How To Find and Use Custom Folder Icons Online

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hi this is gary with in this video let me show you how you can create custom folder icons for your Mac by downloading graphics online macmost is brought to you thanks to a great group of more than 500 supporters go to / patreon there you could read more about it join us and get exclusive content so in previous videos I showed you how to create custom folder icons using only the software on your Mac and also how to do it using third-party apps like acorn in Pixelmator now one of the things you may want to do is just to get a folder icon online or perhaps get part of an icon online and then edit that to create a folder icon using either preview a cork or Pixelmator so let's take a look at some sites that have some things you can download and how you can use them for folder icons so here's the first I'm going to look at skull to find icons calm and you would simply just search here so let's say we want travel icons we'll do a travel folder and we'll look here and one of the cool things we'll find right away is that a cool looking travel folder icon I'll click on that and this looks like it's exactly what we want and the great thing is this is available as an icns file which means it's a native Mac icons file so I can go and click download and now I've got this icns folder icon here it's a file and I can apply this directly to a folder so let me select this first travel folder I'll do command I to get info and there's the icon there at the top left if I were to drag an icns file to it I can drop it right on it and it instantly applies it and you can see now that this folder now uses that icon so that's really great when you've got a site that has those kinds of files on it but it can be a bit of a pain if you wanted to customize it so you can see here I could have downloaded that as a PNG file a lot of other sites just have PNG files so for instance here's one called soft icons calm so this one doesn't have a very good search feature if I search for a folder travel I'm not going to come up with travel folders I'm just going to come up with lots of different folder here and there's a variety of different things that you could use so you could look through these here's an interesting icon we can just play around with go into this one and we can see they're PNG files graphics files at a variety of different sizes let me grab the biggest one here I'll click on the size to download it and in order to apply this to a folder what we can do is I can take it let me drag it out here to the desktop and I can go and get info on this and I can drag it to here but depending upon which version of Mac OS you've got that may be problematic because dragging a graphics file to an icon slot here doesn't always get you what you want a better way to do it is double click it open it up here in preview do command a command C to select all and copy and then I could quit out a preview then go to the icon here select it and do command V to paste and then that will paste the image not the file but the image inside the file into the icon and it works really well now in other site you can go to find graphics for icons is icon archive com you can also just go to Google do an image search on Google for something so like folder icons or whatever and it will come up with a whole bunch of different sites sometimes the images may be copyrighted sometimes they may be it's like you have to pay for but you might find something you like there another site I'd like to go to is flat icon com I have a membership here for a few bucks a year and I could download all the icons I want so you could search here for something so let's search for travel for instance and I could find like a cool icon to use here here's like a plane going around the earth I can click on that and then I could download here has a PNG and now let's say I want to apply that on top of a folder I can do the same thing I did the original video which is to select the folder here do command I select the icon do command C to copy then go to preview and then I'm going to go new from clipboard and now I've got my folder there I'm going to copy again with the first part of this icon selected so I don't want to have an icon file I want to have just a graphics file so I'm copying the first graphic here and then doing again new from clipboard now I have just a graphics file and I can close this one here and then for this one I can now go to my downloads there's that graphic that I had before I can double click to open that one in preview command a command C to copy all then command V to paste it in and here I've got this cool graphic in here I can resize a little bit make it a little bit smaller now I can do command a and command C to copy also the icon there and the folder go back here select the icon and do command V to paste and it will paste the new icon here has the folder icon for this travel folder so that's one way to do it and you could buy that with the technique I show of changing the color of the folder I show you how you can alter the color slightly in preview and I've got two other videos one shows you how to alter the color of the folder in acorn and other shows had alter the color in Pixelmator pros so you can use either one of those apps to further customize the folder icon [Music] I published new tutorials every weekday hit the subscribe button so you don't miss out then hit the little bell icon to get notifications for each new tutorial
Channel: macmostvideo
Views: 5,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: custom folder icons, custom folder icons mac, mac custom icons, mac custom desktop icons, download icons, icon websites, where to get folder icons, where to download icons, icons, folder, custom, drive, desktop, graphics, Preview, Mac, MacMost
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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