How to Filling Missing Values of Hydro Climatic Data Using Different Methods in XLSTAT

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Chain Monte Carlo multiple imputation  methods and nearest neighbor To fill missing data you have to arrange your  data like this like let me I show you mean the method now i have to come to Row data  this is Row data for this station so now I   want to take January month data that to use  mean Method first you have to insert select   all data in the insert in table insert in table  to use simply if you click on month you have to   get 12 months data the first month is January  month second one is February March May now I   want to take this month or first month to  show you the method to use the mean method then I have to paste here this is where I have to  select this one and drag to right then simply we can Fill this missed value 1987 then you can click on it this  data is data starting from 1986 to   2019 now you can click on Excel stat  before if Excel stat is not displayed   on the top of Excel you have to activate  your Excel stat by clicking on file then option add-ins in front add-ins you can get  Excel stat starter then after selecting Excel   stat starter you can click on okay after that you  can get Excel stat at the top of your Excel to   specify this na or to fill missing data you have to type na in place of Blank Space to  know this one or to specify these values   you have to activate for missing  values by clicking on this then uh option then you can get missed data under  missed data there is the different option   you can if you want you can select null if  you want you can select this same in my case   I selected this na for missed values then it save  and close now to start you have to click on excel   stat then preparing data under preparing  data there is missing data option click on it then you can get this option then under  data you have to select that your data like   this then the next step is you have to  specify or select data type under data   type there are quantitative data and  qualitative data option in my case I   want to select quantitative data then uh you  have to select estimation method there are   different types of estimation method first I  want to show you how to fill missing data by   using mean method and as you see you can  use all these methods depend on your your   data then replace by mean then after select  this one you can click on okay then continue simply you can fill your Missed  value like this for climatic data   this method is based for client  to fill missed values of climatic data you can fill your data like  this as you see you can get many   summaries of Statistics from here okay this is a  mean method the second one is I am going to show   you how to use Markov chain Monte Carlo multiple  imputation methods as I told you it is very   important to fill missing data for stream flow you  have to take this month or January month data to use you have to arrange your data for  each data January month data February   March and each year of May June July data  okay so you have to select this month's data and you have to change the format  of this method or Markov chain Monte   Carlo multiple imputation methods  you have to transpose this data to   post on this new Excel sheet you  have to select paste special then values and transpose you have  to take on transpose then okay   you have to arrange your data like  this okay to use Markov chain Monte   Carlo imputation method okay you have to  arrange your data like this then you can select your data here in Excel   stat then you have to select the data type and you  have to change your method the method you want to use to Fill missing values with climate  data or stream flow data then you have   to specify the number of imputations let me type 300 then you can find missing values like this  okay by using this method the third one is you   can use the nearest neighbor method if you  have different gauging stations data you   can use nearest neighbor Methods depending  on this to this station data you can fill   for this data okay Missed value of this station  this you can consider this one as the dependent   variable and as the second one as independent  variable okay to use nearest methods okay this   simple the procedure is the same so you can fill  simply Missed Value if you have any question you   can write under a comment don't forget to  like and subscribe to my YouTube channel
Channel: Furtuu Tech
Views: 259
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Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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