly [Music] the first issue we have on our list of five problems you may be having with your shop vac is poor suction first thing you're going to want to look at is just make sure that the hose and the wands and the nozzles are cleared very easy for nails small pieces of wood glass especially to get jammed up in that wand and in that hose especially where there's an entrance into the machine itself you'll see that as a common spot for having blockages other than that that's pretty well going to take care of your suction other than having a plugged up filter if your filter is plugged you can try and clean it out if it's too far gone you're going to have to replace it number two on our list is noise there's not a lot of moving parts in the shop vac and if you're getting a large noise either a squealing or a growl very good chances the bearings in the motor most of those bearings are not available separately your only choice is to have to replace the motor itself number three in our list of issues with shopvac is motor cutting out a couple issues that can be causing that is just the cord itself especially at where it plugs into the wall this is where they tend to bend and flex a lot so that can break and give you issue the cord itself could be bad could possibly just be the on off switch it's the most common thing every time you go to use it you're going to be flicking it one way or the other way and those switches will just wear out worst case scenario it may be the motor itself either the brushes are worn out to a point they're not touching anymore or electrically the thermal protector inside is starting to open sooner than it should number four of our list of things that can be an issue with shop vacs is odor depending on what you pick up can very well leave residue inside your shop vac and create a huge amount of smell as well especially if you're picking up water whatever you picked up is going to leave some residue within the hose within the wands as well if you've sucked up anything with water without removing the paper filter you're going to wind up with that filter being contaminated you're going to get a terrible smell mildew mold will form so if that happens you've no choice but to take your unit apart remove that filter dispose of it get a new one and as well you're going to have to wipe out the entire tank and subframe as well and even soak that hose in wands into a hot tub of water with some kind of a cleaning solution to remove that mold and scum smell from it number five in our list of issues with shop vacs is basically mobility how easy it is for your shop vac to follow you around when you're using it does it tip over fall constantly have to go back and pick it up usually it's a very easy thing to fix you've probably got a caster that's got some debris jammed up and around it just a matter of cleaning that caster and worse come to worst the bracket where your caster goes into or up into the base perhaps that's gotten cracked you can often get replacement casters if it's the base that's broken you can replace that base you just got to check out the price and see if it's worth the investment so that's our top five issues with shopbacks we hope that the things that we've shown you help you address any issues you may be having with your shop vac if there is something that you're having a problem with that we haven't mentioned put it down in the comment section thanks very much for watching we'll see you next time
Views: 38,568
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Id: vAO59Agd49w
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Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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