How To Find Your Main in Brawlhalla | Tips / Guide

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but I'm just going to get into it like how to main how to main a character or how to find a main for your character and not only that but how to innovate your character and like get better out of your character the first thing that you would normally look for in a character is like one like someone that you have a lot of fun with and that that main thing is like you have to figure out like why certain things are fun for you so like maybe it's like you love playing teros and it's like why because he kills super early so it's like okay you want like hard-hitting characters that can kill early so you would like to play like teros you like to play a lot of Axe probably Hammer Lance Cannon maybe some old maybe some Z for sure but then you also have like the the fast like string characters that have like low defense but like a lot of speed like you got Thea nine speeed Thea you have characters like Lucien um there's plenty of different characters you have Artemis characters with just like a lot of speed low defense they're not that strong that much but like they have like a lot of like string potential like so maybe you would look at characters like that the main thing is like looking for what you want in a weapon so me personally I like to have a lot of coverage so I like to play spear because I like to do like I like Dodge punishes a lot like being able to catch someone's Dodge and like punish them for like a lot of damage and while also having big hit boxes I love to have big hit boxes like to me spear is like a combination of Axe and Scythe how would you go about innovating a character that's considered to be balanced or basic would you just try to take advantage of their strengths alone or would you have to find and lab some crazy [ __ ] and go in from there you don't have to lab crazy Tech but there's plenty of optimizations that people just don't know about so I I talk about like I talked about this in one of my shorts but like most characters do the same thing like how I was saying like spe enlight it's like axe andlight it's like sword enlight a lot of things do the same thing so the the first step to picking your character and once you figure it out it's like okay what do I do as my stacked option or like what do I do when someone's in front of me so like let's say we're neutral here what's my grounded like attack Axe and light okay good what if someone's in the air luckily axxe has an anti or you have axe Delight so you're like okay that's cool check so you have to figure out like do I have a sack option do I have an anti-air do I have like um things like that do I have like a combo starter a setup attack do have a true kill confirm things like that so first you have to figure out like the the really really fundamental things cuz you need that Baseline because if you don't have the Baseline you can't figure out anything Advanced so it's like do I have a grounded attack that hits in front of me does it hit stacked and if it doesn't hit stacked then you're going to need to do something else when they go stack with you axe hit stacked like basically so we can have ax as like and like as hitting stack so you won't have to worry about someone like getting in your dead zone because they're like not really there's not really a dead zone on act so it's like do I have an antier yes check so we have an antier here do I have a a combo starter with a true combo yes and it's a s side light but it makes you walk forward so it's like okay I can use this to overshoot so you can use ax to like overshoot and re people that are like backing up away from you cuz you're dashing towards them with it and then it's like does it true combo yes okay true combos so like now that you know like you're fun mental options of what you can just do with neutral you'll be able to look at certain things and um have them as like your Baseline so so for spear just like this is example of a different weapon what would you do if someone's in front of you on the ground you unlight them right um spe Del light so we do have an anti-air but the thing is our ight does not hit stacked so we do have a dead zone right here if our opponent is pressuring us and they are over here and they get like right here in front of us what can we do can we site this no we can't because site is also like act where it makes you uh go forward so we can't sight this and we can't unlight it either so what do you do this is where you have to start like looking at certain things so what can you do jump down a you could do jump fast fall in there or if you're playing a character with a Sig you could do a desig um you could do ground pound obviously but that's not going to be too optimal unless like you're trying to kill them so you have to find out these um certain things that are your options on your character so that's like the the first First Step once you like find the character that you want to play and you want to get better at it you have to figure out like what are all the fundamental options that I can do on this character but the main things that you want to look for in a character that makes them like really good or really optimal are things like an anti-air um and a end light that hits stacked not necessarily like an endite but a attack that will hit in front of you that can also hit stacked and if you don't have that you need an aerial that can quickly hit stack like a jump down air like you'll see how people that play guns will do a jump down air to cover