How To Find Your Purpose - 9 Types (Which one is for you?)

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if you don't have a clear purpose in life  you will often struggle with things like   motivation and happiness because it feels like  there's nothing to get out of bed and fight for   today i want to go over nine different forms of  purpose that i've observed in highly motivated   people if you watch this video till the very end  you'll gain a clear idea of how to rekindle that   fire within yourself so that you can feel alive  again so pay close attention we're going to   start off our list with one of the most common  forms of purpose which is to provide providing   has been around since the very beginning and it  used to be one of the strongest and most common   forms of purpose that people had most of us have a  built-in desire to provide for those that we love   whether it be for our kids our family or even our  community we want to give these people our time   food and care so that they can survive grow and  prosper the problem with providing nowadays is   that most of it is done for us right we no longer  need to spend an entire day chasing around a boar   or gathering berries in order to keep our loved  ones fed nowadays we can simply press a couple   of buttons and have food delivered to us within  30 minutes if you want to cultivate this sense of   purpose you have to place yourself in a situation  where the only person that can provide for an   individual is you i've seen this occur in people  who had a family member that suddenly becomes ill   or when they have a baby for the first time all  of a sudden they have someone relying on them   for their survival and a fire awakens within them  to provide this actually relates to the next form   of purpose on my list which is to protect the  desire to protect isn't only about protecting   your family or loved ones people often have a  desire to protect their community their ethnic   group and even their ideas this is an incredibly  strong form of purpose if you think about it it's   been the driving force behind most wars in human  history the protection of resources protection   from invaders and protection of ideas being  the most common cause of these conflicts even   the idea of honor when boiled down is simply  a strong desire to protect what one stands for   if you want to cultivate the sense of purpose  you need to do two things first you need to fall   in love with something outside of yourself this  can be a person a group of people or even an idea   and second you need to observe something that  threatens the survival of what you love this can   be something that you see coming in the future  an attack from another group or even another   idea that threatens your idea once both of these  conditions are met you will feel a strong desire   to protect that which you love the next former  purpose is to teach which is the desire to mow   those around you to arm people that you care  about with the knowledge to survive and thrive   to prepare them for what's to come now unlike the  desire to provide which is more about helping your   loved ones survive the desire to teach is more  focused on preparing them so they can thrive on   their own so that one day the student can outshine  the master this form of purpose is most commonly   found in parents teachers and online educators in  order to cultivate this form of purpose you must   first become exceptionally good at something once  you see the benefits this knowledge has brought   into your life you can then experience the joy of  passing it down so that others can feel the same   the next formal purpose is to explore which  comes from the desire to experience as much as   possible to taste all the flavors to see all the  sights and to meet all sorts of people this form   of purpose is the driving force behind all great  adventurers and world travelers however it is not   only limited to physical experiences if you have a  strong desire to explore you will enjoy exploring   ideas as well learning becomes fulfilling  especially when it comes to things that you know   little about in order to cultivate this form of  purpose you need to first cultivate one of the   big five personality traits called openness and  an interesting fact about openness studies have   found that it naturally increases from the  time that we're born until we're about eight   after which it decreases which suggests that most  people enjoy exploration as a kid but as they get   older they prefer to stick to what they're used  to if you want to cultivate a strong sense of   purpose you must do the opposite you must become  a kid again and embrace your fear of the unknown   and you can do this by starting out small  by going to places in your city that you've   never gone before by trying out a new dish  instead of always ordering the same thing   you were once fascinated by the world so it's  certainly possible to be like that once again   another way to cultivate the desire to explore is  by learning new languages see when you learn a new   language you are literally training your brain to  think about things differently not only that but   you'll be able to dive deep into a foreign culture  to get an authentic taste of what it's like living   and thinking in a totally different world which is  why this episode was brought to you with the help   of the guys over at lingoda lingoda is a unique  online teaching platform where you can learn   english spanish german or french and they have  a very special challenge for you today all you   have to do is sign up for the lingoda language  print using the link in the description box below   to get a 12 discount off the 59 deposit and pick  a language to learn if you show up to class every   day for three months you will get a full refund  100 of your money back this challenge will start   on april 28th if you attend 30 classes a  month you will get 100 of your money back   if you attend at least 15 classes a month you will  get 50 of your money back and it doesn't matter if   you are a complete beginner at an intermediate or  advanced level of learning because at lingoda you   will find appropriate courses for your level  no matter what i've been working on my spanish   because i plan on visiting south america when  things settle down and my experience at lingoda   so far has been great the classes are very  personal and small you are assigned a teacher   to work with that personally guides you through  the lessons and the average class size is only   like three or four people which makes the lessons  even more effective the deadline to sign up for   the lingoda language sprint challenge is april  16th so if you want to learn a language for what   could be potentially free make sure you act fast  and click on the link in the description box below   now back to the topic at hand the next formal  purpose on our list is to conquer to become the   best of the best to rise to the top and squash  your competition this is the most