How To Find A Hidden AirTag Or GPS Tracker Using The Knight KT9000 Or KT8000 Anti Spy Detector

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foreign [Music] ago I made a video explaining how Apple Air tags and GPS trackers work and how great they are for tracking the location of things like a stolen car a lost backpack or an ex-girlfriend so due to popular demand because if you watch my videos you know that I always do everything that random people leaving comments tell me to do in this video I will quickly review the easiest ways to find a hidden air tag or other tracking device that a mentally or emotionally unstable person may have secretly planted in your car or purse using these simple tools [Music] thusly foiling their stocking Shenanigans and as I just mentioned I will do all of this very quickly I will not go down a technical Rabbit Hole explaining the theory behind how these things work and I will not get into the psychological reasons why stalkers do these stupid and annoying things that they do I will just very simply explain the basics of how to find a hidden tracking device using tools such as these nothing more nothing less and that is why you do not see my face in this video because I do not want to waste any of your very valuable time [Music] thank you [Music] but first allow me to take a moment to clarify something that a lot of people do not seem to understand about Apple Air tags and that something is the Apple Air tag is not the only nor was it the first small low-cost tracking device that you're emotionally unbalanced stalker could purchase to track where you are indeed there are several other companies that make very similar tracking devices and they were all selling them long before Steve Jobs invented the air tag this kind of device is more widely referred to as a Bluetooth tracker and now on with the show as I alluded to earlier there are two general types of tracking devices that are very popular in the stocking Community small Bluetooth type trackers such as the air tag or the tile tracker and the larger GPS type trackers [Music] such as these these work very differently than these but both types can very easily track the location of whatever they are affixed too so do not fool yourself into a false sense of security by believing that just because there are no air tags in your car that you are safe from being trekked stalked or hunted down now the problem with finding a hidden tracking device is that you do not know what kind of device your stalker may be using if you suspect that your stalker is using an air tag and you have an Android phone you can just install the Apple tracker detect app and it will let you know if there are any air tags nearby foreign and it will eventually allow you to play a sound through the air tag so that you can find it more easily however this app is specifically for Apple Air tags it will not find tile trackers or other Bluetooth trackers or GPS type trackers if you have an iPhone and your stalker is using an air tag all you have to do is keep your iPhone with you and it will automatically detect any unknown air tags near you and it will let you know about it you do not have to do anything your iPhone will let you know that a suspicious air tag is nearby and it will present you with instructions on how to locate the air tag by playing a sound through it but what if your stalker disabled the speaker on the air tags so that it cannot play any sounds something that is very easy to do or what if your stalker isn't using an air tag and is instead using some other no-name Bluetooth tracker or a more sophisticated GPS tracker which cannot be located with your phone in such an eventuality you need a more sophisticated tool what you need is an RF based spy device detector such as this Knight kt9000 or this Knight KT 8000 these devices allow you to locate anything that emits radio frequency electricities so one of these can help you find any type of tracker regardless of what brand or type of tracker it is this is the KT 9000 which I paid for myself with monies from my supporting YouTube channel members when I made a video about it a few months ago it is made of metal it has a very wide range of frequencies that it can detect and it costs about one hundred and thirty dollars this is the KT 8000 as you can see it has a fancier display however it is made of plastic it cannot detect as wide of a range of frequencies as the KT 9000 meaning that it cannot meaning that it cannot detect as many things as its big brother but it only costs about seventy dollars the manufacturer sent me this one at no charge a while back after watching the video that I made about the KT 9000 which as I just mentioned I paid full price for and you will find an affiliate link to both of these devices in the more info section of the video below or to the right side of the video depending on how you are watching this video at this very moment you can use either of these devices to find hidden cameras in your hotel room hidden microphones in your office or as I am about to demonstrate you can use them to locate hidden tracking devices either of the Bluetooth variety or of the GPS type the way these work is basically if they get near anything that is transmitting or emitting any RF electricities also known as radio waves such as cell phone radio waves Bluetooth radio waves Wi-Fi radio waves even FM music radio waves it will be as you no doubt already heard foreign [Music] any closer you get to the source of the RF electricities the louder and more obnoxious the beeping will become so all you need to do is get your spy detector near the hidden tracking device and it will begin to beep very obnoxiously now that sounds like a very easy task but as anyone that actually understands how 5G radio waves can make you sick can tell you there are radio waves and RF electricities everywhere all the time and because the radio waves that come off of these devices are very weak they can be overpowered by things like the Wi-Fi in your house your phone or the cancer emitting 5G towers near your house so to use this type of device you will want to eliminate as much radio RF electricities as you can by turning off your phone turning off the Wi-Fi in your house or getting as far away as you can from anything that you know is going to be spewing RF electricities so so if for example you suspect a tracking device is in your car driving that car to an open field before searching for the device would be much helpful and just as a side note while recording this video I did not get as far away from any RF electricities as I could because I am lazy it was a Wi-Fi router multiple wireless security cameras and a computer with Wi-Fi all within about 15 feet of where I was filming this and the iPhone that I used to record it was also not helping so I was encountering a lot of RF electricities which made finding the hidden trackers in my Jeep very challenging you can reduce a lot of that background radio Noise by turning down the sensitivity of the device to prevent it from beeping all the time and then you just very slowly move the detector throughout the area you suspect there may be a tracking device until it starts to pick something up you then turn down the sensitivity knob a bit more and you keep moving around to narrow down where the device is hidden as you can see it is not complicated however the key to success in finding a hidden trekking device is to get as far away from as much other radio noise as possible and to be patient and to go very slowly and methodically and if you do everything right eventually you should be able to narrow down the search area and eventually find the offending tracking device however it is much important to remember that just finding a hidden stalking device does not fix your stalker problem
Channel: NotaRubicon Productions
Views: 30,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spy detector, how to find air tags, find airtags, hidden airtags, air tag spyware, GPS trackers, how to find a GPS tracker, am I being stalked, how do stalkers find someone, find airtags hidden near me, find airtag near me
Id: p-j8hRPnv7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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