themselves so that's the first step to um trying to like figure out like the fundamentals of your character so I guess now we can get into like further lag like labbing and like trying to figure out like the strong Su character like optimizations the first thing that you would normally look for are Dodge punishes with your character maybe Bren isn't a good example for this but like the first thing is like off of those confirmed attacks um do I have like some kind of Sig punish combo that I can do like for example on spear can I do a a Delight in the IG on bin no that you can't because it's jumpable so like the first thing is to see do I have any unj jumpable like guaranteed Sig combo um and I think for like almost half the cast like you can um even on curs like we've never seen before like there's plenty of combos you can do on most characters that are like very Niche it depends how Niche you really want to get with it like I'm pretty sure on SEO you could do sword um sword n into GC enig when they don't have a Dodge like they things like that um depending on like how optimal or how like Niche you want to get but for the most part it's like off of your combo um tools like things like orb dlight or orb sigh or spear sidelight spear Delight the first thing you would look at is that like do I have any Sig punish Combos and if the answer is no um it's fine like it's fine that doesn't mean that your character is not going to have any sauce or anything like that um that just means that there's like you have to like look at what your sigs do so like the same way you looked at what your um attacks do on your weapon what did the sigs do what is [ __ ] used for it's basically a replacement for ax Delight so any any position where you would do a axe Delight you could just do [ __ ] and kill them so what's good about [ __ ] to and Brin is that you can reverse it so like if you want to slide behind them and cross up while having an active hit box in front of you you could do a reverse [ __ ] and it actually hits like way more grounded than um a ax like wood and it hits behind you gets like barely behind you it's kind of crazy you would look for like what is the purpose of this thing so it's anti-air so if my opponent's in the air or if they're on the ground like if they're just kind of in this like empty hop Zone I could cover with the [ __ ] here cuz it hits above me too like straight above so that's good that's what that Sig is for side Sig this is basically the same thing as like axe andl or sidelight if they're just in front of me and I want to just cover the ground so this is like for a hard read so like let's say your opponent here is at like red and oh yeah I have the position thing over here let's say your opponent's at red and they're over here right and you're you have the St control so like you're approaching them like this and you know that they're not going to go for a panic jump like this because you know that they don't want to be scared of you cuz if you're fighting someone who's like a pro or really good at the game Pros Don't Panic jump so if you're in this position where like your opponent is in the corner and you know they're not going to jump you can just walk up inside to them and the bigger the side stick and the more active frames the better and you can do this on literally any character that has like a forward hitting Sig rolling Lance D Sig Ember bow side Sig anything like that ember guitar Sid stick Lord RX Lance side stick any side stick that just like huge and covers the ground you can use the hard people who aren't Panic jumping and then for our worth a perfect Dodge until your side stick and to sort do that recovery am I just cooked I mean you might like maybe you're fighting Jesus Christ then maybe you can bait out the Dodge maybe that just means they Dodge when they're pressured and you can bait out the Dodge you know no one's perfect so all right so that brings us to our next Sig our axe desig now this sig is like kind of questionable but it's it's still not bad there's some uses for this sig because it sweeps backwards so if you happen to be in like a position where your opponent is crossing you up or maybe like you're going to cross up your opponent so you're doing the crossing up a sweep like this could be extremely good it has a lot of active frames and kill super early so if you if you find your opponent like dodging on the ground like when you approach them so let's say you approach the right and they do is panic spot Dodge and then you could just reverse desig to cover a cross up at the same time so like they spot Dodge and not only are you catching the spot Dodge but if they spot Dodge and then also go behind you so like if they spot Dodge here and then like Dash in front of you the D6 will still hit and it's also very good for EDG guarding you can do things like this and kill them to read cross-ups on the stage like let's say you're EDG guarding the Ator right here um you can just read the cross up like that cuz it catches like this so just finding what like what is the use for the Sig same for spear we can look at spear too so same thing for side Sig if you're trying if you're trying to hardcore read your opponent going grounded perfect Sig like your Panic like if you know your opponent is not going to panic jump or if you know that your opponent's going to do a whiff and spot Dodge so let's say your opponent does a spear enlight and they Panic spot Dodge like this you could just hardcore read that with the side stick and kill them so that's what that would be used for it's a punish