How To Find The Beat - Beginner Dance Tips

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hey everyone are you nervous about getting on the dance floor because you're worried about being off time well in this video we're going to go over three simple tips that you can do right here right now to improve your musicality when dancing with a partner and to any type of music yeah if after watching this video you're still struggling with how to dance together and you want to follow a proven system that has helped hundreds of couples learn how to dance in a short amount of time make sure you stay to the end of this video so that you learn how to apply to work directly with clara and joel in our program and if you enjoy this video please like subscribe and hit that notification bell to get notified when we post a new video now let's get ourselves started with our three tips tip number one is to identify the beat in the music that's right a lot of times people can enjoy listening to music but they don't know what they're listening for especially when they have to dance to it yeah it can get a little confusing because there are so many different instruments as well as the lyrics the singer all these things going on but we really need to hone in to sort of the lower register where the percussion usually gives you a hint as to what the tempo of the song is exactly the tip is to make sure that you hear the boom chick let's see what that looks like with a bunch of different types of music so what is this boom chick that we're talking about exactly what the heck is that the boom chick is the sound that the drums make yeah so if you tune into the music you can often hear the lower register drums i'm going to show you with my trusty sticks from high school she was a drummer and a concert band believe it or not in the concert band though so you can imagine me behind the drum set there's a big bass drum at the bottom and that's big and round yeah and that's activated by the foot pedal yep you can see clara's foot kind of stamping our pretend pedal that's right and then there's a snare drum here that's kind of right at your waist level and that's the one that you're going to hit on the second beat so the bass drum is on the first beat the snare is on the second beat and that's what we're saying when we say boom chick yeah and those sounds can be quite obvious when you're listening to music for a lot of pieces of music yeah so if we listen to this music we hear some lyrics happening we hear a lot of other little sounds of instruments but we should also hear that there's this boom chain claire is going to pretend to be dan uh dancing pretend to be playing here the songs [Music] so you're starting to understand the idea of drums and giving the boom chick sound but not all music has a strong drum beat yeah some softer songs like this one has what we call our boom snap yeah so if you can kind of hear that they're doing a finger snap instead of hitting a snare drum and the boom isn't that strong with the music but you need to infer that there is going to be a boom baby like i said before on the bass [Music] so often with acoustic songs it's hard to hear any kind of beat because there's no percussion exactly so for instance in this song that we're playing for you it's basically just a singer and a guitar well here we've got a ukulele not quite a guitar but it's the only thing we've got at home exactly and so instead of a boom a boom snap or boom chicks like crazy [Music] of the guitar [Music] and often in acoustic songs like this so there's some music out there that starts out soft and you can't even hear the beat exactly like this one that we're playing right now for you guys hmm i don't hear any boom slaps no snaps no drums this is kind of challenging yeah [Music] ah so there it is yeah and so what we say is that beginning part was an introduction and during the introduction um if you can't hear the music don't force yourself to start dancing to the music if you can't quite hear it then chances are you will dance off time exactly so give it some time let the intro play and wait for the beat to come exactly and now it's very clear yeah it's got more of an electronic beat to it not really a true drum but it has that boom [Music] yeah exactly tip number two for you guys has to do with strict tempo that's right most of the songs that you're going to be dancing to out there are consistent the whole way through the speed or the tempo is going to stay the same from start to finish exactly and understanding that really makes it more easy for you to dance with a partner because if one person is thinking it goes faster and slower and faster and slower and the other person thinks it's the same speed or going in the opposite direction it becomes so much more difficult today a lot of problems exactly exactly so what we're going to do right now is we're going to do a little exercise for you guys and you guys can do this at home to help calibrate your own speed or your own tempo with your understanding of the music all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to clap four beats for clara and then what claire is going to do is try to match the tempo or the speed that i did so here we go oh she was really good wasn't she thank you she was a drummer if you remember i mean after all i better be good all right let's try this again but then clara is going to do the first clap and i'm going to do the echo all right [Music] a little slow there joel yeah yeah that was purposeful by the way sure [Laughter] second try let's try this again all right i'm gonna do a different tempo though okay just giving you a heads up okay thank you [Applause] yeah that time it was a little inconsistent so i think you sped up a little that's true yeah and that happens so much especially for us leads we start getting ourselves going in the groove and then we're thinking about either we're getting more confident we're like yeah i got this or we start leading our partner into different underarm turns or spins or dips and because of that excitement we speed up that's right but it's a much easier for us follows to follow or respond to what you're doing if you keep it at the same pace the whole time because then it's more predictable exactly let's try this one more time i think i got this all right [Applause] all right good job joel i get a high five as well yeah you