How to Fish With Planer Boards - Trolling For Walleyes

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[Music] today we've been spending a lot of time field testing the banded crankbaits this is a customer picked up just last week before the trip they're supposed to be able to dive to 27 foot I think you can get a little bit more out of that I happen to troll with 15 pound Power Pro the diameters as thin as you can get gets it right down there okay now I got my line set I'm gonna go ahead and take my crank and we're gonna put it on a planer board I'm we're currently running at about 28 30 foot I'm running my number 11 flicker minnow up in about 25 26 foot of water so to do that take your line and I'm using offshore brand that has the tension release clip which I highly recommend as an add-on now go ahead and clip that down now go ahead and pinch it on the other end and I like a little bit of slack in between the two okay I'm since I'm using power Pro it's really important to use a tension release clip because that way it's gonna really keep that line from slipping all the way down to your crank bait if you had the alternative which is two of these regular clips you does have the tendency to pull another thing when you're letting your line out I like to always thumb it to kind of keep it so it goes out to the side I don't want just let it out and have it go straight back and then have to catch up make up time so I want to go ahead and get as wide as possible also when you put it in the rod holder I find it a good idea to put in an upward angle that way when you're set keep an upward angle and the rod tip is gonna go ahead and keep that line fed all the way down to the planter board you're not gonna have me line dragging through the water that's your tip from review your gear today on planer boards all right we got a fish on the planter board today got some weight on it basically when the planer board hits I use the tattle flake system on my planer board you can see the flake whipping down in this case it's it's a big fish it's hanging on the bottom it's pulled all the way down it'll also tug the board and I have my clicker set pretty light so when a fish hits I can hear it as well this fish came on leg core we'll go ahead and open that release clip pop the clip maintain tension on the line now I'll go ahead and reel it in it's a walleye go over the top not the way I wanted them in but went ahead and flip that one in perfect one for the box about a 17 18 inch air base fish will go ahead and eat that one tonight and that's your planer board and that's how you catch him [Music]
Channel: Review Your Gear
Views: 34,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trolling, trolling for walleyes, walleye fishing, trolling for walleye, planer boards, fishing with planer boards, planar boards, fishing with planar boards, off shore planer boards, trolling with boards, trolling with planer boards, walleye fishing with planer boards, fishing, lake sakakawea, north dakota walleye fishing, trolling for big walleyes
Id: _T19TjePHWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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