how to fit a kitchen worktop and make kitchen worktop butt joint without router

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okay I'm gonna show you how to do I work something port giant without a round cert and all the jig nonsense what you need is it drove it like that special one don't be getting them deaf long ones with point circle you're going to go for the work so you want this is for cutting out hinges on door scabbing at doors kitchen doors that's a solid one drill bit you want as you can see it's got an opportunity point on it so it's not going all right for the workshop okay for this drill tents on the Hyundai call you a minute some sort of operators you can use mice combination square set square whatever anything cuz gives you 45 degrees on a handsaw okay now so you need a call the saw to cut them first because obviously they need to be perfectly straight these okay and the idea the reason why you call it at 45 is because down here come closer you'll see the workshops is rounded and the owner we can overcome this is baby 45 angle on either word table so they come together at 45 degrees well it sounds a bit up at the moment but I'll show you later how that works okay okay so as you can see I've got the word top go for this way this one you find some kitchens the cars they're not square just slightly out so what I need to do first is make sure these two movie together here this way lift it up a line there's a gap let's make sure all the balls are square first I bet it's slightly longer because this one is going to go that way about 15 mil and also this side that made it a little bit longer it's just in case need to make an alteration slight alterations okay so what you try to achieve is this work top here I'm gonna take 45 degrees off it there and that's 15 mil long that 45 that's all it is as you can see that's gonna be caught and that's going to slide in to this one and that's going to be caught at 45 there I'm gonna take the cut all the way along that line which I want to cut straight with all the saw I'll let you saw it that's going to go all the way the length of the word saw so in theory this piece will slot into that and that's what you're going to handle with two perfectly square joints coming together okay so when you're gonna cut a workshop in its make sure it's nice and straight and the best way of doing that let's get yourself an electric saw with a decent blade this one's got about 30 40 teeth that's what you need 30 40 teeth these course want slate since Eve no good not sharp enough you know with their about edge okay now what I've done is this use a straight edge as you can see I set up a straight edge clamped it both ends it's just a sample placement for you see 100 mil distance from the side of the fence to the blaze about 60 ml as you can see plenty of depth there it's quite often in a nice clean straight edge nice make sure the timber using is very straight please hundred mill the edge of that to there sixty muscle got plenty of space okay and I turn the workshop off because the blade cooks up become the workshop of the way around you know within academia base because it's gonna belts the end of the laminate as it cuts down okay you see chicken saw so I've got about 30-40 fun it as I said before we don't really want to be using them cordless once because gentleman they went up by 8c teeth on it okay and as you can see the blade is cutting up so the frayed edge of the workshop and beyond this side you've got the workshop the other way then you end up with a belt edge and it will damage the laminate on the workshop so make sure you have the workshop opposite so which way the blades coin telling the most blades and super sauce cords okay we've got a nice straight edge you see it Sunday and should be fine slight edge on there not be nice straight edge okay so copy fight five there hang on max it 15 millimeters uses telling soft it's quite straight it's a shock Lisa saw hundreds are used to saw you so I'm gonna cross it at five five [Music] [Music] okay so now I want to put that under the workshop market I've caught the other words off okay so I brought me a piece of wood so inside this is the piece I've just caught at 45 degrees at 15 mill and I've lifted it off the units with to block off course and workshop so now as you can see it brings it over the top of the other workshop and what I want to do now is to mark it on that edge there on the other side but way too much of he's not exactly right because you can solo out later you to run low just a little bit less perfect okay as you see it lines up that cinematically wellbore Insadong so light you get to see not better I'll show you outside actually okay so I'm gonna put this I've measured the distance and the edge there is a blade that's my distance which I want to courts as you see him out in the blue line now it's me 15 mil in now 45 cloves that way proximal there now what you to do is make sure you don't want pass that line to go up us up you've knock the workshop done so make sure you don't want any further I've Matt sit there to make sure that no I don't want pass that line he's looking to played weight course it's circular shape that bit there is gonna hit there first so make sure you keep that from that line keep back from line your fame and it wins roughly 45 you what about there I should stop work something I said I'm coming into it okay well I'm gonna cut it set that downs on okay so what's it to the line approximately I'm gonna turn it over I'm going to finish off the court the tenants are and a handsaw okay so I've turned it over I'm extending the line pen and we fall out of line sit there there's a few pen lines are there but I know that's the right one so I'm going to court down to there with the saw and saw and then I'm going to use the tenon saucer finish off [Music] [Music] okay I need to clean it off with a sander do that bit of the edge off there okay so I've caught both joints as you can see no it's not perfect yet this one's a bit of a sunset the rough edges off the workshops it is made the chipboard so that's just the first quarter dog I was gonna get the Sun run it takes two minutes then you bring that together a bit closer also we need to do the workshop ball clumps next so I want to show you how to cook them out and get it all together okay so now I'm gonna sell the workshop balls see you then vagina and these distance between there is approximately 130 soul split in half 65 mil on the side and adjoining okay now when you bought the word stop sometimes the carcasses up crossmembers across on that way some of the other sides works at taxes you get so make sure when you cuz it's a means that there's nothing in the way as you can see I'm a bit closer you'll see there's nothing there okay but you want to be at least a couple of inches back this one's about three inches and say about four inches there so get a marker pen your market approximating I put the balls so nothing doesn't have to be exact like so okay so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna turn them over and I wanna cuts out for these which will be six the holes I'll show you me obvious 65mm either side of the word soft which I'll show in a second okay so brought the max round got a pen that's 65 mil draw the hole [Music] don't forget flat bit okay okay I'll swim that back with this I set it this one's about 30 more thing which one so we can assess it but probably enough to get the ball obviously with this it's not going to go right through either a little saw okay so you need just now I saw okay so what do I'll do the other three three holes now and then we'll get okay the holes are big chops out to the woodshop boss please line up and the two on this side as you can see I sort don't know what I'm gonna do is I'm going to send up the edges these rough edges and the worktop both sides I'll take a few minutes to do so we're getting a pretty good joint amount and then we'll bring the jugs together and pull them all [Music] it's gonna take a few minutes under all-pro to about five minutes on the edges or you get the gist of it okay so I've sanded the edges up as you can see and what we'll do now is we're going to pull apart I'm going to going both sides of the unit giant with some Phoebe it would glue and then what a bossy off okay but plenty of will glow on it don't be shy more the merrier we'll do it in the army always wipe it off so I'm gonna put them all together and then I put the bolts on okay so I'll put the clamps on I've cleared the giant up if you see it's not too bad pretty good see a bit of glue label that'll dry clear when it dries up and also you can use the workshop jointing compound or top fuller if you wanted to just just get rid of that edge there a couple of quid on eBay I think what's up compound to get the one that suited right cool that's about it really just want to take you back more than about an hour to Seoul to do that it's not a big job so we've got a lot cheaper as well then obviously if you like a growl to G egg and all other bits and monsters you got to get with it pretty easy job to do they practice obviously but yeah should be a problem
Channel: Preston worktop
Views: 354,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fit kitchen worktops, worktop joint, joining to worktops, how to make worktop mitre joint, worktop but scribe, fit a worktop, worktop jig, how to use worktop jig, how to fit worktop with router, worktop mitre, fit a kitchen, wren kitchens, wren kitchen reviews
Id: itXlmMD68Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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