tool it's a grounded read it's a spot Dodge punish tool what about um or you can even read a um a Dodge down with this so like let's say you do a uh you can do this into a reverse side Sig very good Dodge down read but then yeah we can look at the endig it's just the end tier it's the same thing you would do with spear Delight it's just that you're doing an [ __ ] instead pretty um slow explanatory you can be down here and do a DC [ __ ] makes sense now D um this is like a pretty common type of Sig where your D is like a a 360 kind of hit box like a stacked hit box most spear characters have this kind of Sig where like it hits um stacked with you so like like how I was saying spear enlight does not hit stacked you can D Sig in this situation that's like these are the uses for all the sigs so even though we don't have any guaranteed Sig confirms we still have like a lot of different things like in terms of like utility for our character but the thing is if you never looked at your character sigs and like figured out what does what and why you won't you'll you'll be like a lot you'll be like super confused when it comes to like labbing or innovating your character or like improving with it so with all that being said in terms of like what every Sig on Brin does cuz this is like kind of just became like a a Brin mini guide at this point you have all these things on Brin right and then when it comes to labbing it's mainly about looking at things like damage um recovery frames and like knockback and also hit boxes of course and also how they could affect your hurt box like just all Ty of like properties like that when it comes to like labbing your character Sig because most of your labbing is going to be either from having high decks and having like unique combos if you're playing a character with like the max amount of decks on that weapon or if you have like very unique sigs the main thing is to look at things like hit Boxing so this thing is obviously huge so we can like look at like where where can this hit like where can we use this like for example if I'm doing an endl on Spear and my opponent is like kind of staying on the ground and they're kind of just like moving around the ground I can just Enlighten the D it covers literally everything and kills early and does insane damage and because it does so much damage it's optimal because it's better to do a nlight into the diig instead of an ight in the sidelight and like try to sof with like a air because the DC will just do more damage and it can kill looking at um damage is very important when it comes to optimizing your character like for example when I play Ryan there's sometimes where I don't do an endl on spear there's sometimes where like my opponent will miss and I'll punish it with a dck on on spear because it just does more damage in endl like if I know um I'm not going to do as much damage um as I could I'm just going to do a Sig if I can do a Sig like let's say the uh emis uh whiffs right let me put them at a very low damage just to show you guys let's say the Artemis um whiffs like a lance Delight right I'll go instead of like trying to punch with the end light like this what I'll do is I'll do a d into a diig so I'll do a desig to get more damage than endl but then off of that D they're still like really close to me and I can Dash D again because if they cross up they get hit by it and if they don't cross up they still get hit by it because Ayan D is like end light if it hit behind you and in front of you so and also stacked so it's like you get the whip punch with the D and then do it again and it happens extremely fast like it's a very fast call out the only way to get out of it is to like jump really fast out of it if they even hesitate for a second they'll get hit by it even and light um or I I'll do something where I do like a D6 into an endl because these endl is a really fast combo like that three piece right there extremely good like cuz it covers if they cross up and if they don't cross up at the same time same thing you can do this on a Brin seven any character with like a 360 hit box you can if it's fast you can just opt to do it instead of endl so replacing light attacks with sigs to prioritize damage and also coverage is very important because let's say I want to do an end light into an endl there's so many things that you can do to get out of that combo you could just back up or like you could even like um jump Dash jump in front of me there's like a lot of things you can do in terms of like um like hard reading with the end light but if you replace it with a 360 Sig like you're able to cover a lot more options while also doing more damage I imagine if you didn't know that Bren downtick on spear did about like 29 damage 30 damage basically 30 damage how much does nlite do 15 so this D is worth two end lights so when you like look at the damage you think of things like that in your head so like when you do an ight into D you're basically doing endl into endl to endl you're hitting two end lights worth of attacks and one attack so it's like looking at things like that how much is s to do 27 damage so it's like when you look at damage numbers it puts like a different perspective on it because you start to realize like you can really start taking stocks in like seven hits or it's like you can take a stock if you just hit like three sigs but the main thing is just like understanding what things you need in a character anti-air um cross up read sacked option read things like that like Replacements with light attacks like most characters