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25th of march 2021 just got this in the mail whoa look at that right there that is uh that's sunk quite a bit right there i'm gonna have to do some work to clean that up get this all prepared and ready for seating i got this thing right here this is a little propane thing got this on the ebay and i'm gonna fill up a propane tank and see if this thing works it's got a little bit in there pretty much empty though okay like i said i don't know if this thing's gonna work or what but we're gonna about to find out all right so i got the tank here i got this little setup here this is the valve right here that screws on somewhere to this system and then this is what you hook up to the tank this is a pressure relief valve right here it says pressure relief do not remove and i need a wrench to open up this one to put put this right here so i'm looking at the lawn it just doesn't look great it's quite um sad looking i need to put some fertilizer down and do some work on it but it's still really dormant the lawn's super dormant so this should be ranch right here monkey ranch so the mud's finally starting to disappear not more right there i haven't decided what i'm gonna do with it it needs new the was wheels that's weird okay so get the monkey wrench here the wheels are bad on that sucker so i just it needs work i haven't decided what i'm gonna do with it all right so i'm pretty sure this goes on here like this this says follow directions carefully so this take off here like that pretty sure there we go so i got the lid off there or the cap you can see this right here and this is gonna thread onto there right there okay so there that's threading on there quite nicely i'm gonna make sure that the valve is closed right there make sure this valve is closed like that tighten up this so underneath this little spout right here this spigot there's a stem that goes all the way down to the bottom of the tank so yeah so i can get the liquid propane because on the top of the tank it's gas okay so that is tight there let's see how much propane i've got in here it's to 35 this is reverse threaded folks so you put that on there like that reverse thread and then there's this thing right here so i don't know if you can see that but there's a little thing right here that you've got to open i've seen him do it a hundred times and i think that's just to let the air out of the tank once it fills up with uh liquid so that's that i'm gonna open up the valve right here okay so the valve is open i'm gonna open up this valve to let the to fill up the hose with liquid oh that's that's stinky and cold should probably put some gloves on so i should just be able to open up this like that that should let gas in there actually i'm going to close it open up the valve let that fill up like that okay so that should fill up with propane and then it doesn't feel like it's it's not heavy so i don't know maybe i have to put this in here like that let some of the air out of there so it should be filling there's nothing in there there's no um pump like when you get this filled up at the station it pumps it in there it's like an electric pump but this yeah it's definitely filling it and i don't i don't smell gas there so i don't think it's [Music] so opening up that should release the air that's in the tank and then drop the liquid in there and it should just fill up and then you just i should just be able to once i start to see gas coming out there and put this in there and tighten it up like like that and that means it's full maybe it's just slow maybe it just has to come in through the hose really slow i don't know and here liquid inside there let's open this up and try that again it's definitely filling it's definitely working one thing you just don't want to do is you just don't want to have any kind of flame or anything going on around here that's a dangerous item there i mean you know it's you know that it's flowing there's gas in the line because if you um open up this valve right here you can see the liquid coming out of there see that right there so i do know for sure that liquid is flowing in there and then also you can feel it i mean you can feel it coming you can feel the liquid in the tank it definitely is working so it's pretty well full see that coming out of there the liquid gas coming right out of that valve means it's full see that see it's cold right there see that she's full so you close that valve close that close this guy here all right so now i can let off the liquid in the so that's just the liquid in the hose up to the tank because this is off so that's just letting off the pressure this can come loose like that like that so there it is so i think what i'll do for the time being i'm gonna put this under here like this just wrap this up right here like this put that under there like that there we go i need to make sure that this valve is off in case some kids come and open that up i already know what's going to happen kids are going to open up that valve right there and then i'm going to come out here and all my propane will be gone and that is 100 absolutely full it's heavy so that's pretty freaking sweet let's take it back into the shed fire up the heater and then i can just buy propane from the propane supplier for much cheaper like half the cost man that is awesome turn that on oh man that is so freaking awesome there she is hi just like that i've got heat in there so it worked it worked fantastic got that on ebay i'll leave a link down below if you want to buy that or whatever and then that's not going to fit every single tank but the guy's got his phone number on there and you can text him and then he'll tell you if it's going to work or not he says oh yeah text me a picture of your tank and so i did he's like oh yeah that's the one you need so that's pretty freaking sweet and i can use that to fill up my barbecue tanks or whatever so if you're off grid or you've got you live in an area that has a propane tank you should buy that it's pretty dang awesome that's it for this video thanks for watching and i will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Connor Ward
Views: 201,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fill your own propane tank, refill propane tank, propane refill, propane tank refill, refill propane bottle, off grid, how to, living off grid, filling a propane tank, off grid living, off grid cabin, connor ward, lawn care, lawn rebel, propane, bbq tank, refill tank, filling a propane tank for the first time, connor ward leveling, lawn rebel youtube
Id: Cew_jQw7WyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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