can do this with a partner you can do this by yourself in a way but you kind of echo yourself either way we want to be really consistent yeah you can do this also tapping your partner or whatever it may be but we want to understand from the beginning to the middle to the end of the song it's the same speed yeah the great thing about clapping you can hear so you get that auditory feedback as well and if you're doing it on each other that you get that sort of touch feeling as well so that really helps to get it in there before we go into tip number three of this video we want to hear from you guys which music or pieces of music are you struggling with to find the beat write it in the comments below and we'll see if we can help you out tip number three is anticipate the beat exactly a lot of times people struggle staying with the music while the dancing because they react to the beat instead of anticipate the beat and so what we're going to do is a simple game that you can do again at home if you got a ball or something that you can drop and that's not going to break and be able to then hone your skills about anticipating the beat so that you are on time yeah that's right we've got this nice little uh red massage ball it's a little flat so hopefully it'll bounce back but anyways yep and what i'm going to do is i'm going to count four beats i'm gonna count one two three four and clara's job or her goal is to be able to get that ball to hit the ground on beat number one all right let's see how this is going to go one two three four one not bad good job so obviously professional here now claire is going to demonstrate what usually happens that people have when they struggle dancing to the music one two three four one oh yeah it was if you could see it was a little bit late hitting the ground and why was that because i was listening for the one and then dropping the ball exactly and i did indeed drop the ball in the comments bad joke so what we want you guys to do when you are now trying to be more musical is you need to find out of course where is the beat so that was tip number one what is the speed of the music tip number two and now we have to organize our bodies so that we land on the booms or the chicks or whatever we're doing with our rhythms yeah and so we're going to do this again and clara has to try to figure out again how long does it take for that ball to hit the ground yeah one two three four one yeah good job good job good job so basically i was thinking because of the pace of the music that after four i needed to release the ball in order for the ball to hit the floor exactly on one yeah and she did just that it was great if we now show how that translates to now movement or what we would do in dancing we're going to take a simple step where joel is going to be going forwards and claire is going to go backwards we're going to try to again count that same pace and see if we can get our first step to be on time so it's going to be one two three four one yeah good job again yeah yeah so of course here we're dancing on time for that first beat yeah but if we demonstrate what sometimes beginners do when they struggle with the music one two three four one oh and we're already late yeah we'll be basically stepping on maybe step two or beat two exactly so one of the things we want you guys to understand just like when you're dropping the ball at home is that you need to anticipate when that one beat happens by starting your body in motion slightly ahead yeah so one two three four one yeah and there hopefully if you go in a slow motion you can maybe see joel and clara's bodies moving yeah and then we hit that just like i was releasing a little after four he was initiating his body movement a little after four so that he would target the foot to land on the one exactly it's the same sort of analogy that we use a lot for people who do sports whether you're playing baseball you're playing tennis playing cricket badminton anything where you're hitting a ball or a shuttle or whatever it may be you have to time your swing before the ball actually gets to where you want to hit it yeah imagine if i'm now a baseball player and you pitch the ball to me and i wait for the ball to come through and then i start swinging of course i'm going to miss the ball yeah and then you're going to be off time exactly i need to see the speed of the ball i need to get myself ready start swinging at the appropriate time and then bam i can hit the ball with the bat and that's the same thing we're trying to do now not with a ball but with the music and the beats that you're becoming a lot more confident that's right get your body moving before you need to land with the foot on the right beat do you struggle with dancing with a partner and are stressed out at the thought of dancing in front of other people and you want to build lifelong dance skills that boosts your confidence whether you're dancing at your wedding or any other social setting in the future well we can help you we've helped hundreds of couples go from nervous and scared to feeling confident and natural on the dance floor there is a link in the description below where you can book a free consultation call with clara and joel we can find out if we're a good match for you guys also in the description below we've opened up a free master class and we invite all of you to join in exactly you're going to learn our three-step system that's proven to help hundreds of new couples get more confident on advance the link is down below as well and if you like this video please like subscribe and hit that notification bell thanks again very much for watching this video we'll see you in the next one bye for now [Music]
Channel: JC Dance Co Inc.
Views: 18,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beginnerdancetips, #danceontime, #dancetips, #weddingdancetips, howtodanceontime, howtodancetomusic, howtodancewithmusic, beginner dance tips, how to dance on time, how to dance with music, how to dance to music, wedding dance tips, couple dance tips, dance basics, first dance tips, how to wedding dance, how to wedding first dance, how to wedding dance tips, wedding dance inspiration, simple dance moves, beginner wedding dance tips, easy dance moves, how to find the beat
Id: 4WfjDERgCi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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