common driving   force behind great athletes and entrepreneurs  in order to cultivate the desire to conquer you   must have a belief that you can rise to the top  with enough work and effort without confidence it   simply won't seem possible on top of that you'll  need to spend some time every day visualizing   what it would be like to conquer your competition  the more you think about it the larger the fire   will burn within you now a fair warning having  conquering as your main purpose in life can be   powerful it can motivate you to do many things  but it's not very fulfilling in the end game   you see olympic athletes are often met with a  wave of depression once they win the gold medal   because all of a sudden they realize that they are  the best there's no one else to beat their desire   to conquer disappears overnight and they are left  with no purpose in life if you are someone who   wants to go down this path just keep in mind that  you'll need another formal purpose down the line   the next formal purpose is faith which comes from  a desire to live life according to certain rules   now this might be because you believe something  will happen if you stick to these rules or it   might be because you believe that following these  rules is the best way to go about living life   regardless having faith as a former purpose is  extremely powerful it's the driving force behind   all religious and cultural movements throughout  time in order to cultivate this form of purpose   you must remove as many doubts as possible about  your faith you must have a close to 100 belief   that this is how life should be lived be careful  for if you ever start to doubt your faith you will   be left with a huge hole in your heart you will  lose your sense of purpose in the world now i'm   not saying that you should blindly follow whatever  beliefs people tell you to you should question   things but once you figure out what belief system  you want to follow you need to believe in it with   all your heart if you want it to become  a motivational driving force in your life   the next formal purpose is to accumulate which  comes from a desire to have more and to collect   what's rare this is one of the most common forms  of purpose in today's society it's the driving   force behind the consumption culture that we  currently live in now i don't think that this   form of purpose is necessarily bad because you do  need to accumulate a certain amount of wealth if   you ever want to be truly free many people spend  more than 50 percent of their waking hours working   for someone else helping them accumulate so i  don't think there's anything wrong with focusing   on accumulation for yourself until you reach a  point where you don't need to work that much right   because once you're free you'll have the time to  focus on more fulfilling forms of purpose like   raising your kids or exploring the world if you  want to cultivate a strong desire to accumulate   all you need to do is spend time on social media  looking at people who have more than you which   most of us already do which is why this formal  purpose is so common however it's much healthier   to look at those with more free time as compared  to those with more stuff because more stuff will   almost never bring fulfillment in life whereas  more free time definitely can but even then make   sure not to overdo this because spending hours  every day on social media simply isn't healthy   taking a look just once or twice a week is more  than enough to spark the fire within most of you   the next formal purpose is to create which comes  from a desire to make things and share your work   with the world this is the driving force  behind every great artist and inventor now   this is an extremely fulfilling form of purpose  because the act of creating tends to bring us   into the flow state where we are laser focused  on what's in front of us which tends to remove   suffering and at the same time creating allows us  to share our work with the world so that others   can benefit we can create art and make others  feel certain positive emotions we can write   to spark fires within others we can invent new  gadgets and help make the world a better place   creating allows us to give back to the world  instead of just take in order to cultivate   this form of purpose you simply need to spend less  time consuming and more time creating you can take   baby steps instead of spending all day surfing  the web take 10 minutes and work on something   doodle dance right build some crazy contraption  get used to the idea of creating and you should   start to enjoy it more and more and finally  the last form of purpose on our list is to help   to remove the suffering of others to help them  overcome whatever obstacle that they're currently   facing the desire to help is built into most of  us and it is one of the most fulfilling forms   of purpose out there in order to cultivate this  form of purpose you need to do two things first   you need to love other people you have to have a  deep understanding that all humans are the same   that we have many of the same fears and desires  that we all feel pain once you realize this you'll   have a strong desire to help those that are in  need because preventing suffering in another   becomes just as important as preventing suffering  in your own life the second thing you have to do   is get a taste of what it's like to help others  try and do a small favor for your neighbor go   out of your way to give food to the homeless  or help an elderly person move their stuff   once you do make sure to look them in the face and  see how much of a difference your actions can make   you'll start to realize how much happiness you can  bring into the life of another by simply lending a   hand the more you do this the stronger this form  of purpose will be within you now it's important   to note that i did not cover all forms of purpose  in this video simply nine of the most common ones   that i've observed in life i'm curious which of  these appeal to you the most which ones do you   feel like i forgot to mention let me know in the  comments down below if you'd like to learn more   about cultivating purpose and life you can sign up  for my email list where i'll occasionally update   you on my personal experience and discoveries  on the subject besides that guys stay tuned
Channel: Improvement Pill
Views: 79,178
Rating: 4.9490948 out of 5
Keywords: how to find your purpose in life, how to find purpose in life, how to find your purpose, find your purpose, life purpose, finding your purpose, how to find purpose, purpose of life, what is my purpose, finding your passion, finding purpose, finding purpose in life, find your life purpose, how to find purpose in your life, how to find your passion, how to find your life purpose, purpose motivational video, true purpose, how to find life purpose, improvement pill
Id: z7uWYh_kmLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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