will have some kind of crossup read or some kind of off staging that they can do so like for example not only does Wong spear enig barely hit above the ground and can catch like any jump and also is get off a sidelight it's a extremely strong crossup read because the same way you can Edge guard someone like this and endake them when they get up you can reverse it or just do this so like you can approach someone that's on the corner of the map and they might like when you approach them they might jump into the stage like this and you could walk up to them and you could do like a reverse end Sig to cover them you look at okay what's my attack that what's my Sig that hits like right in front of me side Sig okay good what's my antiair anig do I have anything that can cover my sacked option not really but you have desig and D does do 31 damage by the Way Insane crossup breed like okay I don't play like Wong that much anymore and I have not really innovated spear D but I'm sure that someone can do it I would not be surprised if someone started playing Wang and would approach into a crossup bre because look it hits almost behind you like you really could approach someone with a huge wall like this and read to cross up jump so like even then like just now I just figured out like some new things that you can do we strong you can cross up bre with a d like this and you might be able to even combo off that so like maybe in like maybe in some case if my opponent spot Dodges and I catch them with this I can do a a delight off of that maybe it's un jumpable who knows I don't know but like just things like that where you look at Cross a breeds Dodge punishes and see you can combo off of it too another thing that I was talking about was H box shifting this is real this is real real real sauce that I was talking about um that someone who was it Canan gaming told me about and I I've I've had like a theory on this for a while but certain characters sigs can sh shift your H box I think the best example of this is on make I guess so because it's putting me like up in the air I'm not I'm like basically invulnerable to any grounded attack so if I approach with the Wang DC and my opponent's on the ground trying to hit me like I'll avoid it and hit them but example of hert box shifting is like Qatar side stick your HT box goes under the ground so like let's turn on uh H boxes and hit boxes you see how my HT box gets very small and I come back up with a slash that almost like it's like an anti-air makeo s can like you can shift your herbox and make it smaller then come back up with a swipe oh another thing on moo too moo also has a very strong like um recovery game on moo your side Sig hits like that so the same thing I was saying with Brin how you can read cross-ups with like reverse side you can play moo and literally make your your her box small as [ __ ] so you won't even get enlighted here because you see how my her box is shrinking like I can't get enlighted here so they can't even do like a sword enlight or a spear enlight because I'll be under the stage with a with a a ducking hitbox like my my hitbox is like shrinking it's like ducking under the corner of the um of the map let's say I'm Edge guarding them and the to like right here right trying to get back on the stage right I could just reverse side take go off the stage and hit them from there while not being able to get hit because my H box is shifting on top of that like you have um certain true combos so for example you also want to see if your character has any Sig true combos like that's how seven got labed so you can do [ __ ] and the GC sight true unless they nerfed it I'm not sure they took it away I'm pretty sure you're able to do it though oh maybe they took it away or maybe it's a different combo maybe it's and taking a delight also oh they nerfed it I remember when it was a true combo maybe they took it away it's one frame now though cuz I don't even reach the ground at time oh yeah GC there we go so [ __ ] and the g is a true combo so like if you happen to hit an [ __ ] on moo you can just gravity can like true true so that like that's one like the small optimizations I'm talking about when it comes to like learning your character yeah like teros says [ __ ] in the Sol a true ramond has dck on a side n or dck in the dlight also um seven has Sid sck in the nlight sidick in the dlight S side in the sidelight plenty of like small optimizations you can make on characters when it comes to Sig true combos like on gun characters a lot of gun characters have true combos after their Delight with sigs like VX and AA both have Delight in the side Sig true I think Isaiah has some kind of dlight combo true a lot of characters have dite combos at low percentages so let me show cuz it's just like another another small like micro adjustment that you can make so there we go true combo you like side Sig things like that just like knowing what your true Sig combos are figuring out like the purpose of all your attacks but there's like so much stuff you can lab when it comes to just like Dodge punishing and cross up breeding and anti-airs and air combos and edgeguarding sigs
Channel: STING RAY
Views: 18,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brawlhalla, brawlhalla main, brawlhalla legend, brawlhalla tips, brawlhalla guide, tips brawlhalla, guide brawlhalla, main brawlhalla, legend brawlhalla, stingray, stingraybh, pro brawlhalla, brawlhalla pro, brawlhalla tips and tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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